Rise From the Humble

Chapter 913 Divine Turn (6)

"Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jades side by side, the two concubines are stained with tears."

The first half of Zhu Ping'an's poem was unanimously considered by everyone to be full of talent, mediocre and without any highlights. It was the most disappointing work of this poetry conference, bar none.

Wang Yaozu and other people who criticized Zhu Pingan burst into laughter without concealment, and their laughter almost knocked over the roof of the pergola.

Amid the roars of laughter and meaningful glances from the crowd, Zhu Pingan remained as calm as ever. He calmly dipped in ink, turned around calmly, and calmly placed the pen tip on the rice paper on the screen. He moved the pen calmly like a dragon.

In an instant, a line of poetry jumped out of the paper like a dragon emerging from the sea:

Four hundred years of Han Dynasty

After finishing writing, before everyone could read it, Zhu Pingan turned around again and dipped his ink in his hand. His pen moved like flying. In an instant, the last line of the poem jumped across the paper: "It's all in Liuhou's chopsticks."

At this point, a complete poem is available to everyone:

"Ode to Chopsticks" A pair of Xiangjiang jades are looked at side by side, and the two concubines are stained with tears. The Han family has been in the world for four hundred years, and it is all in the same chopsticks as Liuhou.

After Zhu Pingan finished writing the last word, the laughter in the pergola stopped suddenly, as if someone had strangled the throat. Wang Yaozu and others who laughed the loudest choked and coughed due to the sudden interruption of laughter.

In an instant, the banquet went from roaring laughter to silence.

Wang Yaozu looked at Zhu Ping'an's poems and was dumbfounded.

"A piece of clumsy work that made you all laugh.

"The Han family has conquered the world for four hundred years, all in one chopstick of Liuhou! Good! The atmosphere is magnificent and the finishing touch. In silence, strategizing and settling the world, I am not the best." Yin Shidan, who was sitting opposite, was the first to give high-fives. He repeated the second half of Zhu Pingan's poem and was full of praise.

Gao Gong turned his gaze to Zhu Pingan again and nodded slightly.

"Master Zhu is a good poet." Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhu Pingan and praised, as if he was not surprised at all by the amazing turn of Zhu Pingan's poems.


King Yu, who was sitting high on the throne, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help shouting, "Hello, the Han family has conquered the world for four hundred years, all in one chopstick of Liu Hou. If you were Zhang Liang, wouldn't you be Liu Bang, Zhu Ping'an?" This poem simply wrote into King Yu's heart. If you were to say who wrote the best poems today, King Yu might hesitate for a moment, but if you were to say whose poems he liked the most, it would be Zhu Ping'an.

Chen Yiqin, who was standing next to Zhu Pingan, looked surprised and turned his attention to Zhu Pingan again. He looked directly at Zhu Pingan for the first time today.


After a long time, Chen Yiqin shouted "Hello" loudly, with an unexpected look on his face. He, Chen Yiqin, would naturally welcome Zhu Ping'an like this.

"A good poem. The four hundred years of the Han Dynasty are all contained in Liuhou's chopsticks. Master Zhu's sentence really turns decay into magic."

"Well, not bad, he deserves to be the number one scholar."

Several people at the banquet also praised Zhu Ping'an's "Ode to Chopsticks".

As for Wang Yaozu and others, their faces were ashen, and their enterprising hearts fell straight to the bottom of the abyss, as if they were tied to a stone.

how so? !

This turning point is too unexpected. Isn't it wrong to be as mediocre as the first two lines? Why do such breathtaking two lines of poetry suddenly appear?

The last two lines suddenly revived the whole poem. Now no one dares to say that the first two lines of Zhu Pingan's poem are mediocre. Without the foil of the first two sentences, how could the last two sentences be astonishing.

Moreover, the entry point of this scheming bitch Zhu Pingan is too scheming!

Zhu Ping'an's two poems involve Zhang Liang and Liu Bang, two famous people in history. Liu Hou refers to Zhang Liang, and the world of the Han family naturally belongs to Liu Bang. Liu Bang once said: "I am not as good as Zifang when it comes to strategizing and winning battles thousands of miles away." The Zifang here is Zhang Liang, and "chi" is the piece of bamboo used by ancient people to count, and strategizing refers to strategy. plan. When Zhang Liang helped Liu Bang conquer the world, he often used "箸" as a "chip" to count, arrange troops, calculate food and grass, and control the world. Zhang Liang's allusion happened to be related to chopsticks, and Zhu Pingan used it skillfully. The reason why Liu Bang was able to create the Han Dynasty for four hundred years was inseparable from Zhang Liang's strategic planning. Zhu Ping'an's sentence "It's all in one chopstick" vividly expresses Zhang Liang's role. Zhu Pingan used Zhang Liang as a metaphor for himself and Liu Bang as a metaphor for King Yu. If you were King Yu, tell me whether you like it or not.

Finally, these two lines of Zhu Pingan's poem are also a response to Wang Yaozu and others who ridiculed Zhu Pingan at the beginning of the banquet because he was promoted to be a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion because of his pair of chopsticks. Haha, you look down on a pair of chopsticks, right? ! "The four hundred years of the Han Dynasty are all within the confines of Liu Hou's chopsticks"! So, do you still look down on it? !

These two lines of poetry were like a loud slap in the face, whistling on the faces of Wang Yaozu and others.

That's why Wang Yaozu and others looked so gray.

However, although Wang Yaozu and others admitted in their hearts that Zhu Ping'an's poem was well written, they would not admit it on the surface. If I admitted it, wouldn't I be slapped in the face?

"He is really arrogant, has no hair on his lips, and is not reliable in his work. At such a young age, he prides himself on being Zhang Liang..."

"That's right. If you don't learn from Zhang Liang, you will become Zhao Kuo."

"Overconfidence is arrogance, and you can't do it on paper."

"Young men don't know the feeling of sorrow, so they forcefully talk about sorrow in order to compose new words..."

Wang Yaozu and others didn't speak loudly, but there were so many people. Soon the voices of badmouthing Zhu Pingan and mocking Zhu Pingan for speaking big words began again.

Zhu Pingan put down his brush at this time and had not yet returned to his seat. After hearing everyone's criticism, he turned around, smiled slightly, and cupped his hands towards Wang Yaozu, "Master Wang said that I have no hair on my lips and I can't do my job well. Haha, I am the same age as His Highness Prince Yu. Similarly, aren't the words of Lord Wang also mocking His Highness?"

Upon hearing this, King Yu turned his attention to Wang Yaozu.

Wang Yaozu broke out in a cold sweat and quickly stood up to retort, "Nonsense, when did I ridicule His Highness? Mr. Zhu, please don't spit on others."

"Haha... Isn't it Mr. Wang who just said that you can't do things well if you don't have hair on your lips?" Zhu Ping'an raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"I'm talking about Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu boasts that he is Zhang Liang at a young age... He is always at his own peril, but modesty is benefited. It's better for the young man to be more modest." Wang Yaozu narrowed his eyes and said in the tone of an experienced person.

"Haha, in the final analysis, doesn't Mr. Wang still mean that young people are unreliable?" Zhu Pingan smiled and shook his head.

"That's what you said." Wang Yaozu replied with a smile.

"What happened to youth? Since ancient times, heroes have been born in youth. In ancient times, Gan Luo went to Zhao as an envoy and became a minister at the age of twelve; Huo Qubing went to attack the Huns at the age of seventeen and made great achievements in battle..." Zhu Ping'an shook his head.

"Strong words."

The corner of Wang Yaozu's mouth turned into a sarcastic arc.

"Gan Luo came to the throne at the age of twelve and was beheaded at the age of thirteen... Haha..."

"You're young, but older may not be better..."

After Wang Yaozu, several more people shook their heads and chuckled.

Listening to the ridicule of Wang Yaozu and others, Zhu Ping'an raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he had been waiting for them for a long time, but with a look of indignation on his face, he arched his hands towards the crowd, picked up the brush again, and held the inkstone in his other hand. Turn around and dip your brush in ink, then dip your brush in ink. The brush moves like flying, continuously, line after line, sentence after sentence...

He flew up quickly and finished writing quickly. After finishing writing, he put down his pen and inkstone, turned around and bowed his hands to Prince Yu and everyone on the main seat again, "I have something to say in my heart, and I won't express it quickly. It cost Your Highness a piece of paper." Excellent paper, making all your lords laugh."

After speaking, Zhu Ping'an turned around and returned to his seat, leaving only the wet ink on the screen:

"Young Mingzhi"

A young man who is wise will make a great Ming Dynasty; a young man who is rich will make a great Ming Dynasty rich; a young man who is strong will make a great Ming Dynasty strong; a young man who is mighty will make a great Ming Dynasty mighty; a young man who is mighty will make a great Ming Dynasty; if a young man makes progress, then the Ming Dynasty will progress; if a young man is better than the world, then the Ming Dynasty will prosper in the world; if a young man is strong, then the Ming Dynasty will flourish in the world; if a young man is strong, the Ming Dynasty will flourish. In the universe, the Ming Dynasty is in the universe. When the red sun rises, its path shines brightly. The river flows out and flows into the ocean. The hidden dragon soared into the abyss, its scales and claws flying. The tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are frightened. The falcon tests its wings, and the wind and dust spread. The first birth of a strange flower is so beautiful. The cadres have hair and their awns are shining. The sky wears its green color, and the earth wears its yellow color. Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight desolations. The future is like an ocean and the days ahead are long. How wonderful that my youth, Ming Dynasty, is as immortal as the sky! How magnificent I am, a young man from the Ming Dynasty, who has no borders with my country!




Before Zhu Pingan returned to his seat, a burst of exclamations rang out at the banquet.

As soon as "The Young Ming Dynasty" came out, the whole room was shocked!

Wang Yaozu and others were all dumbfounded.

Not only them, everyone present was shocked. For a moment, there was no other sound except for the sounds of exclamation and exclamation in the entire banquet.

Each one seems to be trapped in the words, unable to extricate themselves.

After seeing "The Young Ming Dynasty", King Yu couldn't help but left the table in a gaffe, very excited.

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