Rise From the Humble

Chapter 914 Zui Bai Poetry Club

Chang'an willow catkins are flying, the harp is ringing, and passers-by are drunk; in the upper reaches of the Huafang Lake, a drink is returned for a drink;

The water embroidery is beautiful and the needles are flat, and the gold method is used to paint the landscape; the poet's pen is flying, and the rouge sweeps the eyebrows.

—— BY: ediq "Singing at Night in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty"

At a time when poetry and wine were flourishing in Prince Yu's Mansion, the reception banquet hosted by Prince Jing's Mansion, a close neighbor of Prince Yu's Mansion on the same street, for Xu Pu, the newly appointed lecturer of Prince Jing's Mansion, also turned into a poetry meeting.

The inertia of literati is no exception.

However, compared to the Yuwangfu Mansion Pergola Poetry Club, the specifications of the Jingwangfu Poetry Club were much higher than those at Yuwangfu. The scene was just as ediq sang in "The Night Sing of the Tang Dynasty", it was a scene of luxury and prosperity.

King Jing set up the poetry meeting in Zuibai Garden in his mansion.

Zuibai Garden was built after King Jing opened his palace. There are many dancing pavilions and singing platforms in the garden. In the center is a mirror-like blue lake with sparse flowers and trees on the lakeside. There is a rockery in the lake. The landscape is beautiful and the environment is beautiful. The reason why Zuibai Garden is named Zuibai Garden is because it is believed that if the great poet Li Bai were reincarnated and came to visit the gardens here, he would definitely be intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of the gardens, hence the name Zuibai Garden.

To be precise, the Jingwangfu Poetry Club is located in Ailian Lake in Zuibai Garden. To be more precise, it is a painting boat in Ailian Lake.

This painting boat is naturally not an ordinary painting boat. It is carefully designed by the ten most famous top painting boats in Jiangnan and carefully built by nearly a hundred skilled craftsmen. It is a large-scale high-end luxury that integrates navigation, style collection, entertainment, leisure, banquet and other functions. In a sense, yachts are like the money-burning yachts of modern European and American wealthy people.

It looks like a boat, but more like pavilions floating on the water. It has carved eaves and exquisite corner pavilions, standing impressively on the bow of the ship. It is connected by hand-curved corridors on both sides, followed by high pavilions with interlaced brackets, double eaves and nine ridges, and a stage. Finally, the finale is the imitation Tang Dynasty high-rise building. On the painting boat, the decoration is extremely luxurious, with beauty seats, lattice windows, coiled dragon pillars, dragon-carved screens and other exquisite furnishings. The reliefs on the dragon pillars are well-proportioned with auspicious clouds, and the carved dragons look like living creatures. Every scale on the body is delicate and countable...

Large tables are placed in order on the boat. The tables are full of mouth-watering delicacies from the mountains and seas. The grape wine in the luminous cups is intoxicating. Each table is equipped with a counter case, with pens, inks, paper and inkstones placed on it. The officials expressed their talents, stroked their beards and made comments, or exchanged laughter. Stunning dancers danced gracefully on the stage to add to the fun, and the singer Yuxiu sang a masterpiece of poetry with a light voice.

King Jing also set up lottery prizes, six in total. The number of lottery prizes was three times that of Prince Yu's, and the value of the lottery prizes was countless times higher. The most eye-catching one was the first prize - half of Wang Xizhi's "Ping'an Tie" 》Authentic work. Although there is only half of it, with a total of more than 20 words, its value is immeasurable. Most of Wang Xizhi's authentic works have been lost, and the number of authentic works passed down to the Ming Dynasty cannot exceed five fingers.

In short, the level of the Zuibai Poetry Club in Prince Jing’s Mansion is a few blocks away from the Poetry Club in the Pergola of Prince Yu’s Mansion, and so are the fine wines and delicacies at the banquet.

The truth can be seen from the number of beggars outside the two palaces.

Outside Prince Yu's Mansion, there was a beggar huddled in a corner, sniffing deeply with a happy and intoxicated look on his face. Taking in the smell of wine and meat coming from Prince Yu's Mansion, he put the moldy steamed bun in his hand into his mouth, chewed it, took a deep breath, and took a bite. , that’s called sweetness.

"Hey, Ergouzi, what are you doing here, you idiot? Shunzi and Tiedan have already passed by, but you didn't see it. The place in Prince Jing's Mansion is even more fragrant, and the smell is so delicious that you can swallow it in your tongue. Go into your stomach. Come on, come on with me. I’ll help you occupy a good position downwind. If you get there late, you’ll be gone.” Another little beggar ran up from a distance and pulled the beggar in the corner involuntarily. The beggar in the corner heard about it and trotted along.

Two little beggars trotted all the way to the side wall of Prince Jing's Mansion. There were more than a dozen little beggars crowded in the corner not far away. They were fighting for a position downwind while taking deep breaths of the aroma of wine and meat in the air.

The wine and meat in the rich family are stinky, and the beggars are getting drunk outside. Haha, this can be regarded as having fun with the people.

At this time, the Zuibai Poetry Party in Prince Jing's Mansion had passed its climax and was coming to an end. Poems were written on plain paper, dancers danced gracefully, and singers recited poems.

King Jing was sitting on the main seat, chatting and laughing with the bachelor's lecturers and bachelor's students on both sides. There were two piles of poems and poems on their desks.

The pile of poems on the left are poems written by everyone in Prince Jing's Mansion. The pile on the right, if King Yu and others were here, they would find that the pile of poems on the right are the poems they just wrote at the pergola poetry meeting.

"Your Highness, someone over there has made another song."

A chamberlain trotted over and handed a poem with still wet ink to Prince Yu's table.

"Well, let's go down."

King Yu nodded, picked up the poem, and waved his hand to the chamberlain, indicating that he could leave.

From this scene, we can also see from the side how much advantage King Jing has over King Yu. As soon as the new poem of the Poetry Society in Prince Yu’s Mansion was produced, King Jing got a copy of it. So how many secrets does Prince Yu’s Mansion have for Prince Jing? ? ! According to "Know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without danger" in "Sun Tzu: Planning for Attack", in the battle to seize the direct descendants, King Jing currently has the advantage.

After King Yu read the poem, he slightly pulled down the corner of his mouth, and then passed the poem to Qian Dongyang, the bachelor at the side.

"Haha, the poetry meeting at His Royal Highness Prince Yu's house actually took chopsticks as the theme. It is really useless and ridiculous. The poems that have been handed down are not very good. Only Yin Shidan's "Yong of chopsticks" can be read, but it is also It lacks aura. Oh, by the way, Zhang Juzheng's "Ode to Bamboo Chops" is also a readable work. However, Zhang Juzheng is not from Prince Yu's palace. Apart from these two works, they are all mediocre. As for this one, "Ode to Chops" "It's even more unreasonable." After reading the poem, Qian Dongyang couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, sneered, and then passed the newly-transmitted poem "Ode to Bamboo" to Xu, the newly-entered lecturer. Pu.

After Xu Pu read it, he smiled slightly and shook his head, without any intention of commenting, and then continued to pass on the poem.

After the poems spread among the people, they returned to the pile on the right side of the table between King Jing and the bachelors and lecturers on both sides.

"Haha, I have to say, our poem is meaningful. It chants the past and discusses the present, and provides advice and suggestions for our great Ming Dynasty to dominate the world. We are scholar-bureaucrats, and we are not cooks. Writing about bamboo chopsticks and so on has nothing to do with our great Ming Dynasty. Meaning?!" Li Dongtang, an official of Prince Jing's Mansion, chuckled, compared the themes of the two Prince's Mansion Poetry Clubs, vigorously praised the Prince's Mansion Poetry Club, and at the same time severely dissed the Prince Yu's Mansion Poetry Club.

"Yes, Master Li is right."

"I'll wait for the second opinion."

Everyone in the poetry meeting agreed. They had read all the poems in Prince Yu's Mansion. Just like Qian Dongyang said, only the two poems by Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng could be understood. What were the other poems?

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