Rise From the Humble

Chapter 915 Business blowback

While everyone in Prince Jing's Mansion was dissing at the Poetry Party in Prince Yu's Pergola, the chamberlain who had just left hurriedly returned, holding a piece of rice paper with still wet ink in his hand.

"Your Highness, Lord Zhu Ping'an next door has finally composed a poem, and this is the first sentence he has written." The chamberlain's excited Xiao Chu came to King Jing, holding rice paper in both hands, and presented it to King Jing like a treasure.

King Jing had previously ordered his chamberlain to pay attention to the news about Zhu Ping'an from Prince Yu's Mansion, so as soon as the news came from Prince Yu's Mansion, the chamberlain hurriedly came to report to King Jing, regardless of whether he had finished the poem.

"Well, very good." King Jing nodded.

After the chamberlain presented the rice paper, he left again. It is estimated that the second line of Zhu Pingan's poem was also heard from Prince Yu's palace, and he wanted to present Zhu Pingan's poem to His Highness as soon as possible.

King Jing picked up the rice paper, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Huh?"

Qian Dongyang, Xu Pu, Li Dongtang and others heard King Jing's surprised sigh and couldn't help but tense up. Could it be that Zhu Ping'an's poems were too good? ! Did it surprise even His Highness? !

"Your Highness, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together, and we should appreciate the wonderful articles together..." Qian Dongyang cupped his hands towards King Jing and said with a smile.

"Oh. Haha, sir, please take a look." King Jing smiled and handed the rice paper in his hand to Qian Dongyang.

"Huh?" Qian Dongyang took the rice paper, glanced at it, and let out a surprised sigh like King Jing just now.

"Mr. Qian, what's wrong? What was the first sentence Zhu Pingan wrote?" Li Dongtang couldn't sit still in his chair, stood up and asked curiously.

"Haha, you can see for yourself." Qian Dongyang smiled slightly and handed the rice paper in his hand to Li Dongtang.

"Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jades..."

After Li Dongtang took the rice paper, he read the verses on the rice paper aloud. After reading, Li Dongtang muttered with a strange expression, "He is still the number one scholar. This sentence is too ordinary, right?"


"Otherwise, how could His Highness and Mr. Qian be surprised?"

"It's full of scholarly taste, sour to the teeth..."

After everyone in Prince Jing's Mansion listened to the first line of Zhu Pingan's poem, they couldn't help but shake their heads. They agreed with Li Dongtang's comments and felt that Zhu Pingan's poem was too ordinary and he really deserved the title of Number One Scholar.

"Your Highness, Master Zhu Ping'an's second poem has arrived..."

When everyone criticized the first line of Zhu Pingan's poem, the chamberlain came again holding rice paper and presented the second line of Zhu Pingan's poem to King Jing.

This time, King Jing was no longer surprised after reading it. After reading it, he directly handed the rice paper to Qian Dongyang.

Qian Dongyang glanced at it, slightly curved his mouth, and handed it to Li Dongtang after reading it.

"The second concubine once shed tears..."

Li Dongtang read this line of poetry loudly again. After reading it, he shook his head again and sneered, "As soon as Zhu Ping'an's line came out, the whole poem became more scholarly. It was sour, so sour, and there was no spiritual energy at all." …”


"From the world of food and drink to the world of love between men and women, haha, the number one scholar is really young and full of energy."

"Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jades side by side, the two concubines once shed tears stained this poem. That's it. There is no need to read further."

Everyone in Prince Jing's Mansion burst into laughter and dissed Zhu Pingan.

"Your Highness, in my opinion, we don't need to wait for the second half of Zhu Ping'an's poems. His poems are only at this level. According to my statistics, Prince Yu's Mansion next door has already written 10 to 16 poems, and almost everyone has one poem. Well, I thought I could comment on the masterpiece." Tu Dade, the third official in Prince Jing's Mansion, stood up and suggested with his hands in hand.

The reason why Tu Dade said this is because King Jing said at the beginning of the poetry meeting that when selecting the best works today, the poems from the Pergola Poetry Meeting of Prince Yu's Mansion will also be included in the selection together with the poems from the Zuibai Poetry Meeting.

As for, if a poem in Prince Yu's Mansion is selected as an excellent work and wins a lottery prize, King Jing will send the lottery prize to Prince Yu's Mansion and give it to the owner of the poem.

"Well, yes, Your Highness."

"The poems in Prince Yu's Mansion are basically all ready. As for Zhu Ping'an's poem, I don't think we need to wait, haha."

"It makes sense. The poems produced by the Pergola Poetry Club are just like that. Any poems from our Poetry Club are considered to be top-notch works by them. I think there is no need to waste time waiting any longer."

Tu Dade's proposal was unanimously approved by many people in Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Qian Lao beats people, Mr. Xu, what do you think?" King Jing looked at Qian Dongyang, Xu Pu and others for advice.

"It's hard to go against public opinion, and it's not too late to comment and wait." Qian Dongyang thought for a while and replied.

Xu Pu also nodded when he heard this.

"In that case, let's comment and wait." King Jing nodded.

In fact, the Poetry Fair has now progressed, and there are singers reciting poems. Everyone knows what good works there are in the Poetry Fair. However, according to the rules, the poems on the table were passed on to everyone for comment and selection.

"Throughout the ages, the Qinhuai River flowed eastward and circled the old capital. After the army in the south of the Yangtze River, I was worried about killing Yu Lancheng! This poem by Mr. Wang, praising the Qinhuai River and reflecting on the past and present, can be said to be one of the more outstanding works tonight."

Xu Pu picked up a poem, read it softly, and commented and recommended it.

"Haha, the old stories of the Southern Dynasties are scattered across the city, and the motherland is scattered. Hundreds of emotions are felt. The willow shadows follow the chariot to the end of the world, and the Yanghua River turns into duckweeds. Your Highness, Xu Puxu's "Guangling" ode to history is really eye-catching and inspiring. When one thinks deeply, although there is no first-class composition, in my opinion, Mr. Xu’s "Guangling" is the best tonight, and it is well deserved."

After Xu Pu's words fell behind, Qian Dongyang picked out Xu Pu's poems from among the poems and commented while stroking his beard.

"Mr. Qian has given me the prize. How can my song "Guangling" compare to Mr. Lao's "Niannujiao·Stone City"? My poems are slightly inferior to the poems of Mr. Wang that I just read. How can it be compared with Mr. Lao's "Niannujiao·Stone City"." Xu Pu said, reciting Qian Dongyang's poem with emotion: "The hanging rock is thousands of feet, borrowing the European sword and the Wu ax , cut into a city wall. Thousands of miles of golden city cannot be returned, thousands of miles of torrential waves are spraying out. Wang Jun's tower ship, pointing straight at it, the wind is so strong that it has never stopped. The bow of the ship is lined with torches, easily burning the iron ropes;

Now, as spring passes and autumn comes, the river is full of mist and rain, and thousands of soldiers are plundering. It was called to stop the prosperity and ruin of the Six Dynasties, and to destroy the Xiaoling Palace. The mountains are desolate, the river currents are strong, and the tide hits the empty city. Several fishing flutes sound, and the wind blows from the reed flowers. "

"This work by Mr. Qian is not inferior to Su Zi's "Red Cliff Nostalgia". It looks back on the present and recalls the past with a desolate style. It expresses the emotion that the wind and clouds are fleeting but the green mountains are always there. He advises us to use history as a mirror to achieve great unity in the world. .”

After Xu Pu finished reading, he highly praised Qian Dongyang's poems.

"Where, where."

Qian Dongyang shook his head modestly, but the smile on his face was very strong.

For a time, Prince Jing's Mansion entered a stage of mutual business promotion.

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