Rise From the Humble

Chapter 916 Wen Zhen is drunk and white

A burst of business exchanges made the Zuibai Poetry Club in Prince Jing's Mansion full of love and the atmosphere was harmonious.

The selection of excellent works is also carried out in an orderly manner amid commercial exchanges. Ten excellent works have been selected so far. Among the poems from Prince Yu's Palace, only the works by Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng are on the list, and they are also ranked behind.

"Your Highness, Mr. Zhu Ping'an and Mr. Zhu's poem has been completed."

In the cheerful atmosphere of Prince Jing's mansion, the waiter once again held rice paper and presented it to Prince Jing.

Qian Dongyang, the chamberlain, noticed it as soon as he walked in holding rice paper, but he didn't take it seriously and turned a blind eye. With the foreshadowing of Zhu Pingan's first two sentences, now Zhu Pingan's poems can no longer stir up a ripple in Qian Dongyang's heart.

Xu Pu is still there.

Even Li Dongtang, who was the most curious at the poetry meeting, now has no curiosity at all about the second half of Zhu Ping'an's poems.

In fact, King Jing didn't care at first when he got the rice paper.

It was precisely because he didn't care that when he laid his eyes on the rice paper and saw the second half of Zhu Ping'an's poem, he couldn't help but say "Eh" again.

Hearing King Jing's surprised "Eh", Qian Dongyang and others couldn't help but raise their heads from the business exchanges and looked at the rice paper in King Jing's hand.

Could it be that Zhu Pingan's poetry has reached a new level of badness? !

The first two sentences were bad enough, but the last two sentences were so bad that it surprised His Highness King Jing. Zhu Ping'an wouldn't have turned the second half of the poem into a limerick, right? !

Qian Dongyang and others thought so.

After King Jing read it, he was stunned for a moment, and then handed the rice paper with still wet ink in his hand to Qian Dongyang who was closest to him.

After Qian Dongyang took the rice paper, he turned his attention to the poem without thinking.

A pair of Xiangjiang jades looked at side by side, stained by the tears shed by the two concubines.

Having already read the first half of the poem, Qian Dongyang glanced at it and turned his attention to the second half: The four hundred years of the Han family's world were all within a chopstick of Liuhou.

Huh? !

After Qian Dongyang saw the second half of this magical twist, his expression and reaction were exactly the same as King Jing's, and he couldn't help but express surprise.

"Is it so bad?! Mr. Qian, please let me open my eyes."

Upon seeing this, Li Dongtang, who was very curious, couldn't help but come forward. His eyes widened with curiosity. When he saw it, he read out loud:

A pair of Xiangjiang jades looked at side by side, stained by the tears shed by the two concubines.

The four hundred years of the Han family's reign were all within the confines of Liu Hou!

After reading it, Li Dongtang made a "hiss" sound in hindsight. After the second half of the poem, the poem was completely transformed and the finishing touch. This poem was no ordinary poem, and it was enough to be included in the top ten masterpieces. middle.

From the whole article, it seems that Zhu Pingan did it on purpose. The first half of the song is tepid, paving the way for the second half of the song. The more inconspicuous the first half of the song is, the more the second half of the song is like the silver bottle breaking, water slurry bursting out, and the iron cavalry standing out with the sound of swords and guns!

After Li Dongtang finished reading, the Zuibai Poetry Club became quiet.

After a full three seconds, the Zuibai Poetry Club regained its voice and discussion.

It is similar to the Pergola Poetry Club. Some people think that Zhu Pingan writes well, and the number one scholar deserves to be the number one scholar, and he really has a poem. However, more people think that Zhu Pingan is too boastful and too proud.

"Young man, it is a good thing to be confident, but if you are too confident and arrogant, talk about military affairs on paper, and talk rhetorically, you will follow in the footsteps of Zhao Kuo."

"That's right. There is no hair on the mouth, but the tone is quite good."

"The four hundred years of the Han family's empire are all within the confines of Liuhou... A weak young man really dares to say..."

"My childishness has not faded, but I am not ashamed to speak loudly."

This kind of voice that badmouths Zhu Pingan is even worse than the Pergola Poem Association. They are from Prince Jing's Palace, and Zhu Pingan is from Prince Yu's Palace. The two sides have different positions. People in Prince Jing's Palace are even more unwilling to admit it in their hearts and mouths. Zhu Pingan's poems, so diss Zhu Pingan's voice comes and goes, one sentence after another.

In fact, speaking of it, Zhu Ping'an is not very old, so he has left a relatively obvious reason for them to talk about.

King Jing was sitting on the main seat, noncommittal, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, as if in time with the song of the singer.

Although Xu Pu did not participate in dissing Zhu Pingan, it was still very useful to hear the words of people around him dissing Zhu Pingan. He looked at those who dissed Zhu Pingan with encouraging eyes and silently encouraged them.

"He is a young man after all." Qian Dongyang shook his head and sighed.

Qian Dongyang just sighed with emotion. Although he didn't say it clearly, after everyone heard this, they dissed Zhu Ping'an even more vigorously.

"Your Highness."

Amidst a burst of diss, the waiter trotted over again holding a piece of rice paper with still wet ink.

"Is there anyone writing poetry next door?"

"All in all, everyone next door has done poetry, right? The rest are just small fish and shrimps, right?"

"What other good poems can there be next door?"

Everyone was not very curious about this and didn't take it seriously.

"Who did it?"

King Jing asked casually before taking the rice paper.

"It was done by Mr. Zhu Ping'an and Mr. Zhu." The waiter presented the rice paper with still wet ink in both hands and lowered his head and replied.

Zhu Pingan? !

Was it done by Zhu Pingan again? ! This guy actually composed another song? !

Although I don’t want to admit it, in fact, Zhu Pingan’s last poem was already very good, but he didn’t expect to write another one? !

After hearing this, everyone suddenly became quiet, and the voices of people who were madly dissing Zhu Ping'an disappeared.

This time, no one took Zhu Pingan's poems lightly.

The same is true for King Jing.


After taking over the rice paper, when King Jing cast his eyes on the rice paper, he was already prepared to pay attention to it. However, after seeing Zhu Pingan's works on the rice paper, King Jing couldn't control himself again and lost his voice. " After a cry, the further he looked down, the more excited King Jing seemed to be, and the rice paper in his hand was shaking a little.

After reading it, King Jing glanced in the direction of Prince Yu's Mansion with a disappointed look, and then passed the rice paper in his hand to Qian Dongyang.

Qian Dongyang noticed the change in King Jing's expression just now, so he was more prepared. However, when he saw the "Young Ming Dynasty" on the rice paper, he still couldn't help but change his face in shock, and then couldn't help reading the work in his hand. come out:

"A young man who is wise will be wise; a young man who is rich will be rich; a young man who is strong will be a bright and powerful man; the red sun will rise, and its path will be bright. The river will flow out of the river, and the vast ocean will pour out. The dragon will soar into the abyss, and its scales and claws will fly. The milky tiger will roar in the valley, and hundreds of beasts will appear. Shocked and frightened. The eagles are testing their wings, and the wind and dust are blowing. The first-born of strange flowers are shining brightly. The generals have hair and their awns are shining. The sky is blue and the earth is yellow. Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight wastelands. The future is like the sea. The days ahead are long. How wonderful that my young Ming Dynasty will never grow old with the sky! How strong my young Ming Dynasty will be with the country without borders!"

After reading the work, the whole room was shocked! Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the thunder, and they had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Strong encouragement, strong enterprising spirit, strong appeal, strong sense of pride for the Ming Dynasty, and strong sense of responsibility. Even though they are no longer young, they can’t help but feel excited and excited after listening to it, and feel a strong sense of standing for my Ming Dynasty. The urge to fight for a lifetime at the top of the world, let alone a young man.

It is conceivable that this work will spread like lightning quickly throughout the capital and throughout the Ming Dynasty, inspiring generations of young people.

This work will surely leave its mark in the history of the Ming Dynasty!

Everyone felt that once "Young Ming Dynasty" came out, all the excellent works of Zuibai Poetry Club were eclipsed.

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