Rise From the Humble

Chapter 917 Returning with a Full Load

As the sun set, Zhu Pingan held an inkstone in one hand and a scroll of copybooks in the other. He stood at the door of Prince Yu's Mansion with a smile on his face, bathed in the afterglow and sunset, and bid farewell to Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others.

"Sir, let me hold that stone for you." Liu Dadao led the horse and said to Zhu Pingan.

"Oh, okay, thank you."

Zhu Ping'an nodded and handed the inkstone in his hand to Liu Dadao. It was not convenient to ride a horse with something in both hands.

"This stone feels pretty good." Liu Dadao took the inkstone, tossed it casually, and praised it.

"Hey, you rough guy, you have to be careful. That's not a stone. It's an inkstone given by the Holy Emperor today. One inkstone costs a lot of gold. Don't drop it." A member of Prince Yu's Mansion said. As soon as Guan left the door, he saw Liu Dadao throwing the inkstone casually, and his nervous face turned pale.

"What?! The imperial gift of an inkstone, one inkstone worth a thousand gold?!"

Liu Dadao didn't expect that the stone in his hand was so big. He was so frightened that he almost dropped the inkstone.


The subordinate officer couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the inkstone falling out of Liu Dadao's hand. He took a deep breath when he saw Liu Dadao finally caught it.

"Ahem, cough, cough, it turns out this stone is so powerful. Master, you should hold the stone while I get the roll of paper." Liu Dadao touched his head with a smile and handed the hot inkstone to Zhu. Pingan, I want to exchange for the copybook in Zhu Pingan's hand.

"That roll of paper?!"

When the official heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Liu Dadao, "The roll of paper you are talking about is one of the few authentic works of the calligrapher Wang Xizhi that remains in the world. The calligrapher, one of the few authentic works, Do you understand?! Just the 'roll of paper' you mentioned is, without exaggeration, enough to exchange for half a city."

"Can I exchange half of the city?!"

Liu Dadao's eyes almost popped out of his head. He smacked his tongue and shrank his neck. "Then I'd better hold the inkstone."

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated." Zhu Pingan smiled and shook his head.

The inkstone in Liu Dadao's hand was the prize won by Zhu Ping'an at the Poetry Club in the Pergola of Prince Yu's Mansion. It was a gift from Emperor Jiajing. The other piece of inkstone was obtained by Zhang Juzheng. Of course, Yin Shidan was not empty-handed, and Prince Yu gave him another gift. A jackpot.

As for the copybook in Zhu Pingan's hand, it was a surprise to Zhu Pingan.

When the pergola poetry meeting was about to end, someone from Prince Jing's Mansion next door sent a copybook on King Jing's order, naming it to Zhu Ping'an.

Wang Xizhi’s peace message? !

King Jing gave it to Zhu Pingan? ! ! !

At that time, Zhu Pingan looked confused, and everyone in Prince Yu's palace was in an uproar, looking at Zhu Pingan with strange eyes.

We have a traitor in our midst. That's about it.

Everyone had heard rumors before that Emperor Jiajing was originally planning to move Zhu Ping'an to serve as a bachelor of the Prince Jing's Palace, but for some reason it was changed to a bachelor of the Prince Yu's Palace. Now, King Jing actually sent someone to give Zhu Ping'an such a valuable thing? !

Now it seems that it would be strange if there were no ghosts here? !

Therefore, at that time, everyone in Prince Yu's palace looked at Zhu Ping'an with doubtful expressions. Even Prince Yu was a little strange.

Zhu Ping'an remained calm and asked the visitor calmly why King Jing sent him the copybook.

The man briefly told the whole story.

It turned out to be the lucky draw of the Poetry Society. King Jing actually put the works of the two poetry societies together for evaluation.

As a result, everyone was relieved, and the eyes they looked at Zhu Ping'an changed from traitor to envy. Although Wang Xizhi's original work was only half of it, its value was immeasurable, and it was enough to be regarded as an heirloom of the aristocratic family.

Although he knew the whole story, knew that the copybook was the prize of the Poetry Society, which he deserved, and also knew that the prize was one of the few authentic works of Wang Xizhi that survived and was extremely valuable, Zhu Pingan still refused decisively without hesitation.


You still have to have a stance.

How could he accept things from Prince Jing's Palace when he was working in Prince Yu's Palace? !

But don't lose a lot for a small amount.

Zhu Pingan's decisive refusal without hesitation surprised everyone in Prince Yu's palace. They thought that they would not be able to do what Zhu Pingan was like if it were placed on them, so they looked at Zhu Pingan with a little more admiration.

Chen Yiqin even stroked his beard and nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Pingan's stance made King Yu very satisfied and gratified, and he looked at Zhu Pingan with more trust.

Someone from Prince Jing's Mansion said that if he couldn't complete the task, he would be punished by Prince Jing. He would be forced to kneel down and be punished.

So again and again.

Zhu Pingan had no choice but to take the copybook, but after taking it, he presented it to King Yu with both hands and asked King Yu to deal with it.

After King Yu took the copybook, he naturally gave it to Zhu Ping'an.

Although it was just a change of hands, the nature was completely different, from a reward from King Jing to a reward from King Yu.

Since it was a reward from King Yu, Zhu Pingan naturally accepted it happily.

Therefore, when Zhu Pingan came home from get off work, he held an inkstone in one hand and a copybook in the other, and returned home with a full load.

"Master Zhu, walk slowly."

"Master Zhu, walk slowly"

Many of the officials who came out later took the initiative to bid farewell to Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan's performance at today's poetry meeting won the respect of many people in Prince Yu's palace.

"Mr. Zhang, go slowly, Mr. Liu, go slowly, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang, see you tomorrow." Zhu Pingan returned the greetings to them one by one.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Zhu Ping'an got on his horse with the copybook in hand, and rode with Liu Dadao towards the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

At dusk, the clouds urged the horses' hooves all the way, and when the sunset kissed the horizon, Zhu Ping'an returned to the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

"Miss, Miss, my uncle is back."

"Uncle is back"

The little girls in the garden saw Zhu Ping'an coming from a distance, so they trotted to report the news to Li Shu.

So, when Zhu Ping'an first entered, Li Shu led Baozi, the little maid and others to greet him.

Just like yesterday, the naughty boy Rui Geer and the little loli Niuniu were also in the Jingxiang Garden, following Li Shudian'er.

"Brother-in-law Tu, what are you holding in your hand?"

The naughty kid had sharp eyes and saw the inkstone and copybook in Zhu Pingan's hand at a glance. He asked curiously. When he called Zhu Pingan's brother-in-law, as usual, the word bumpkin almost came out of his mouth again.


Li Shu put her slender hand on the naughty child's head, lifted up her pink jade fingers and flicked it, and said with a concerned look on her face: "Brother Rui, there is a grass on your head."

"Thank you, fifth sister."

When the naughty boy saw that Li Shu was so kind to him and even helped him play grass, he raised his chubby face in emotion and thanked her.

After thanking Li Shu, the naughty child turned his little face proudly. His little eyes were not big. He squinted at Zhu Ping'an and snorted proudly, like a little pig who had successfully competed for favors. , hum, country bumpkin brother-in-law, have you seen it? Even though you married the fifth sister, the fifth sister is still nice to me. You can only sit in the back row.

"Silly boy, why are you being polite to your sister? Hey, there's another one." Li Shu squinted her eyes and said in a sweet voice with a smile. As she spoke, she seemed to find another piece of grass, then she curled her pink jade fingers and flicked it again. .


The sound is quite crisp.

"Fifth sister is so kind." The naughty kid raised his chubby face and thanked Li Lishu, feeling extremely moved.

After thanking Li Shu, the naughty boy once again turned his chubby face proudly, looked at Zhu Pingan, and hummed proudly.

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