Rise From the Humble

Chapter 922 Troublemaker, Yan Donglou

"The crux of His Highness's current predicament lies in the annual gifts. The annual gifts have been solved. His Highness's predicament will be solved by himself. The head of the household department is in charge of the distribution of annual gifts. The minister's uncle and the household minister Sun Yingkuisun are old friends. I can meet the clan uncle. I will pay my respects to Sun Shangshu and make sure that the annual gifts are distributed."

Yin Shidan stood up first, bowed to King Yu with a confident expression, and put forward his own suggestions.

Yin Shidan was going to take the upper-level route, and in the name of his clan uncle, he went to visit Sun Yingkui, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. After meeting, he took the opportunity to bring up the matter of King Yu's annual gift. Due to both emotion and reason, the Ministry of Revenue did not withhold King Yu's three-year annual gift. The truth, coupled with his eloquence and the relationship with his clan uncle, must be able to facilitate the distribution of King Yu's annual gift.

Everyone said that Yin Shidan had unparalleled poetic talent. In fact, compared with his poetic talent, Yin Shidan was more confident in his eloquence. What's more, it is only natural for King Yu to receive the annual gift, and the reasons and reasons are all on his side.

Yin Shidan was confident in persuading Sun Yingkui.

After hearing Yin Shidan's suggestion, King Yu couldn't help but look happy and his eyes lit up. What Yin Shidan said made sense. Every time he sent someone to collect the annual gift, he always talked to the mid-level officials in charge under the Ministry of Household Affairs. Those who contacted me were rejected every time by mid-level officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs. If Yin Shidan could see and persuade Sun Yingkui, the Minister of Hubu, then the Minister of Hubu had spoken, how dare the people below not implement it? !

However, before King Yu could be happy for a second, Gao Gong poured cold water on him.

"If it had been left to when Sun Shangshu was young, Master Yin's method might have worked, but now."

Not long after Yin Shidan finished speaking, Gao Gong shook his head, disagreeing with Yin Shidan's suggestion, and couldn't help but sigh at the end.

"Master Gao is saying"

After hearing Gao Gong's words, Yin Shidan rolled his eyes and thought of the key, and the confidence in his eyes dimmed.

"Master Gao is right. When Sun Shangshu served as an admonisher in his early years, he was not afraid of powerful people, was an upright official, and had a high reputation for integrity. However, now that Sun Shangshu is old, he wants to be content with his actions. He would rather not do anything than do anything wrong. The reputation of powerful people is no longer what it used to be." Chen Yiqin also shook his head and sighed.

This kind of thing was not a problem at all when Sun Yingkui was an official in his early years. Even without King Yu's side, Sun Yingkui would have people give out King Yu's annual gifts according to the rules, but it is no longer possible now. Sun Yingkui is old. Nothing left has been eroded by the years. Now Sun Yingkui acts with the purpose of seeking peace and quiet. He does not seek merit and is not afraid of mistakes. As long as he does not offend those in power, as long as he can retire smoothly.

"So, what can be done about it?!"

After listening to Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin's words, the light that had just lit up in Prince Yu's eyes instantly went out, and his face was once again enveloped in sadness.

"Actually, the key to the distribution of annual gifts is not in the household department, but in the Yan Mansion." Gao Gong looked up at King Yu and said in a low voice.

"Yan Mansion?! So the rumors are true?!" Yin Shidan lost his voice.

Although Yan Song and his son did not clearly stand in line or express their support, they secretly supported King Jing. This was already known to everyone on the road, and Yin Shidan naturally knew it as well. Before, Yin Shidan had heard the rumor many times that Yan Song and his son suggested that the Ministry of Revenue withheld the annual gift from King Yu, but Yin Shidan did not believe it. Yan Song and his son did not clearly express their support for which prince, but if it was suggested that the Ministry of Revenue withheld the annual gift from King Yu If so, wouldn't that make it clear that they support King Jing? ! Therefore, although Yin Shidan had heard this rumor many times, he did not want to believe it. Only then was he surprised when he heard Gao Gong say this.

Chen Yiqin was different from Yin Shidan. He didn't seem to be much surprised by Gao Gong's judgment. He nodded at this moment and said softly: "It should be so. Last month, I went to the Ministry of Revenue to urge a yearly gift, and the Ministry of Revenue replied He said that this year is an eventful year, with bandits from the north and Japanese invaders from the south. The mainland is also not at peace. There have been several turmoils, which has caused huge consumption of the treasury this year. The regular rewards of various ministries and departments have not been paid. Even if the palace is waiting for urgent needs, they The Ministry of Husbandry also cannot make the decision. I asked them who could make the decision, but they were just talking about others. Now that I think about it, they were referring to the Yan Mansion."

Zhu Ping'an was not surprised by this, because Yan Shifan's deprivation of King Yu's annual gifts was clearly recorded in history books.

However, to Zhu Pingan's expectation, King Yu was not surprised at all by Gao Gong's words, and seemed to have known the news a long time ago. Also, King Yu was the son of the emperor after all, and Yan Shifan secretly ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs to withhold the three-year gift. It was impossible for King Yu not to get any news.

The next second, King Yu's words also confirmed Zhu Pingan's guess.

"What Master Gao said is true. I got the news not long ago. Eunuch Feng Baofeng in the palace was well-informed and told me the truth. He said that without Yan Shifan's permission, the Ministry of Revenue would not dare to give the orphan a new year's gift. "

King Yu sat up straight and spoke with a gloomy expression.

The information obtained by King Yu was more accurate, and it was clearly stated that Yan Shifan instructed the Ministry of Revenue to withhold the annual gift.

After Zhu Pingan heard this, he tapped the table with his fingers slightly. Feng Bao sent a message to King Yu. It seemed that Feng Bao had secretly moved closer to King Yu. Not bad. As expected of Feng Bao, his political sense is really sensitive.

Zhu Ping'an admitted that if he had not known that Prince Yu would aspire to win the throne, he would not have dared to put his treasure on Prince Yu at this time.


If Feng Bao knew what Zhu Pingan was thinking, he would be blushing and confused. He just believed in Zhu Pingan's judgment. He had always been loyal to King Jing before, but not long ago, when he saw that Zhu Pingan had tried every possible means not to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing's Mansion, but to come to Prince Yu's Mansion as a lecturer, Feng Bao began to change. He secretly moved closer to King Yu.

Zhu Ping'an aspired to become the number one scholar at a young age, a feat that surpassed the Ming Dynasty. You must know that Yang Ting and Mr. Yang, the elders of the four dynasties, were only nineteen years old. Moreover, Feng Bao had long been impressed by Zhu Ping'an's talent and ability after going through the strategy of turning cards over and killing Zhao Daying, and the search for Taicang after becoming famous.

Feng Bao is self-aware. He knows that his intelligence and ability cannot match that of Zhu Pingan. He also knows that Zhu Pingan never does anything he is unsure of. Since Zhu Pingan is betting on King Yu, he will follow suit.

Of course, Feng Bao still has his own little plan. He is only secretly flirting with King Yu, and does not openly display the treasure. This not only left a good impression in King Yu's heart and occupied a position, but also left room for redemption if things couldn't be done.

"Yan Donglou is so brave!"

When Chen Yiqin and Yin Shidan heard that King Yu said that Yan Shifan was behind it, their expressions suddenly changed and they said angrily.

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