Rise From the Humble

Chapter 923 Heartless Zhu Pingan

"Your Highness, please go to Yan's Mansion to confront Yan Donglou. If you can't recover the gift for one day, I will stay in Yan's Mansion for one day." Yin Shidan once again took the initiative to ask for help, preparing to go directly to Yan's Mansion to confront Yan Shifan and pursue him. Ask for the gift of the year.

As soon as Yin Shidan finished speaking, Chen Yiqin shook his head and sighed: "Zhengfu, it won't help if you confront him like this. How could he admit to such a thing that is not brought to the table? .”

"Then what should we do, go find Yan Song?" Yin Shidan lowered his voice and hesitated for a moment.

"Is there any difference?" Chen Yiqin asked.

"that's true"

Yin Shidan sighed. Although Yan Shifan did this, Yan Song must have known about it, and even instigated or acquiesced. They were father and son, so their positions must be consistent, and they would naturally be consistent with the outside world.

Since a direct showdown with Yan Shifan doesn't work, he can only think of another way.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Finance is not good, Yan Shifan is not good, and Yan Song is not good. As for the Holy One, the Holy One will always make the decision for King Yu.

"Can I submit it to the Holy Emperor in my own name?" Chen Yiqin's eyes lit up and he suggested.

Chen Yiqin also knew that the two dragons did not meet each other, so he did not suggest that King Yu go to find Emperor Jiajing, but suggested that Emperor Jiajing should be reported in his own name.


Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin shook their heads at the same time. After looking at each other, Chen Yiqin continued to explain: "If this is the case, wouldn't it be a direct rift with Yan Shifan, which would cause a lot of inconvenience to Prince Yu, and the harm would far outweigh the benefit."

"But what if when we submit the memorial, we don't talk about Yan Donglou secretly ordering the Ministry of Household Affairs not to issue the annual gifts, but just talk about His Highness King Yu, who has not issued the annual gifts for three years, and how about asking the Ministry of Household Affairs to issue the annual gifts?"

Chen Yiqin thought for a moment, then made some detours based on Yin Shidan's suggestion, and then suggested again.

"I think it's feasible." After hearing Chen Yiqin's suggestion, Yin Shidan's eyes lit up and he agreed.

After hearing this, King Yu also rekindled his hope.

Zhu Ping'an shook his head slightly in secret. Chen Yiqin's suggestion seemed feasible, but in fact it was not feasible.

First of all, the memorial did not mention that Yan Shifan secretly ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs not to issue annual gifts. He only mentioned that His Royal Highness King Yu's annual gifts had not been issued for three years and asked the Ministry of Household Affairs to issue annual gifts. This is a bit deceptive and taken for granted. With Yan Shifan's pride and intelligence, no matter whether you mention him or not when you submit the memorial, as long as you haven't received the annual gift for three years, you have already offended him.

In addition, have you forgotten the motto of the Holy One: "Two dragons must never meet"? The Holy Spirit attaches great importance to this motto, not only because he has not seen the two princes, King Yu and King Jing, but he also doesn't even want to hear news about the two princes. . This kind of memorial dedicated to King Yu's annual gifts will definitely be suppressed.


Gao Gong shook his head slightly and rejected Chen Yiqin's proposal.

Chen Yiqin and Yin Shidan looked up at Gao Gong in confusion. Gao Gong explained softly to them. The reason was exactly the same as what Zhu Pingan thought, but he added a little more analysis of the current situation.

At present, King Yu's situation is not optimistic. It is really difficult to make strong enemies again, so he should avoid irritating Yan Shifan. If there is a quarrel with Yan Shifan, it is equivalent to a quarrel with the Yan Party. The Yan Party's power is spread all over the government and the public. If they are restrained, then King Yu will be unable to move forward.

"If it hadn't been for what Su Qing said, I would have done something bad."

After hearing Gao Gong's explanation, Chen Yiqin was enlightened and suddenly realized, and said with some fear.

This won't work, that won't work either, what should I do? ! The sad look on King Yu's face became even worse.

"Do you have any good advice for me?" King Yu looked at the crowd and asked.

Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan and others were all silent. Gao Gong also shook his head slightly, and for a while he had no good idea.

Yan Shifan secretly ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs to detain King Yu's annual gift. Please try to reason with him. It will definitely not make sense. The two sides have different positions. However, you cannot break up with him, otherwise the situation will be even more troublesome.

Neither the soft one nor the hard one will work. This will lead to a dead end.

After a while, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan and others also proposed some measures, but they only addressed the symptoms rather than the root cause. For example, they took out dozens or hundreds of taels of silver from their houses to solve King Yu's urgent needs, etc.

Prince Yu's family has a big business, and there are many places to spend money. Tens or hundreds of taels of silver are simply a drop in the bucket and will not help.

Moreover, borrowing money also has to be repaid.

For a moment, the room was quiet, except for a sigh.

What should I do?

King Yu was helpless, and his sorrow was like a dark cloud, engulfing King Yu deeply.


King Yu leaned slumped on the back of the chair, sank into the chair again, and sighed, as if he wanted to spit out the infinite sadness in his chest, but instead of spitting out the sadness, his chest became even more swollen with sadness.

At this moment, King Yu suddenly noticed Zhu Pingan sitting at the bottom, and remembered that he had not heard Zhu Pingan speak today.

Then, King Yu discovered that Zhu Pingan was different from everyone else's helpless look. He looked like a young man who didn't know what it was like to be worried. Coupled with Zhu Pingan's simple and honest appearance, the young man's expression of not knowing what to worry about looked like he was heartless. of.

Did you see the wrong person? ! Haven't you seen how worried Gu Gu and the others are?

King Yu was a little bit dissatisfied.

"Zihou, what do you think?" So the next second, King Yu suppressed his unhappiness and looked at Zhu Ping'an expressionlessly and asked.

"Back to Your Highness, I have a plan. I am 90% sure that I can get back the annual gift for Your Highness within three days, but"

Zhu Pingan, who was only tall, clasped his hands and replied, but mid-sentence, Zhu Pingan paused again, looking embarrassed.

Mountain darkly, vista!

When King Yu heard this, he couldn't help but stood up excitedly, his heart beating as fast as the rough sea.

Are you actually 90% sure that you can get back your annual gift? !

No wonder Zhu Pingan was not helpless. It turned out that Gu mistakenly blamed Zhu Pingan. It seems that Gu did not trust Zhu Pingan enough and almost mistakenly blamed Zhongliang.

As a result, Zhu Ping'an's status became more important in King Yu's heart.

Zhu Ping'an is actually 90% sure that he will get his annual gift back within three days? !

Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, and Yin Shidan couldn't believe their ears after hearing Zhu Pingan's words, and they all turned to look at Zhu Pingan in surprise.

They were not even 10% sure, but Zhu Pingan was 90% sure!

How could this not surprise them.

"Zihou, but what."

King Yu couldn't help but asked anxiously, "Where is my Lord Xiao Zhu? Why did you stop talking in the middle of your words?"

"But. I'm afraid His Highness will not accept your suggestion. Forget it, I'd better not say it." Zhu Ping'an raised his head and looked at King Yu, hesitated for a moment, and slowly shook his head, as if he was betting that King Yu would not do it. Will take his advice.

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