Rise From the Humble

Chapter 927 How to collect bribes

To send gifts and bribes to Yan Shifan, Prince Yu certainly did not need to go there in person, it would be enough for the subordinate officials of Prince Yu's palace to go. However, in order to show that Prince Yu valued Yan Shifan, the status of the subordinate officials who went to give gifts could not be lowered. Based on this, the range of subordinate officials suitable for the task of giving gifts and bribes was fixed on Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan, and Zhu Ping'an.

So who should go?

When King Yu glanced at everyone, he finally looked at Zhu Pingan.

Since Zhu Pingan came up with this idea, no one is more suitable to carry out this task than Zhu Pingan.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help coughing, and said with a wry smile: "Ahem... Your Highness, last month I inspected Taicang and uncovered the Taicang bank theft case, and Yan Shifan who was implicated was also fined 12,000 silver. Now, Yan Shifan hates me so much in his heart, I'd better not go..."

In fact, Zhu Ping'an is partly motivated by such concerns. Of course, the most important thing is out of considerations as a human being. He should not be too greedy as a person. It is enough that he has the credit for making suggestions. The credit for the specific implementation should be given to others.

After Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, Prince Yu thought for a moment, nodded slowly, then turned his attention to Chen Yiqin, cupped his hands and said, "Master Chen, please give it a try this time."

"I am willing to serve Your Highness." Chen Yiqin stood up happily, "But for the sake of safety, it is better for Zihou to accompany me."

Uh, Mr. Chen, didn't I just say that? Zhu Pingan stood up and was about to say what he just said again.

"Zihou, I understand your concerns, but don't you think that having you accompany me to give gifts and bribes to Yan Shifan will make Yan Shifan feel more conquered?" Chen Yiqin looked at Zhu Ping'an with a smile, and used a move to Zi's ​​spear attacked Zi's shield, blocking all Zhu Pingan's excuses.

"Well, Zihou, just take the trouble to accompany Master Chen." King Yu nodded slightly when he heard this.

Well, okay, King Yu has spoken, so Zhu Pingan had no choice but to comply.

Since Prince Yu's palace couldn't reveal the truth, it was urgent to pay bribes and gifts. The troops were divided into two groups, inquiring about the market situation and raising money...

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin rushed from Prince Yu's Mansion to Yan's Mansion.

The two of them carried 1,500 taels of silver notes with them, which was money given to Yan Shifan. It is easier to find out the price of Yan Shifan's gifts. In the circle, the price is almost "clearly stated". According to the price, about 1,300 taels is enough, but for the sake of insurance, he still rounded up the round number of 1,500 taels.

Among the 1,500 taels of silver notes, 1,000 taels were obtained by King Yu from Concubine Du Kang in the harem, 150 taels of silver were lent to King Yu by Feng Bao after hearing about it, and the remaining 350 taels were from Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin. , Yin Shidan and Zhu Ping'an got it together.

Chen Yiqin, Gao Gong and Yin Shidan each collected 100 taels of silver, and Zhu Pingan collected 50 taels of silver.

Although Zhu Pingan raised the least, King Yu was most moved because King Yu knew that Zhu Pingan had just been fined 160 taels of silver by his father not long ago, and further back, Zhu Pingan was also fined a year's salary... ...Zhu Ping'an was so poor that he had to open Zhu Ji's fast food restaurant and sell pigs into the water. The 50 taels of silver might have been used by Zhu Ping'an to take out all the money Zhu Ji earned and everything he had in his family.

Prince Yu's Mansion was not close to Yan's Mansion, and walking or riding in a sedan was too time-consuming. Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin rode directly to Yan's Mansion.

Chen Yiqin was concerned about the gift given by King Yu, so he rode at high speed on the way to Yan's Mansion.

Seeing the treatment of the horse in front of him, the black horse was probably afraid of being whipped. Today he was particularly good at it. He didn't even use Zhu Ping'an to raise his whip, but he ran wildly. In just a few breaths, he overtook the horse in front and ran to the front. .

In about two seconds, Zhu Ping'an and the others arrived at a street in front of Yan's mansion. Going all the way along this street is Yan's Mansion.

After arriving at this street, Zhu Pingan slowed down his horse and did not go forward along this street. Instead, he turned the horse's head and headed towards another alley.

"Hey, Zihou, you went to the wrong place. Yan's Mansion is in front, not over there."

When Chen Yiqin saw this, he couldn't help but stopped Zhu Pingan.

"Haha, you can't be wrong. Master Chen, just follow me."

Zhu Ping'an reined in the dark horse, turned around, waved to Chen Yiqin, and said with a mysterious smile.

"Zihou, I've been to Yan's Mansion several times. Just go forward along this street. You're going in the wrong direction." Chen Yiqin shook his head, looked at Zhu Ping'an and said seriously: "We'd better focus on major matters and wait for them to be dealt with. After finishing the important things, it’s not too late to do other things.”

"Master Chen, are you prepared to hand over the money directly to Yan Shifan like this?"

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile when he heard this, turned his horse's head, rode up to Chen Yiqin, and asked with a smile.

"Well, isn't that what bribery is all about?"

Chen Yiqin nodded and looked at Zhu Pingan with a strange expression.

Seeing Chen Yiqin's reaction, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but think of the time when he paid homage to Yan Song and was laughed at and reminded by the fat man behind him.

"Master Chen, if you give a gift like this, Yan Shifan will not accept it." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Huh?" Chen Yiqin didn't know why.

"This way of giving gifts can easily leave clues and hidden dangers. A smart person like Yan Shifan will not accept it." Zhu Pingan glanced around, and then explained to Chen Yiqin in a low voice, "Go forward, there is an alley ahead. , there is a study in the alley, called 'He Nian Study'. It was opened by Yan Nian, the chief steward of the Yan Mansion. Yan Nian's word is 'He Nian'. He Nian Study specializes in selling fans, and each fan is not marked with a price. You can pay as much bribe as you want to buy a fan. The clerk in the study will write down the price you paid after your name card and transfer it to the Yan Mansion through the back door. At that time, this fan will be the pass of the Yan Mansion. , the disciples of the Yan Mansion will give priority to those holding the He Nian Study Fan to come in and pay their respects."

"Well, this Yan Shifan is really a genius. He actually figured out how to collect bribes in this way." After hearing this, Chen Yiqin quickly figured out the secrets and implications, and couldn't help but be impressed by Yan Shifan's method of collecting bribes.

What is unique about Yan Shifan's bribery is that Henian's study normalized the appearance of bribery and acceptance through the sale of fans.

As for the fan price? !

This is a matter of mutual consent, and besides, there are calligraphy and paintings on the fan. In a sense, calligraphy and painting are priceless. As long as you like it, no amount of money is too much.

To take a step back, even if there is any problem, this Henian study was opened by Yannian. What does it have to do with me, Yan Shifan? !

"Yan Shifan, this little thief, is truly worthy of his reputation as the 'Number One Genius in Jiajing'. Fortunately, Zihou is with us today. Otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to get in through the door of Yan's Mansion. Even if I get in, I won't be able to do this job." Chen Yiqin couldn't help but sigh.

"Master Chen is serious. These are nothing. If I didn't tell him, someone would have told Master Chen in front of the Yan Mansion."

Zhu Pingan shook his head modestly.

"Zihou, don't be humble."

Chen Yiqin smiled slightly, and then said, "Then let's go and see Henian's study."

After speaking, the two of them turned their horses and headed towards Henian's study.

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