Rise From the Humble

Chapter 928 Meet Yan Shifan again

He Nian Study is located in a remote alley, covering an area of ​​only about 30 square meters. It is unremarkable from the outside. If it were not for the "He Nian Study" plaque hanging on the door, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin would have almost missed it. .

There are two shop assistants in the study, sitting behind the counter drinking tea and eating melon seeds. They look like their eyes are on the top of their heads. They are very arrogant, as if it is a great honor for you to look at you more.

"Excuse me, I'm here to buy a fan."

After entering Henian's study, Zhu Ping'an took the initiative to come to the counter, bowed his hands to the two of them, and said with a smile.

"On the counter, see for yourself."

The store clerk glanced at Zhu Ping'an indifferently and pointed to the fan on the counter.

Chen Yiqin frowned. For a shop assistant to be so arrogant, the power and influence of the Yan family was evident.

"Thank you for reminding."

Zhu Ping'an disagreed with this, smiled slightly, thanked the store clerk, and then looked at the fan in front of the counter with great interest.

"Moist and delicate, like white jade, the workmanship of this fan bone is really ingenious and astonishing. When you walk to the water poor place and sit and watch the clouds rise, the landscape painting on this fan must be the original work of the famous master Wu Gong."

Zhu Ping'an picked up a fan from the counter, unfolded it, and exclaimed as if he was a man in heaven.

"I want this fan." Zhu Pingan held on to the fan with both hands as if he had found a treasure.


Continue to install.

The store clerk glanced at Zhu Pingan like an idiot. Taking off his pants and farting is fun. Why are you going to all the trouble? What are you buying the fan for? You really don't think anyone knows. You can just pay for it.


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but blush. He thought he had just performed as a king with superb operation, deep consciousness, and flexible movement. He didn't expect that in the eyes of others, he was just a broken bronze.

One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the effect is two hundred and fifty.

I'm just talking about myself.

Zhu Ping'an's face turned red, he put his hand to his lips and coughed twice, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"Well, let's take this fan."

Chen Yiqin beside him couldn't help but put his hand to his lips, coughed, and covered his smile.

Laugh if you want.

Zhu Ping'an glanced at Chen Yiqin speechlessly, then took out 1,500 taels of silver from his sleeve and placed it on the counter. With a flick of his hand, 15 silver notes of one hundred taels were placed on top of each other on the counter.

After seeing the 1,500 silver note, the store clerk, who had his eyes high above his head, finally looked at them and became enthusiastic. He walked out of the counter and poured two cups of hot tea for Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin. He took out a seal and stamped it on the fan. A very conspicuous stamp, and then asked Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin to show their name cards. The store clerk wrote "One thousand and five hundred taels of silver" on their name cards. One of the store clerks took it and marked it. The name card with the price left from the back door of the store and was delivered to Yan Mansion in advance through a shortcut. When the time comes, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin can come directly to the door with fans in hand.

Normally, the person giving the gift would be worth a few hundred taels of silver, and those with these 1,500 taels would be considered distinguished guests.

That's why the store clerk is so enthusiastic.

With the fan in hand and all the procedures in place, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin said goodbye and left Henian's study. When I was going out, I happened to meet a middle-aged man with a big belly coming to buy a fan.

“Business is quite booming.”

After Chen Yiqin walked out of the door, he glanced back at the inconspicuous study and said sarcastically.

Irony being irony, when they arrived in front of the Yan Mansion, Chen Yiqin and Zhu Pingan both looked respectful and respectful.

There were cars and horses and dragons in front of Yan's Mansion Gate, and the queue was quite long. Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin both lined up twenty years away.

"One, two, three, four, twenty, why are there so many people?"

Chen Yiqin was at the end of the queue with an anxious look on his face. He leaned his head forward and counted them. According to this order, he might not be able to get them in line today.

"Master Chen, don't worry, I'll give it a try."

Zhu Ping'an's dark eyes rolled, he reached out and raised the fan to the top of his head, unfolded it, and swayed the side with the seal towards the concierge.

Because Zhu Pingan raised the fan to the top of his head, the action itself was very conspicuous. The seal stamped by He Niantang Study Room on the fan was very large, red and eye-catching, so the concierge of the Yan Mansion immediately noticed it.

As soon as the concierge of the Yan Mansion saw the seal, he knew that Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin were distinguished guests who had sent a large sum of money. He nodded secretly, asked people to go directly to the queue, and led Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin into the Yan Mansion through the side door.

After entering Yan's Mansion, the disciples led Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin to a guest room, served hot tea to them, and asked them to wait patiently.

"Thank you."

Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin thanked them, then sat in the guest room and waited patiently.

a cup of tea

a cup of tea

another cup of tea

Slowly, Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin drank half a pot of tea. It was almost noon, but Yan Shifan still didn't see anyone coming to invite them. They seemed to have been forgotten by the people in the Yan Mansion.

Chen Yiqin glanced at the sun that was gradually setting in the middle of the window, and gradually became unable to sit still. He felt that today's 1,500 taels of silver were probably a meat bun that had gone and never returned. In fact, it was 1,500 taels. Giving away the money for free is the next best thing. The problem is that if you can't get back the annual gift from Prince Yu, that will be troublesome. You must know that Prince Yu's palace can't open the pot now.

Compared to Chen Yiqin, Zhu Ping'an was very calm.

Historically, Yan Shifan gladly accepted the bribe from Prince Yu's Palace, and was extremely satisfied. He would brag to everyone he met, "The emperor's son wants to give me money, who dares not to give me money?".

This time, it is certainly no exception.

It is estimated that before Yan Shifan met us, he deliberately wanted to show us off and add some psychological pressure to us.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Pingan can drink tea calmly and wait.


Even at his age, he is not as calm as Zihou.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an being so calm, Chen Yiqin was slowly infected. He smiled to himself, and his anxious mood gradually calmed down.

In this way, it's time for tea again.

Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin heard a burst of footsteps outside, and then a burst of laughter.

Yan Shifan is here!

Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin looked at each other. They were both a little excited and stood up and left their seats.

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen, Zihou, you are such a rare visitor. What kind of wind brought you to my Yan Mansion?"

A fat man with a short stature and one eye walked in with his sleeves waving, a figure-footed step, a shy belly, and a smile like a flower.

It was Yan Shifan.

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