Rise From the Humble

Chapter 930 Good things come hard

Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin were overjoyed when they heard that Yan Shifan promised to inform the Ministry of Finance later, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Although Yan Shifan is cunning, he is recognized as a man who keeps his word. As long as he agrees to inform the Ministry of Revenue, he will definitely inform the Ministry of Revenue. As long as Yan Shifan notified the Ministry of Revenue, there would be no resistance to the distribution of King Yu's annual gifts, because the previous resistance came from Yan Shifan!

The task was successfully completed, and the two of them relaxed rarely. They picked up the tea cups and took a sip of tea to soothe their tense heartstrings for a long time.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that His Royal Highness Prince Yu seems to have a lot of complaints against my father and me. I wonder what my father and I have done wrong. I would like to ask Mr. Chen and Zihou to make it clear so that my father and I can correct our mistakes in time."

Just when Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin relaxed, Yan Shifan looked at them with a cold smile and asked.

Yan Shifan's words were like thunder, exploding in the ears of Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin! In an instant, the expressions of Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin changed drastically, and their heartstrings, which had just relaxed, became tense again.

Looking at Yan Shifan's smiling fat face, Zhu Pingan's heart was undulating like waves. His heart was beating like a drum, and a stream of cold sweat flowed down his back. However, although his heart was thunderous, Zhu Pingan's face was filled with emotion. He remained calm as if nothing had happened, and subconsciously held the teacup in his hand steadily.

Damn it, this is Yan Shifan’s standard way of hiding a knife behind a smile!

Also, Yan Shifan’s question was really a fatal question!

If you give a bad answer, not only will the things you just promised not count, and you will return to before liberation overnight, but the relationship between Prince Yu's palace and Yan Song's father and son will also become dire, and Prince Yu's embarrassing status will be in jeopardy!

By the way, King Yu did criticize Yan Song and his son a lot, but how did Yan Shifan know? !

Zhu Ping'an has been in Prince Yu's Mansion for such a long time, and he has become quite familiar with the confidentiality work of Prince Yu's Mansion. The confidentiality work of Prince Yu's Mansion was trained by Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin. It is characterized by being loose on the outside and tight on the inside. It seems to be pervasive, but in fact it is water-splitting. Not entering. Regarding ordinary matters that are insignificant, Prince Yu's Mansion is almost undefended, such as the last pergola poetry meeting and other matters. However, for confidential matters that are important to Prince Yu and his officials, Prince Yu's Mansion's confidentiality work is very good. First of all, every time there was a discussion, King Yu would retreat and ask his confidants to stay outside. Zhongzhong Mansion Guards would be on duty within ten meters, not to mention that King Yu criticized Yan Song and his son, and his confidentiality work was unparalleled. right.

At least, so far, Zhu Ping'an has not heard of any leaks of Prince Yu's affairs, so the confidentiality work of Prince Yu's Mansion is still trustworthy.

In other words, Yan Shifan only heard rumors at most, but had no concrete evidence.

After thinking about this, Zhu Ping'an quickly calmed down. His honest face looked completely nonchalant. He calmly raised his head and looked at Yan Shifan. Then he raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head and laughed, "Hehehe." Mr. Yan is really good at joking and teasing us with some unfounded rumors. Prime Minister Yan and Mr. Yan are the pillars of the country. His Royal Highness King Yu has always treated Prime Minister Yan and Mr. Yan with great courtesy. In the palace, he often treats Yan as Yan. Prime Minister and Lord Yan serve as examples to inspire our officials, otherwise King Yu would not have asked us to come to Lord Yan for help at this moment. Therefore, those false rumors must not be believed."

Yan Shifan was always smiling. After listening to Zhu Pingan's words, he nodded noncommittally.


Chen Yiqin on the side placed the teacup in his hand heavily on the table, sat upright, looked up at Yan Shifan and replied with a serious face: "His Royal Highness Prince Yu's status as crown prince has been tacitly determined for a long time, but he has not been officially canonized. .His Royal Highness King Yu is older and should be established in order, and His Highness King Yu is named Zaihe, which means that the king owns the land. This is the intention of the king. Although His Highness King Yu is a prince, The rules and etiquette of the royal palace are much higher than those of other princes. The first lecturers of other princes only use self-examination, but the first lecturer of Prince Yu’s palace uses higher-level editors. This is different from other princes. This shows that the emperor We treat His Royal Highness King Yu as the crown prince. We serve His Highness King Yu. His Highness King Yu often said that the Yan family has two pillars. Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Yan are both the pillars of the country, good ministers of the country, and capable officials in governing the country. !I wonder where Mr. Yan heard the rumors?!”

Chen Yiqin was a senior-level official when King Yu opened his palace, and he knew better than Zhu Ping'an how precarious King Yu's position was now!

Faced with Yan Shifan's questioning, Chen Yiqin paid more attention! The answers were more formal and the words more intense!

More than forty years of life experience tells Chen Yiqin that at this time, he must be stronger. Chen Yiqin's answer was both humble and powerful. It not only praised Yan Song and his son from the perspective of Prince Yu, but also showed that Prince Yu's Palace is not easy to mess with. Prince Yu is Prince Yu after all! He is the future prince of the Ming Dynasty!

"Hahaha" After hearing this, Yan Shifan burst into laughter. The flesh on his fat face trembled, like a Maitreya Buddha. "Yan Mou said from hearsay, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll just do whatever I want." Just ask, don’t take it so seriously.”

Yan Shifan had indeed heard the rumor, but had not verified it. At this moment, he was just testing it out. After testing, if you find that the other party has no flaws, that's the end of it. Of course, Yan Shifan would definitely not be merciful if the other party showed any flaws.

The atmosphere became relaxed again.

Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin breathed a sigh of relief again. Yan Shifan's questioning just now was too sudden. Fortunately, Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin handled it properly and were able to get through this smoothly. Otherwise, their previous efforts would have been wasted and the situation would be even worse.

"A wise young man will be wise, a strong young man will make the Ming Dynasty strong, and the young man will be strong. The "Youth and Ming Dynasty" you wrote not long ago is very to Yan's taste, and Yan loves it very much. I, a man of the Ming Dynasty, should have such courage. yes."

Yan Shifan sat on a chair, looked at Zhu Ping'an with squinted eyes, and started chatting with puns.

Yan Shifan's words not only meant to praise Zhu Pingan's works, but also implicitly expressed his appreciation and solicitation for Zhu Pingan.

"It is really an honor for Ping An to be appreciated by adults." Zhu Ping'an did Tai Chi to remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

Next, Yan Shifan chatted with Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin for a few more words, and then a servant came in and leaned into Yan Shifan's ear to report to Yan Shifan.

After hearing this, Yan Shifan nodded slightly, then stood up and said to Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin, "Master Chen, Zihou, my father has called me for something, so I'm going to excuse you. After finishing my work, I happened to stop by the Ministry of Finance to say hello. The time is almost up. It’s noon, you two have lunch here before going back.”

"Thank you Lord Yan for your kindness. Let's go back so that we can tell His Highness Prince Yu the good news earlier." Chen Yiqin and Zhu Ping'an stood up and thanked them, declining Yan Shifan's invitation to stay for dinner.

"Well, well, if it's not enough, you have to stay for dinner next time, otherwise you won't give me Yan some face." Yan Shifan nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Yan. I will definitely stay next time." Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin expressed their gratitude.

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