Rise From the Humble

Chapter 931 Fortunately, he lived up to his fate

The horse's hooves are brisk and the dust is flying. Chen Yiqin's heart is like an arrow. He jumps on his horse and whips his whip all the way. He can't wait to appear in Prince Yu's palace in the next second. He can't wait to tell Prince Yu the good news of the successful bribery.

Zhu Ping'an rode a black horse to chase after him slowly, so that he was not left too far behind by Chen Yiqin.

Finally, the two returned to Prince Yu's Mansion before noon.

When Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin arrived at Prince Yu's Mansion, Prince Yu was discussing matters with Gao Gong and Yin Shidan in the study. The study was gloomy and filled with a low and negative atmosphere.

King Yu just received the news that the mother of Mr. Zheng, the central councilor of the capital, is celebrating her 60th birthday today. King Jing sent a steward of Prince Jing's Mansion to deliver a pot of more than ten feet of rice to the Mansion of Zheng on the grounds that he had asked Mr. Zheng for advice. The Penglai Wonderland Coral Bonsai wishes the old lady of the Zheng Mansion longevity and good fortune with the Penglai Fairyland. It is said that all the guests in the Zheng Mansion were moved by it, and it greatly improved the Zheng Mansion's reputation. The old lady of the Zheng Mansion was very happy and grateful. The steward of Prince Jing's Mansion received special courtesy from the Zheng Mansion. Before leaving, Mr. Zheng personally sent the steward of Prince Jing's Mansion more than ten meters outside the door, whispering for a long time before returning.

Have you ever asked for advice? !

Who believes it!

I once said one or two sentences, can it be regarded as asking for advice? ! Don't excuse me by saying that a conversation with you is better than ten years of reading!

It’s not all an excuse for you to win over the ministers!

In fact, this is not the first time King Jing has done this. Because Concubine Lu Jing was favored in the harem, King Jing received many rewards. In addition, he received the annual gifts as usual, secretly purchased private property, etc. It can be said that King Jing was hundreds of times richer than King Yu. In terms of economic strength, King Jing can crush dozens of King Yu.

King Jing relies on his wealth and is willing to spend money and capital. He has given high-sounding reasons such as congratulations on moving into a new home, congratulations on taking a concubine, congratulations on promotion, congratulations on the longevity of the elderly in the family, etc. King Jing has already sent it to many ministers in the court. Interests are exchanged!

If you like money, King Jing will give you silver; if you like beautiful women, King Jing will give you beautiful women; if you like to be promoted, King Jing will grant you an official title and make a wish.

The effect is very obvious. Although many officials have not expressed their stance clearly, they have secretly moved closer to King Jing.

Zheng Shi, the central council official, has a reputation as a virtuous man and is quite famous among civil servants. He was not afraid of power and favoritism in his affairs. He impeached three people from Shangfeng and three people from the same town. He was known as "Iron Shizhong".

He is considered a relatively influential official.

Today, the attitude and behavior of Zheng Shi, the central court official, towards the officials of Prince Jing's Mansion are obviously closer to Prince Jing.

That's why King Yu was so worried and uneasy after hearing the news.

"Brother Zhen is really becoming more and more lawless. My father, Emperor Longti Kangjian, dares to offer favors like this to win over ministers. If this continues, it will be very detrimental to me." King Yu said with a gloomy look on his face, worried.

"His Royal Highness King Jing is really becoming more and more bold. In the past, he was sneaky and cautious in wooing ministers for fear of being discovered, but now he is becoming more and more wanton." Yin Shidan said with a look of injustice.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Since ancient times, it has been the custom to appoint a heir apparent to establish a direct descendant. There are direct descendants, and there are no direct descendants, and the elders and younger ones are in order. Although King Jing relied on his wealth and wealth to win over some ministers, His Highness is older than Jing. The king is born with an advantage, and King Jing is young. This is a flaw that he cannot change. There are more ministers who support His Highness than King Jing." Gao Gong was worried in his heart, but his face was full of worry. He looked calm and calm as the old god was there, sitting comfortably on the chair and comforting Yu Wangdao.

"Master Gao, having said that, if you let Brother Zhen continue to win over you, sooner or later, there will be more ministers who support Brother Zhen than those who support Gu. Perhaps, now there are more ministers who support Brother Zhen than those who support Gu. After all, Zhen My younger brother is much better than me. The few times I saw my father, my father mostly scolded me. Although he scolded my brother Zhen, he also praised me."

King Yu sat slumped on the chair and shook his head sadly. Gao Gong's words did not make the sadness on King Yu's face go away at all. Especially when he thought of the days when he was a child and was dominated by the outstanding King Jing, he became even more worried. worry.

Since ancient times, it is true that the crown prince has the custom of establishing a direct descendant and establishing an elder. However, it is not true that every dynasty and every generation has established a direct descendant and established an elder, abolished the direct descendant and abolished the elder, and established the virtuous and established the junior. Who knows that my generation is how is it? !

The father doesn’t care about Brother Guan Zhen. Isn’t this a tacit consent?


Thinking of these things, King Yu almost burst into tears.

"Master Gao, Master Yin, what should we do?" King Yu raised his gloomy face and looked at Gao Gong and Yin Shidan expectantly.

"Your Majesty has not appointed a crown prince for a long time. This has greatly increased His Royal Highness King Jing's ambition to covet the crown prince. It has also made many people feel dissatisfied. His Majesty King Jing's method of wooing ministers, although high-sounding, cannot be concealed from His Majesty. His Majesty has not expressed his position. This is It is equivalent to tacitly approving the minister's bold speculation on the Holy Will, and the Holy One may use this to temper His Highness." Gao Gong pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth to analyze.

What Gao Gong said makes sense. Emperor Jiajing did not go to court for more than 20 years and was obsessed with cultivating immortals and refining elixirs. However, he firmly controlled the entire Ming Dynasty. He was the well-deserved leader of the Ming Dynasty. Even if he was as powerful as Yan Song, he was only Jiajing. A lackey chosen by the emperor can be deposed with just a word from Emperor Jiajing. To be able to do this, in addition to Emperor Jiajing's extreme intelligence and superb imperial scheming, the control of intelligence was also a magic weapon for Emperor Jiajing to control the Ming Dynasty.

It is no exaggeration to say that there was nothing in the Ming Dynasty that Emperor Jiajing did not know. Emperor Jiajing controlled every move of the government and the public, ministers, princes, and concubines through the East-West Factory, Jinyi Guards, Cabinet, and Secret Guards. He controlled every move of the Ming Dynasty. Even if he was not in court, the entire Ming Dynasty was still firmly under his control. In the hands of Emperor Jiajing.

Therefore, King Jing's seemingly clever behavior of wooing ministers must have been invisible in the eyes of Emperor Jiajing.

In fact, what Gao Gong was thinking was more than what he said. In his opinion, the reason why the Holy Emperor ignored it and acquiesced was perhaps to temper King Yu as he just said; or perhaps it was to temper King Jing; or perhaps it was to temper King Yu. The Holy One relied on his good health and long life, like raising a poisonous worm, to let the two princes fight, to serve as each other's whetstones, and let the best one win and inherit the throne. Maybe the Holy One is in love with power, and now he has no intention of establishing a heir apparent. So I just let it go

The reason why Gao Gong did not tell everything was to encourage King Yu and give him confidence and motivation.

"Yes, Master Gao is right. Your Majesty allows His Highness King Jing to win over the ministers without any care. He is using His Highness King Jing as a whetstone to sharpen His Highness." Yin Shidan agreed.

"Father is trying to sharpen me?"

Under the comfort of Gao Gong and Yin Shidan, the sadness on King Yu's face disappeared a lot, and his fighting spirit rose again.

"Whether my father is trying to temper me or not, since my father has left me alone, then Zhendi can win over the ministers, and so can Gu. As Gao Shi and Yinshi said, Gu is older than Zhendi, and Gu is the elder, and it is easier to win over Zhendi. The minister supports it.”

King Yu stood up from his chair, slapped the table hard, and said through gritted teeth.

Gao Gong and Yin Shidan were relieved to see King Yu like this.


next second

King Yu was depressed again.

"But to win over the ministers, I am short of money."

Thinking of this, King Yu's newly raised fighting spirit disappeared instantly. He slumped down on the chair and sat down like Ge You.

Gao Gong, Yin Shidan

at this time

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then Chen Yiqin appeared at the door pulling Zhu Ping'an. Before Chen Yiqin came in, an excited voice came in: "Your Highness, it's done, we're done!"

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Zhu Ping'an walked over one step later and said calmly with his hands in hand.


Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!

When King Yu heard this, the slump on his face disappeared instantly, and he jumped up from the chair, resurrected with full blood.

Gao Gong and Yin Shidan were also excited.

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