Rise From the Humble

Chapter 932 This is so good

It was just after Shen hour in the afternoon, and the sun was slowly setting in the west. The sunlight gradually turned from blazing to gentle, and a gentle breeze suddenly picked up, blowing the leaves and stirring the wind chimes hanging on the eaves of the roof, ringing the dusk.

"Oh, the sun is setting, it's time to go to the office soon."

In the office, Zhu Pingan put down his brush, stretched his arms, and looked out the window lazily. When he saw the sun slowly setting outside the window, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.


Yes, Zhu Pingan was indeed very happy at this time.

The sun is setting in the west, and it's time to get off work. Today is June 29th. According to the Ming Dynasty calendar, June is a small month. The small month has a total of twenty-nine days, and the big month has a total of thirty days. Today is June 29th, which means today is the last day of June, and tomorrow is the first day of July.

What does it mean on the first day of July? !

The first day of July means that the day of rest has finally arrived! ! !

It’s finally a holiday!

After working hard for so long, I finally have a day off.

By the way, compared with the Ming Dynasty, modern people are really happy. Modern society protects workers' right to rest very well. National laws clearly stipulate that employers should ensure that workers have at least one day of rest per week. Generally, It is a two-day weekend system. However, Daming is not like this! Emperor Hongwu wished that officials would go to work every day! The official holiday system was changed from the five-day holiday in the Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the ten-day holiday in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, to the first and fifteenth day off in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and only two days off in January.

After working hard for half a month, it's finally time to have a holiday. Can Zhu Pingan be unhappy? !

I miss weekend breaks!

If the ancients traveled through time and space and returned to modern times, they would definitely be attracted by the modern relaxed vacation system. With more vacations, the ancients would have more opportunities to travel and visit relatives and friends, and their poetry output would definitely increase several times. more than.

Zhu Ping'an cursed in his heart for a while, and then started to pack away his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, getting ready to get off work.

Just as Zhu Pingan was putting away his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

Then, I saw a crowd of people outside the window, running to tell each other, forming a group, looking like they were cheering.

What's wrong?

Did something great happen?

Zhu Ping'an looked out the window curiously, feeling distracted for a while.

"Zi Hou, let's go out and have a look. It seems that Zhengfu (Yin Shidan, also known as Zhengfu) has brought back His Highness's annual gift."

Chen Yiqin appeared at the door of Zhu Pingan's office room with an excited face and waved to Zhu Pingan.

"Ah? So fast?!" Zhu Ping'an was delighted when he heard this and was also surprised. When did Yin Shidan go to the Ministry of Revenue to receive the annual gift? Didn't he say at noon that he would go to the Ministry of Revenue to receive the annual gift tomorrow?

Also, I just gave Yan Shifan a gift this morning, and got the gift back this afternoon before getting off work? !

According to historical records, it seems that it was the second or third day after King Yu gave the gift that he received the gift.

Unexpectedly, I got it back on the same day.

Unknowingly, this little butterfly of my own was flapping its wings and speeding up a certain historical event.

Ming dynasty!

I, Zhu Pingan, will not come here in vain!

Zhu Pingan smiled, as bright as the sunshine outside the window, and his inner confidence in the future increased a bit.

Zhu Ping'an and Chen Yiqin went outside the palace together, and met Gao Gong on the way, so the three of them walked together.

The three of them came outside the palace. When the three of them arrived, everyone bowed their hands and saluted the three of them. They also opened a path for the three of them to go straight to the center. In the center, Yin Shidan stood there with a smile on his face, looking at the three of them. At his feet were three wooden boxes. The boxes were all open, and there was a piece of gold inside.

"Haha, a total of 180,000 taels of silver." Yin Shidan kicked the box with his foot and said happily.

"Eighteen thousand taels?" Zhu Ping'an was startled when he heard this. Isn't the annual gift 130,000 taels? The first two years were 50,000 taels each, and last year it was 30,000 taels. The total adds up to 130,000 taels. How can I get this back? One hundred and eighty thousand taels.

Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin were also surprised when they heard that Yin Shidan had brought back 180,000 taels of silver.

"Hahaha, I just went to the Ministry of Finance for a business trip and asked about the Sui gift. I was just giving it a try. I didn't expect that the Ministry of Finance would let me receive it directly. It was rare for the Ministry of Finance to open my mouth. I was afraid that the Ministry of Finance would change its mind again, so I simply went through the formalities. , I received it directly. I discovered it as soon as I received it, which was an unexpected joy. I didn’t expect that in addition to the annual gift of 130,000 taels of silver, there are also festival gifts such as Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese Valentine’s Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year’s Day, Lantern Festival, Chinese New Year, Winter Solstice, etc. Three years count It turned out that there were as many as 50,000 taels of silver. The annual gift and the festival gift totaled 180,000 taels of silver. The Ministry of Finance happily reissued them. I packed three boxes. After receiving them, the Ministry of Finance saw that I was alone. , and even sent someone to deliver it to me. Haha, if you have to say, this gift is really worth it, you have never seen the attitude of the Ministry of Finance. Compared with before, it is like heaven and earth." Yin Shidan laughed. He said, and when he got excited, he even stretched out his hands to make gestures.


It’s really worth the gift!

I originally thought it was 130,000 taels of silver, but I didn't expect to receive 180,000 taels of silver, which was a total of 50,000 taels of silver. What a great surprise.

I exchanged 1,500 taels of silver for 180,000 taels of silver. Is there anything more valuable than this? !

Just when everyone was excited, they heard a burst of rapid footsteps. Zhu Pingan turned his head and saw King Yu, with an excited face, swinging his sleeves and running from the palace with flying strides.

Those who didn't know thought that King Yu was on fire.

"I have met His Royal Highness Prince Yu."

"Greetings to Your Highness."

Everyone saluted King Yu one after another.

"No gifts, no gifts, no gifts quickly, Master Yin, you have been given every year, have you received it?!" King Yu was anxious to know the result, and waved his hands vigorously, asking everyone to forgive him, and then looked excited and eager. He looked at Yin Shidan and asked breathlessly.

"Go back to your highness and bring it back." Yin Shidan nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" King Yu was overjoyed.

"Your Highness, I have brought back a total of 180,000 taels of silver this time!" Yin Shidan added.

"What? One hundred and eighty thousand taels?!" King Yu was overjoyed.

So Yin Shidan explained to King Yu what he had just said to Zhu Ping'an and others. King Yu was overjoyed after hearing this.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Now I finally don't have to be constrained by these copper-smelling things!" King Yu said three good words in excitement, and then gritted his teeth and said bitterly. He had money in his hands, but in his heart Don't panic.

At dusk, as the sun set, Zhu Pingan returned to Linhuai Hou Mansion with a bright face, carrying two fifty-tael banknotes and fifty-tael pieces of silver in his arms. One fifty-tael banknote was the money Zhu Ping'an lent to King Yu that morning, and the other fifty-tael banknote was the money Yuwang rewarded for his merits (Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan and others also all had the amount The remaining five taels of silver were reissued by King Yu to everyone in the palace.

Of course, the reward is not important. What is important is that after this incident, Zhu Ping'an was convinced and clearly felt that his status in King Yu's heart had reached a new level.

So, very good!

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