Rise From the Humble

Chapter 933 But I am thick-skinned

The naughty kid and the little loli Niuniu have almost become regular visitors to Jingxiang Garden. They come to Jingxiang Garden whenever they have something to do, especially for dinner, they never miss a meal. Zhu Pingan was sent home from the office. As soon as he entered the Jingxiang Garden, he saw these two little short legs.

The little loli Niuniu is feeding her little white rabbit with a small carrot. The naughty child is holding an exquisite cowhide bag in his hand, with his head raised high, as if he is two hundred and fifty, and he does not lower his head when walking. of.


When the little loli girl Niuniu saw Zhu Pingan, she giggled and ran over with her hands stretched out, her face flushed.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and bent down to pick him up and lift him high.

"Giggle..." Little Loli Niuniu giggled happily above her head, and her penetrating little breast sound could be heard far away.


When the naughty boy saw this, his fat face turned up at 45 degrees suddenly turned into a black face. He turned his head and shook the black face, and snorted heavily.

"If you throw it carefully, you won't be in the right shape when you come back..."

A burst of refreshing fragrance came over, and Li Shu came gracefully, her red lips like dripping cherries were slightly opened, and she gave a sweet cry.

Little fairy.

White teeth, red lips, attentive posture, charming and affectionate, should be delicate or angry. Li Shu's beauty will never tire of her.

Zhu Ping'an looked fascinated, chuckled, and put down the little Loli Niuniu in his hand.

"Giggle~ My uncle is fascinated by the young lady..." Several little girls behind Li Shu covered their mouths and giggled.

Li Shu's pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping'an. Then she turned her head, exposed her cute little tiger teeth, and threatened the little girls in a sweet voice, "If you tell me again, watch your skin carefully."

So cute and not threatening at all.

"Giggle, giggle... Miss, please forgive me, we don't dare to do it anymore..." Several little girls giggled and begged for mercy.

"People are more delicate than flowers, and I never tire of them."

Zhu Ping'an is thick-skinned and has experienced the influence of modern show affection. He was not embarrassed at all when facing the laughter of the little girls. He even fed the little girls some dog food with his backhand and said with a smile.

People are more delicate than flowers, and I never tire of it.

As the saying goes, a woman's appearance pleases her, and if she receives such a compliment from someone who pleases her, every girl must be unable to help but feel her heart beat faster.

Li Shu was no exception. After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, her heartbeat accelerated instantly, and her pretty face became more rosy, like a newly bloomed red rose in the drizzle. She was shy and charming, delicate and indescribably beautiful. .

"Bad guy, what did you say in front of everyone?"

Although Li Shu was as sweet as honey in her heart, her face was still flushed with embarrassment, and her eyes that were about to overflow gave Zhu Ping'an a sideways look.

"Whatever I said, it's all from my heart." Zhu Pingan Zhu Pingan narrowed his eyes and smiled brightly.

Well, the little girls said that they don’t need to have dinner tonight, as the dog food will make them full.

"Glib tongue~~" Li Shu rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping'an again.

Zhu Pingan's smile remained the same.

"Huh, shameless little sister Niuniu, stay away from your brother-in-law from now on." The naughty kid came to the little Loli Niuniu with his head raised at 45 degrees, and preached to the little Loli Niuniu in an old-fashioned way.

"Stay away from me." Little Loli Niuniu pouted.

The naughty boy felt like he had been hurt ten thousand times

Back indoors, Zhu Pingan noticed, what's wrong with this naughty kid today? Why is his head always looking up at the sky at 45 degrees. Normally, he would look up at 45 degrees at most once in front of him. Why is he doing this in front of everyone today? They were looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, even walking with their heads raised, and almost tripping over the threshold when entering the house.

That's it!

After stumbling, he continued to look up at 45 degrees!

Twisted neck? !

Zhu Pingan glanced at the naughty boy suspiciously and asked curiously, "Brother Rui, what's wrong with you? Is your neck twisted?"


Li Shu, Baozi's little maid and other people who knew the inside story couldn't help but burst out laughing when they heard this.

The naughty boy was so excited when he heard Zhu Ping'an's question. His little fat face looked up at forty-five degrees and was about to cry with joy. Finally, the country bumpkin brother-in-law finally noticed. He finally asked me, I've been waiting for you since I walked in. That’s it.

"Ahem, Tu. Brother-in-law, you know, I received praise from many, many people today."

So, the naughty kid coughed twice and cleared his throat, put his two chubby hands on his back, walked around and coaxed, and raised his head even higher.

Seeing the naughty child's arrogance, Li Shu and the others couldn't help laughing.

The little loli Niuniu rolled her eyes cutely at the naughty child, shameless Brother Rui, you are praised by many people and it’s not because of your brother-in-law. There is nothing to be proud of in front of your brother-in-law.


After listening to the naughty kid's words, Zhu Ping'an realized that the emotional naughty kid's head raised forty-five degrees meant he was arrogant.

"I'm not lying to you. Look, these are the snacks in the palace that can only be eaten by the emperor. I won them all."

The naughty kid shook the cowhide bag in his hand, his little fat face raised even higher, and his chin almost reached the sky.

"Really?" Zhu Pingan looked suspicious.

"Of course." The naughty kid rarely stopped raising his head at 45 degrees and nodded vigorously.

Of course, after nodding, the naughty kid raised his head again.

"I don't believe it." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"If you don't believe me, try it. You must have never eaten such delicious snacks." Seeing that Zhu Pingan didn't believe it, the naughty boy couldn't help but raise the cowhide bag in front of Zhu Pingan, eager to prove that he was not lying.

"Okay, then I'll try it. Speaking of which, I also had snacks in the palace." Zhu Pingan nodded cooperatively.

With that said, Zhu Pingan reached into the cowhide bag and picked up a snack, put it in his mouth, and chewed it. Well, this snack tastes good.

"How's it going? It tastes the same as the snacks in the palace." The naughty boy asked anxiously, standing on tiptoes.

"It was gone in one bite, and I didn't taste it." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Then you try again." The naughty boy raised the cowhide bag again.

"Well, okay." Zhu Pingan nodded again, pinched another snack and put it in his mouth.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you." The naughty boy raised his head.

"This feeling doesn't work. I have to try another one to make sure." Zhu Pingan said and reached out to squeeze another one.

The naughty kid has no doubt about him.

After Zhu Pingan ate another one, he closed his eyes and thought about it, then opened his eyes again, "It feels a bit like it, but I have to confirm it again."

Then I ate another one.

Then I ate another one.


After Zhu Pingan ate the fifth pastry, the naughty kid looked down at the number of cakes in the bag, and then at Zhu Pingan who was enjoying the cake. He finally realized that something was wrong. In an instant, he puffed up his cheeks like a little toad. , glared at Zhu Pingan angrily, "You, you, you are a big boss, do you have the nerve to lie to me for so many snacks?"

"Sorry." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Sorry, you still eat so much." The naughty child yelled.

"But I'm thick-skinned."

Zhu Pingan smiled brightly, showing six white teeth. He reached out and pinched another snack from the naughty cowhide bag, chewed it exaggeratedly, and looked like it was delicious.

Jumping childishly.

Then he screamed again, and then he remembered that he seemed to have just said that the country bumpkin brother-in-law was shameless.

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