Rise From the Humble

Chapter 934 The naughty kid who takes the limelight

Although he was distressed, thinking that he could finally show off in front of his country bumpkin brother-in-law today, the naughty kid quickly cheered up again, and his head once again rose to 45 degrees.

"Brother-in-law, do you know how awesome I am today?"

The naughty child hugged the cowhide bag tightly with both hands to protect the snacks, and then came to Zhu Pingan with his head held high.

"I don't know." Zhu Pingan took the handkerchief handed over by Baozi's maid and shook his head while wiping his mouth.

"Hmph, you wouldn't know it just by looking at it. Let me tell you."

The naughty boy snorted proudly, and then raised his little fat face in excitement. His eyes were so happy that he could hardly find them anymore. He opened his mouth to start telling about his great achievements. He was so eager to show off that he couldn't bear it any longer!

"No, not interested." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

ha? !

Although he didn't know what no meant, the naughty kid still understood the words "not interested" in seconds.

Do not listen!

Why don't you act according to common sense?

It was like someone suddenly poured a large basin of cold water on his head when the flames in the stove were burning brightly. The naughty child was suddenly stunned.

All the words he wanted to show off were stuck in his throat, and he was choked back; his heart, which was pounding to show off, was also stuck at this time!

So sad!

The naughty child slowly raised his fat face and looked at Zhu Ping'an.

"Pfft. Stop teasing him. You don't know how long Brother Rui has been waiting for you today. He is just waiting for you to come back and tell you. If you don't let him say it, Brother Rui may not know how much he will do. It’s uncomfortable.”

Li Shu couldn't help but laugh, chuckled, glanced at Zhu Ping'an with a pair of watery eyes, and said coquettishly.

"Haha, okay, okay, Brother Rui, please tell me quickly. My brother-in-law's ears are already thirsty for waiting."

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an looked at Li Shu and smiled, then he extended his right hand to the naughty boy in a gesture of invitation.

Hungry and thirsty? !

When Li Shu heard this, her pretty face couldn't help but blush. She always felt that what Zhu Pingan said to her was very inappropriate, so she gave Zhu Pingan another hard look.

"Humph, I'm not waiting to tell him." The naughty kid shook his fat face, snorted, and said harshly.

"Oh, then" Zhu Ping'an said, pretending to forget about it, and deliberately lengthened the ending.

"Then let me tell you."

The naughty boy became anxious upon hearing this, fearing that Zhu Ping'an would forget about it and say it out loud, so he quickly took over the words with his little fat face.


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help laughing.

Amid the laughter of the crowd, the naughty boy was full of emotion and performed exceptionally well, fully displaying his great achievements in front of Zhu Pingan. Of course, there are indispensable supplements from insiders like Li Shu and Hua'er. Otherwise, no matter how extraordinary the naughty child is, Zhu Ping'an probably won't be able to understand.

This morning, Mrs. Wei Guogong sent a post to invite the wives of the founding princes, Linhuaihou, Dingyuan Hou, Lingbihou and other princes and princes, inviting them to come to Wei Guogong with their rich family members and young children. Flower viewing at the mansion.

In a feudal society where the front door was closed and the second door was closed, the flower viewing party was one of the few social gathering parties for the female relatives of aristocratic families. After Wei Guogong's wife sent the post, several Dukes and wives who received the post responded positively, and soon they came to Wei Guogong's mansion with their rich ladies and children.

After receiving the post, Mrs. Linhuai Marquis took Li Shu, Third Miss, Fourth Miss, Sixth Miss and the naughty boy Rui Geer to the flower viewing party.

As for the second lady of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion, because the wedding was coming soon and it was not suitable to be seen in public, she stayed at the Linhuai Marquis Mansion and did not come to the flower viewing party. Little Loli Niuniu was too young, and Mrs. Linhuai Marquis didn't take her with her.

The back garden of the Duke of Wei's mansion was in full bloom, and the flowers of all colors were in full bloom, which was very pleasing to the eye. After greeting each other, several princes and ladies sat together and exchanged gossips. They had a great time chatting. The betrothed young ladies sat together admiring the flowers, chatting about rouge, gouache, and gossiping about their husbands. All of them had excited little faces flushed red.

As for the unengaged daughters, they have to be more restrained and work hard to express themselves in front of the princes and ladies, reciting poems, composing poems or showing off their embroidery skills. The protagonists of this flower viewing party are them. The Duke's wife may be their future mother-in-law or matchmaker.

Today's flower viewing party, ten naughty children came, and they flew up happily one by one. It is rare that so many friends gather together, and it is rare that there is no restraint and discipline. They chase butterflies, fight flying insects, hide and seek, and go crazy. No, no, no.

For a time, the dogs, cats, and flowers in the Duke of Wei's mansion suffered, and the back garden was almost demolished by the naughty children.

In order to calm down the naughty children, Mrs. Wei Guogong asked the maids to bring iced melons and fruits to the naughty children. Then she pointed at the watermelon divided into two halves and asked a question on the spot to divert their attention: exactly five The young master shared half of the watermelon, but if he was only allowed to cut it three times, how could he share it equally?

How to divide it?

While the other children were still scratching their heads and thinking, the naughty kid Rui Geer had already raised his chubby hand with a grin on his face. He was the first to rush up, picked up a knife without any reason, and swish, swish, and gave the watermelon to Divide into five portions.

Almost as soon as Mrs. Wei Guogong finished speaking, the naughty kid went up and cut the watermelon with a knife in his hand.

This agility and speed instantly made the ladies and gentlemen at the flower viewing party open their mouths in surprise.

"The Marquis of Linhuai was known for his intelligence when he was young. Brother Rui is better than his master. It's true that a tiger father has no dog son."

"Everyone says that Brother Rui is stupid and playful, and often makes the Marquis of Linhuai angry, but I didn't expect that everyone would take it wrong. If Brother Rui is stupid, then all the children in the world will be in trouble."

"Mrs. Linhuai Marquis is really good at raising her children."

For a time, the whole garden was full of voices praising Brother Rui, which greatly satisfied the vanity of the naughty boy.

The naughty kids who usually competed with the naughty kid Rui Geer were all dumbfounded at this moment. They were all still confused. The naughty kids had already been sorted out. This made them feel extremely embarrassed. They were all dejected, with the defeated ones. Like a little cock.

Seeing this, Brother Rui became even more proud. From this moment on, his head was raised and he never put it down.

"Idiot Brother Rui, what's the point of being proud in front of my brother-in-law? Cutting watermelon is just like cutting meatloaf, isn't it? It's not what my brother-in-law taught you last time."

The little loli girl rolled her eyes at the naughty child and reminded the naughty child in a sweet voice.

"I don't care, everyone is praising me anyway, saying I'm a child prodigy and I'm destined to be the top scorer in the exam."

Brother Rui, the naughty boy, had a look of stinky farts flying on his face.

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