Rise From the Humble

Chapter 935 Applause for love

Linhuai Marquis Mansion is the home of Zhongming Ding Food. The three meals a day are naturally delicacies. If the meal is the best, it must be the Jingxiang Garden. This can be seen from the fact that the naughty children always come to eat at the meal point. .

Steamed crabs, shredded chicken with bird's nest, stir-fried bamboo shoots, muntjac deer, and elephant-eye steamed buns are all available for dinner on time.

Looking at the delicacies on the table, especially the mouth-watering plate of red crabs, the naughty child could not help but salivate.

Although there is a saying that "when the autumn wind blows, crabs' legs will itch; when the chrysanthemums bloom, you will hear crabs coming", it is best to eat crabs in autumn, but this is about hairy crabs. If it is sea crabs, June is the season for plump swimming crabs. In fact, swimming crab has a lot of meat, plump fat and full flavor, and its taste is not inferior to that of hairy crab.

Rich Man Li caught a batch of swimming crabs a few days ago, and they tasted delicious, so he specially raised them in sea water. He quickly sent two large buckets of swimming crabs to Li Shu for a taste. This afternoon, the two large buckets of swimming crabs arrived at Linhuai Marquis Mansion. Li Shu gave a bucket to the old lady and others, while Jing Xiangyuan kept a bucket for himself.

In the evening, Li Shu picked the fattest ones and steamed them on a plate.

Such a delicious dish, after the meal started, the naughty child used both hands to eat with great joy and couldn't stop eating.

When the naughty child finished eating one big crab and reached for the second big crab, he was about to reach the big crab, but he saw a hand coming first and grabbing it before the naughty child. Big crab.

That was also the last big crab.

"That's my big crab."

The big crab he got disappeared, and the naughty boy couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. He raised his head and saw the owner of those hands - Zhu Pingan, smiling brightly, and deliberately dangled the big crab in front of him. shake.

"Haha, first come first served." Zhu Pingan held the big crab with a bright smile.

"Ah, fifth sister, fifth sister, look at my brother-in-law, he, he snatched my big crab." The naughty child cried out, looking at Li Shu with aggrieved eyes, asking Li Shu to give him justice.

Li Shu gave Zhu Ping'an a funny look.

When the naughty kid saw this, his little fat face was happy. The fifth sister glared at the country bumpkin brother-in-law. Haha, the fifth sister is going to seek justice for me.

However, the next second, the naughty child's smiling face withered.

"Brother Rui, crabs are cold in nature. Children don't have enough yang energy, so they can only eat one at most. If you eat too much, you will have a bad stomach. Your brother-in-law is doing it for your own good." Li Shu looked down at the naughty child, her pretty face full. It was a warm and sweet smile, a pair of big watery eyes full of care, and he spoke softly.

Did you agree to seek justice for me?

Why are you speaking up for your country bumpkin brother-in-law?

The naughty kid is so stupid with his fat face, the fifth sister is partial, and the country bumpkin brother-in-law robbed my crabs, can they all be me? !

"You, you are in the same group." The naughty boy seemed to have been treated unfairly. He slapped the table and puffed up his cheeks in anger. He pointed at Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu with an air of fighting for fairness. He said, "You guys, are you embarrassed to bully a kid like me at such an old age? One of you is seventeen and the other is sixteen, add up, add up."

The naughty child wants to say that you are seventeen and sixteen, which add up to a lot. You have the nerve to bully me, a child. Adding the ages of Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an together, they appear bigger and more convincing.

I have to say that the original intention of the naughty kid was very good, but when it was implemented, problems arose.

Uh, by the way, what does seventeen plus sixteen equal?

The naughty kid was stunned when he said this, and then he started counting his fingers in a cute and cute manner, but there were only ten fingers in each hand, and the pair of chopsticks in his hands were not enough to count, so he suddenly fell into a dilemma.

After struggling with his fingers for a long time, the naughty kid couldn't figure out what seventeen plus sixteen equals.

Full of rainbow aura

In an instant, it dissipated with the wind.

Then he sat down silently with his little fat face drooped.


The contrast was so real that Li Shu couldn't help but laugh, and the girls serving around her couldn't help but laugh and their shoulders trembled.

Little Loli Niuniu is too lazy to roll her eyes at the naughty boy Rui Geer.

"Oh, let's bully you together. Since we are so bad, then don't come to play with us in the future." Zhu Pingan deliberately teased the naughty child.

"Ahem, um, I was just joking. Also, you are not allowed to speak ill of my fifth sister." The naughty boy shook his head without hesitation and denied himself without any hesitation.

"Giggle, brother Rui, what my sister just said was not to fool you. Children will get abdominal pain if they eat too much crab. If you like it, fifth sister will steam it for you tomorrow. How about you choose first?"

Li Shujiao couldn't stop laughing. After laughing, she coaxed the naughty child softly.

"Fifth sister is so kind."

The naughty kid suddenly came to life with full blood. He raised his little fat face excitedly, nodded repeatedly, and then looked up at Zhu Ping'an with his little fat face, and said proudly, "Brother-in-law, did you hear that? Tomorrow's crab, I'll go first Take your pick."

"Okay, you choose first." Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded, "But you can only eat one, and I can eat two."

The naughty boy was immediately defeated again.

After dinner, the naughty boy Rui Geer and the little loli Niuniu wanted to take a nap in the courtyard to enjoy the cool air before going back.

"Forget it tonight, you can go back and enjoy the cool air today." Zhu Pingan patted the naughty child and drove the two of them back.

"Why don't we forget it tonight, we just have to enjoy the coolness here."

The naughty child likes to enjoy the cool air in the Jingxiang Garden, where he can have snacks, listen to stories, and sleep next to his sister Niuniu. He is so happy.

"We have something to do tonight." Zhu Pingan waved his hand.

"What's the matter?" The naughty kid looked at Zhu Ping'an with squinted eyes and refused to leave, breaking the casserole to ask the end.

Zhu Pingan glanced at Li Shu, coughed, and said seriously, "We want to applaud love. You little fat guy, go back quickly and stay out of the way."

"What is applause for love?" The naughty kid had a question mark on his head.

"How can a kid's family have so many problems? Sui'er, go and send Brother Rui and Niuniu back."

Zhu Pingan couldn't help but put the naughty kid Rui Geer into Sui'er's hand, and asked Sui'er and another little girl to send the naughty kid and little Loli Niuniu back.

"Ahem, uncle, what do you mean by applauding for love?" Little maid Baozi wrinkled her face and asked like a curious child.

The other little girls in the room were equally confused.

Li Shu didn't understand what Zhu Pingan meant by applauding for love, but her intuition told her that what Zhu Pingan said was definitely not a good thing.

"Nothing, nothing." Zhu Pingan laughed and walked over.

"Applause for love? Applause? What do you mean?" The little maid Baozi racked her brains and thought for a while, but she was still confused. Finally, she clapped her chubby hands and clapped her hands, but she was still confused.

bang bang

Li Shu on the side heard the sound of Baozi's little maid clapping her hands, and immediately understood what Zhu Pingan meant by applauding for love, and her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

When they were young, Zhu Ping'an tricked them into singing the unscrupulous sex song "During the day, bang bang at night". Li Shu didn't discover the secret of the sex song until she got married to Zhu Ping'an one night during intense sex.

"Husband, come here"

Li Shu's pretty face was flushed, she called Zhu Ping'an as gently as a cat, stretched out her little hand and hooked her fingers.

Zhu Ping'an, immersed in tenderness, came in response to the call, unaware of the approaching danger.

next second

Zhu Pingan screamed like a pig, and Li Shu pinched his arm hard with a gentle smile.

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