Rise From the Humble

Chapter 937 Inexplicably becoming an accomplice

"Don't believe me?! Then just wait, my officials are here today to take me and my wife to Beijing to enjoy the blessings. They will be here soon. Let's see how long you can keep your words!" The woman on the shore pointed at Zhu Pingan's nose arrogantly, He said harshly.

"Hmph, just wait and see how my father deals with you."

The naughty child in the woman's arms was afraid that the world would be in chaos, so he stretched out his chubby hands, and his words and deeds were almost exactly the same as the woman's.

When the woman saw that the naughty child was acting like a mother, she patted the naughty child's head with admiration and stared at Zhu Ping'an arrogantly.

Zhu Ping'an shook his head speechlessly.

Childhood is a critical period of education. At this time, character, character, etc. are most easily shaped and most easily misled.

Such a parent is so sad and deplorable!

The woman was right. After a while, she saw a military attache dressed in Qianhu costumes coming straight towards the woman and children. This military attache was big and thick, with a waist and a sword slung across his waist. There was also a group of soldiers following him.

Seeing the military attache Qianhu approaching, the woman adjusted her hair in an artificial way, swung her hips and walked towards the military attache. She walked up to the military attache, held a pink fist as a chest and hit the military attache a few times, and then cursed: " Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , we, mother and son, were bullied to death."

Seeing the woman whose figure was not much inferior to that of his own general pretending to be weak, the soldiers behind the military attaché turned their heads away one by one.

"Okay, what happened?" Qianhu Military Attaché asked as he pushed the woman away from his arms impatiently.

"Okay, Mr. Gao, you dislike me now, don't you? Why didn't you dislike me before when you couldn't have enough to eat?! You haven't brought us two to the capital for so many years. Are you a heartless person?" Are you raising a little naughty fox outside?"

After the woman was pulled away by the military attache, she got angry and spat in front of the military attache. She stretched out her hands to pinch and hit the military attache.

The naughty kid was holding his hands on the side, looking at it with gusto, and not showing any signs of being anxious or scared at all.

"That's enough. What nonsense are you talking about? You speak without restraint, just like a shrew. How can you behave like that!" The military attache pushed the woman aside.

"Morality? Gao, now you are telling me about decency. Why didn't you tell me about decency when you climbed into my window and got under my bed?! Now you are telling me about decency?! You still want to shameless!"

The woman stretched out her hand and pushed the military attache's shoulders one after another, revealing all the military attache's previous scandals with her mouth.

All the secrets were exposed, and the military attache looked embarrassed.

In the group of soldiers behind the military attache, someone couldn't help laughing, and then scattered laughter could be heard.

"Let's see who dares to make me laugh!"

The military attaché turned his head and glared, glaring back at the laughing soldiers.

"How many times have I told you, don't bring your country ways to the city, it will be embarrassing! Look at the women in the city, there are no women in the city, let alone you who speak so freely! What if? If you can't change it, just leave Shan'er behind and go back to the countryside!" The military attaché said coldly to the woman with a dark face.

"Okay! Drive me back to the countryside?! Gao, tell me, are you raising a little naughty fox here?"

When the woman heard this, her voice almost reached the sky.

Gradually there were onlookers around, and if it weren't for the military attache's official uniform and the group of soldiers behind him, there would be even more onlookers.

Seeing people watching, the military attache became even more impatient with the woman and scolded: "You little coquettish fox, you little coquettish fox, please be careful what you say! It's nothing for a man to have three wives and four concubines. I want to keep you alive alone." He’s still a man! Besides, if you’re not here, I won’t accept you, do you want to be a monk?!”

"Okay, you have a good surname, you really found one, my God, I can't live this life. I, I, I might as well die."

The woman cried and screamed, and then banged her whole head into the military attache's arms, like ringing a bell.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these things when we get home. Tell us, what happened just now?!" The military attache straightened the woman's shoulders with both hands and frowned impatiently.

"Okay! I'll settle the score with you when I get back. I'll tear you to pieces, you little coquettish fox!" the woman said angrily.

"Let's talk about these things after we go back and close the door. What happened just now?!" the military attache said angrily.

"Humph, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot that we were almost bullied to death by that poor scholar by the river just now! Our son was just joking around and threw a stone at him without hitting him. , just a little water splashed on his clothes. It’s a shame for him to be such a big man. He refused to let me go. He started to get serious with our son. He yelled for me to discipline our son. He also said that children can be forgiven for being ignorant and parents are not educated. I asked He said, "Do you know who my son's father is?" He also sarcastically said, "You should ask me who my son's father is. If you had come a little later, you wouldn't have been bullied by him!" The woman pointed her hand down. Zhu Ping'an said through gritted teeth, looking like he had been greatly wronged.

"Dad, you have to take care of him! Just now, my mother said that you can make him lose his head with just one word, but he still doesn't believe it."

The naughty child also howled along.

It’s really the evil person who files the complaint first.

Zhu Ping'an, who was watching a good show below, twitched his lips speechlessly, although this scene had been expected for a long time.

When the people around heard this, they looked sideways. Your child threw stones at others, and they didn't hit or scold them. They just asked you to discipline them. What's wrong?

The military attache above carefully looked Zhu Pingan up and down, and saw that the clothes Zhu Pingan was wearing were not gorgeous and noble at all, and he also had a cloth bag slung across his body. He looked nothing like the clothes he wore from a wealthy family. Then there is a bottom.

"This man is dressed strangely and sneakily. I suspect that this man is an accomplice of the thief last night. The cloth bag he carries must contain stolen goods. You guys go down, tie him up and take him away, and escort him to Shuntian Mansion. Lock him up with the thief from last night in the Yamen Prison! I will interrogate him strictly later."

Now that he was sure that the scholar did not come from a wealthy family, the military attache had no worries. He waved his hand and labeled Zhu Pingan as an accomplice of the thief, and asked the soldiers to tie up Zhu Pingan and put him in the Shuntian Mansion Prison.

"You know what's going on." The woman stretched out her finger and touched the military attache's chest, feeling very satisfied with the military attache's behavior.


The naughty kid crossed his arms, looked at Zhu Pingan underground, and smiled proudly.


When the onlookers saw this, they exclaimed, shook their heads, sighed, and talked a lot. At the same time, they expressed deep sympathy for Zhu Pingan.

"Follow your orders. The Xicheng Military and Horse Department is handling the case, and everyone else is waiting. Leave quickly, otherwise you will be treated as an accomplice of the criminal!"

A group of soldiers responded, first dispersed the onlookers, then dispersed their formation, blocked the front and rear, and walked towards Zhu Ping'an with a sinister smile.


This act of frame-up and abuse of power for personal gain was done skillfully and well-coordinated, and it seems that it is used frequently on weekdays.

Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth and stood calmly, looking at the soldiers approaching with a grin.

Oh, by the way, they just said Xicheng Bingma Division? !



It seems that he has a destiny with the Xicheng Army and Horse Division. If I remember correctly, Zhao Daying must have been the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division.

Well, look at the official uniform of this military attache, sixth grade.

Haha, then he is the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division. It seems that this person is Zhao Daying's successor. In this way, I can be regarded as the benefactor who succeeded him as the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division. Tsk tsk, is this how I treat my benefactor? !

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