Rise From the Humble

Chapter 938 Everyone gets the stolen goods like this

The sun was shining brightly, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, a group of soldiers spread out and approached Zhu Pingan from three directions: front, left and right. If Zhu Pingan wanted to escape, he could only turn back and jump into the river.

However, jumping into the river is not feasible. This is the canal under the city wall, and the city wall is on the other side of the river.

"Haha, boy, are you very sensible? Yes, that's it. Just stand there and don't move. Don't ask for trouble." The leader of the team said with a smile. When he saw Zhu Pingan standing still, he thought he was Zhu Pingan. I was frightened by them.

"These scholars are good at talking but not serious. Each one is more cowardly than the other." The other four soldiers all laughed incessantly.

Soon, the five people approached within three meters of Zhu Pingan. As he walked, the team leader reached behind his waist and took out the rope he carried behind his waist, preparing to tie Zhu Pingan up.


When the team leader was clinging to the rope and preparing to take action, Zhu Ping'an smiled at them, stretched out his right hand to stop them, and yelled "Slow down."

Zhu Ping'an was too calm, and the slow and sudden shout made the corps commander and others subconsciously stop their movements.

"Why, now I know I'm scared and want to beg for mercy. What are you yelling about earlier? Poor scholar, I tell you, it's too late!" When the woman saw this, she thought Zhu Pingan was afraid and wanted to beg for mercy, and she felt very happy, but she Not ready to let Zhu Pingan go, he looked at Zhu Pingan condescendingly and said sarcastically with a sneer on his face.


When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he glanced at the woman and said "hehe" in response.

After Zhu Pingan chuckled, he turned his attention to the military attaché beside the woman, raised his hand to him, and asked loudly: "My lord, you just said that I was an accomplice of the thief, do you have any evidence?!"

"Evidence? I am the evidence myself. I have been an official for so many years, and I have developed a pair of sharp eyes. I can spot monsters and monsters at a glance. You kid, you dress weirdly and move strangely. I can spot you at a glance. The theft energy in him is exactly the same as the thief last night."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's question, the military attaché couldn't help but chuckle, pointed at his eyes, and replied proudly.

"Haha, Xiaosheng understands what the lord means. In other words, you have no evidence to prove that I am a thief, but you think I am a thief?! Just based on your feeling, the lord asked someone to arrest me at the Shuntian Mansion Yamen. Haha .My lord, you have such great official authority.”

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan smiled and shook his head.

How absurd!

Being an official in this way would bring disaster to the country and the people!

If such an official is not removed, the people will suffer more.

"Presumptuous! What a sharp-tongued little thief, how can you guess my experience in handling cases?"

The military attache's eyes widened angrily, and he scolded Zhu Ping'an in a loud voice. Then he reached out and tapped the corps commander and others with force, and angrily reprimanded: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Are you turning a deaf ear to my words? Why don't you quickly put this aside?" Tie up the little thief."

The big fish eats the small fish and the small fish eats the shrimp. After being reprimanded by the military attache, Wu Zhang and others were ready to vent their anger on Zhu Pingan.

"Yes! Hey, little thief, if you dare to talk back to our general, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

The team leader and others looked at Zhu Pingan and laughed ferociously, like an eagle catching a chicken, ready to give Zhu Pingan a good meal.


When Zhu Ping'an saw that these soldiers were about to put the rope on him, he shouted again, with a pair of sharp eyes.


I have been an official for more than half a year. I have been in the Hanlin Academy, Wuyi Palace, and Prince Yu's Palace. My official positions have all been from the fifth rank. As the novel said, I have developed official prestige in myself. Bar.

The look in his eyes should be full of coercion and pressure. Once the captain and others come into contact with his eyes, they will be frightened.

"Hold on! You're addicted, aren't you?"

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. Zhu Ping'an responded with a curse from the team leader, and then the rope was added to his body.


The ribs were very tight. It was probably because the corps commander and the others retaliated for their slowness that they were scolded by the military attache.

Damn it!

Sure enough, this is not a novel!

Zhu Ping'an was tied up by the team leader and the others without any backhand, and then they pushed Zhu Ping'an to the shore like a chicken.

Seeing Zhu Pingan being tied up by Wuhua Da, the woman on the bank was as happy as when she was selling pigs in the countryside. She circled around Zhu Pingan twice and was extremely satisfied. This is the style a government wife should have.

"No one dares to speak against me in the countryside! Who do you think I am?"

When the naughty boy saw that Zhu Pingan was tied up, he was even prouder than the woman and made several faces at Zhu Pingan.

"I would like to advise you, your young master is young now. If you discipline him strictly, he can still be taught."

Zhu Pingan glanced at the naughty kid lightly, looked at Zhu Pingan, and advised seriously.

"Shut up! My son is very good! Then why don't you, a poor scholar, talk too much!"

When the woman heard this, she immediately became furious. She hugged the naughty child like a protective calf and glared at Zhu Pingan fiercely.


Repeated reminders are of no use, so that's all I can say. He is not God and cannot save everyone.

Zhu Ping'an no longer cared about the naughty child's affairs and turned his attention to the military attache. He wanted to hand over his hand, but his hands were tied, so he could only smile and said: "The "Da Ming Law, Criminal Law, and Thieves" stipulates that in the case of theft, the person on the spot must , the owner must recognize the stolen goods and present the stolen goods for questioning at the time, and the person who is not present must have the stolen goods and other physical evidence before he can be convicted. My lord, if you have no witnesses and no physical evidence, if you arrest me so hastily, I am afraid that it will be inconsistent with the Ming Dynasty Law. "No, it doesn't work. Acting like this is actually using a public weapon for private use, and it is suspected of abusing one's power."

"Do you think you are qualified to teach me how to handle cases after you have read a few books?! Haha, you are so angry as a scholar! Search it for me!"

When the military attache heard this, he sneered, and then ordered the soldiers to search Zhu Pingan.

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately went to search Zhu Pingan. They found several bamboo tubes, writing brushes, books and other items from the cloth bag that Zhu Pingan was carrying diagonally. They also found 5 taels of broken silver from Zhu Pingan's sleeve pocket.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Zhu Ping'an had already given those two fifty-tael silver notes to Li Shu yesterday. Otherwise, the soldiers who searched him would have been shocked when they found them. Could he be an ordinary person who could carry 100 taels of silver with him? !


Looking at the pen holders, brushes and other objects used by scholars, as well as the 5 taels of silver found from Zhu Pingan, neither the military attache nor the soldiers took Zhu Pingan seriously. The 5 taels of silver were equivalent to three thousand yuan today. Money around. At the feet of the emperor, 3,000 yuan in his pocket is considered a small amount.

"Haha, didn't you just say that you would catch the thief and get the stolen goods? Now everyone has got the stolen goods!" The military attache looked at Zhu Ping'an and laughed. He stretched out his foot and kicked the found brushes, books, broken silver and other items, vowing Said, "These are stolen goods!"

"Take it away! I want to see if you will be as arrogant as you are now in Shuntian Mansion Prison!"

The military attache sneered, reached out and patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder, and ordered the soldiers to escort Zhu Pingan to the Shuntian Mansion Prison.

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