Rise From the Humble

Chapter 939 An ominous premonition

"Sir, if I were a high-ranking official, would you still handle the case this way?"

While being pushed forward by the soldiers, Zhu Ping'an calmly turned his head to look at the military attache named Gao, and asked with slightly raised lips.

A dignitary? !

just you? !

After hearing Zhu Pingan's question, the military attaché Gao looked at Zhu Pingan's side contemptuously and laughed.

Can someone like you be a high-ranking official? ! You are a weak young man, and you come to the riverside to study early in the morning. At first glance, you look like a poor scholar who is still preparing for the imperial examination. How can you be a high-ranking official? Besides, you are dressed plainly and without any extravagance. You only carry five taels of silver with you. I guess these five taels are your entire net worth. How can a noble person be so poor? ! !

After laughing, the military attache surnamed Gao assumed the posture of an upright official who would rather bend than bend, and said impassionedly: "It is said that the emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law, let alone the high officials and nobles! I handle cases with equal treatment and impartiality, no matter you are a high official No matter you are a distinguished person or you are an ordinary citizen, I will always handle cases according to the same standards, never differing from person to person, let alone bending the law for personal gain!"


When Zhu Pingan heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and let out a chuckle.

Gee, this flag is really high. I hope your flag can still stand tall when you get to Shuntian Mansion.


"Another unlucky guy. It's really a bad official. A few days ago, Shopkeeper Liu was extorted more than ten taels of silver by this man named Gao. Now, I don't know how much money this young man will be extorted from."

"It would be fine if they were only extorted for money. I am afraid that the public surnamed Gao will take revenge. The scholar with delicate skin and tender flesh will not be punished."

The onlookers watched Zhu Ping'an being taken away by the military attache and his entourage, and couldn't help but sigh in sympathy.

The military attache and his entourage escorted Zhu Pingan to Shuntian Mansion from the east side of the road and did not pass by Zhu Ji Fast Food. Otherwise, the military attache and his entourage would not have been able to escort Zhu Pingan to Shuntian Mansion so smoothly.

"Haha, this kid is quite sensible. I was nervous all the way. When I just passed the market, I was worried that he would take the opportunity to escape."

Seeing that the Shuntian government office was close at hand, a soldier escorting Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Bai Wuyi is a scholar. As the saying goes, it takes ten years for a scholar to rebel. If he wants to escape, he won't have enough time to escape. He won't even be able to make up his mind in less than ten days and a half. Hahaha."

When another soldier heard this, he glanced at Zhu Pingan, took over the conversation, and laughed loudly and started sarcastically.

The group of people also laughed.

"Laughing no matter what you do, it cheers me up." The official named Gao laughed and scolded his soldiers.

"As commanded."

The soldiers responded with a smile. They knew their master's temper. If he laughed and scolded them, it proved that he was in a good mood.

Soon, the Shuntian government office arrived.

"Liu Er, go find Zhang Shun and arrest him as soon as possible. Go through the detention procedures earlier and put this little thief in jail earlier! I still have family matters to deal with."

After arriving at the Shuntian Prefecture, the military attache surnamed Gao arranged for one of his corps commanders named Liu Er to go to Zhang Shun, the arresting officer of Shuntian Prefecture, to handle the prisoner detention procedures. He wanted to put Zhu Ping'an in jail quickly so that he could return. He went to the mansion to settle down his wife and his son who came from the countryside.

The Xicheng Military and Horse Department is responsible for patrolling thieves in Xicheng District of the capital, clearing streets and ditches, prisoners, fire bans, etc. There is overlap with the Shuntian Prefecture Yamen in terms of arresting thieves, so cooperation and coordination are required when handling specific affairs.

In addition, Xicheng and other five-city military and horse divisions do not have special prisons. The thieves, prisoners and other criminals they arrest are usually put in the prisons of Shuntianfu Yamen. If you want to imprison someone in Shuntian Mansion Prison, you must first go through the detention procedures at Shuntian Mansion Yamen. If we don't go through the formalities, there will be more criminals in Shuntian Mansion Prison for no reason, and Shuntian Mansion Yamen will be confused.

"Don't worry, sir. This subordinate has not dealt with Zhang Captou once or twice. I'm going to find Zhang Captou now." Following the instructions, Liu Er confidently patted his chest and responded before entering the Shuntian Mansion Yamen. Went to find Zhang Shun.

Seeing that the military attache surnamed Gao asked Zhang Shun, the chief of Shuntian Prefecture, to go through the detention procedures, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Shun, hehe, it was thanks to Zhang Shun’s help in Zhao Daying’s case last time.

"When he heard that he was going to be imprisoned, this kid was probably frightened out of his wits?! Haha"

A soldier who was responsible for guarding Zhu Pingan couldn't help but sneered when he saw Zhu Pingan raised his lips and thought that Zhu Pingan was scared.

The military attache surnamed Gao glanced at Zhu Ping'an and didn't take it seriously.

People have been imprisoned by themselves, what kind of trouble can they make? Once you are in prison, you have the final say. Haha, those instruments of torture are no joke. Let alone a weak scholar, even a tough guy has to lie down like a cat.

Soon, Liu Er took Zhang Shun out of the Shuntian government office.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, I'm here to bother your office again."

After seeing Zhang Shun come out, the military attache named Gao laughed, took two steps forward to greet him, and said.

"Master Gao is serious. I have met Master Gao before." Zhang Shun greeted the military attaché surnamed Gao with a formal clasped fist, and then asked: "I don't know, sir, why are you here?"

Because the military attaché surnamed Gao was wearing an official uniform, he was tall, muscular, and round. He just took two steps forward and walked right in front of Zhu Pingan, blocking Zhu Pingan tightly. Therefore, Zhang Captou did not I saw Zhu Pingan for the first time.

"Oh, it's like this. There was a shop theft yesterday afternoon. I led people to arrest the thief last night and sent him to your prison. Unexpectedly, a fish slipped through the net. Haha, the sky net is very sparse and there is no leakage. In As a result of my in-depth investigation, this little thief was arrested by me this morning. No, as soon as I caught him, I came to your office. I also had to trouble Mr. Zhang to go through the detention procedures. I want to lock this little thief up with the thief from last night."

The military attache surnamed Gao smiled slightly and explained softly. After speaking, he turned around and pointed at Zhu Ping'an, "Here, it's this little thief."

"Oh, that's right"

Zhang Shun nodded when he heard the words. Halfway through, he followed the hand of the military attaché named Gao and saw Zhu Ping'an being tied up with five flowers.


Zhang Shun was stunned. He was completely stunned. His mouth seemed to be cramped. It turned out that the word "like this" was choked back in his throat!

What's going on? !

He couldn't believe his eyes.

"What, what's wrong?"

When the military attaché surnamed Gao saw this, he couldn't help but frowned. Could it be that this poor scholar was a relative of Zhang Shun? !


If this is the case, it’s not like I can’t give Zhang Shun some face and let the poor scholar go. I just can’t let the poor scholar off easily. I have to make him pay some price. Otherwise, I won’t be too embarrassed. .

"Zhu, Mr. Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

After Zhang Shun came to his senses, he took a breath of cold air and hurriedly came to Zhu Pingan, reaching out to help Zhu Pingan untie the rope.

Zhu, Lord Zhu? !

When the military attache named Gao heard this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition carried a biting cold air from the soles of his feet to his forehead!

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