Rise From the Humble

Chapter 940 Another performance

Zhang Shun's "Master Zhu" was like a thunderbolt from the blue, exploding over the heads of everyone present.

What? !

Zhu, Zhu. Master Zhu? !

This, this... this poor scholar is actually an official? !

The team leader who had just escorted Zhu Pingan majestically heard this, his face turned pale, and his whole body shivered uncontrollably. He swallowed three times in a row, raised his head with trembling, looked at Zhang Shun expectantly, and forced a smile. , his voice trembled uncontrollably and asked: "Zhang, Zhang Captou, are you kidding me?!"

The corps commander still had 0.1% hope. This reality was too cruel for him. He was unwilling to accept it and wanted to save it.

The other four soldiers were the same, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, their bodies were trembling, and they looked at Zhang Shun expectantly.

"Do you think I'm joking?!"

Zhang Shun had a livid face and glared at them, with a vein on his forehead bulging out. He asked in a cold voice, then ignored them and hurriedly went to untie Zhu Ping'an.

joke? !

I think you are just kidding me. How can a high-ranking official from the imperial court be a thief from a bun shop? ! !

Zhang Shun couldn't believe it. They could actually regard Zhu Ping'an as an accomplice of the thief? !

I had long heard that the newly appointed commander of the Xicheng Military and Horse Division thought he had a strict party background and was lawless in handling cases. I didn't expect him to be so lawless!

When the corps leader and others heard this, their ears started ringing, and their last illusions were shattered. Their souls were frightened, and they fell to their knees with a plop.

We actually framed a court official as an accomplice of a thief, and tied him up and escorted him to Shuntian Mansion Prison, and he was so disrespectful on the way... This, this... Isn't this a birthday girl eating arsenic - don't you think your life will be long?

Thinking of this, the corps commander and others turned pale and bloodless, with cold sweat streaming down their backs. They pressed their foreheads hard to the ground and begged for mercy, "Young men are too blind to see the mountains. You have offended your lord and deserve death." , please atone for your sins..."

The woman who was waiting and watching the excitement not far away was also confused at this moment. She was used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong in the countryside. She never expected that the poor scholar studying by the river was actually an official? ! After learning the truth at this moment, I couldn't help but take a few steps back in fear, my face turned pale, my heartbeat accelerated, I seemed to be in big trouble...

Now, the woman just hopes that the poor scholar will not do as well as other officials. In this way, other officials can use their power to suppress others and calm the matter.

"Why haven't you put him in jail yet?" The naughty kid didn't know what was going on, but when he saw that Zhu Ping'an hadn't been put in jail yet, he pouted in dissatisfaction.


The woman quickly took the naughty child into her arms and covered his mouth.

"Why are you covering my mouth?" The naughty boy struggled out, raised his foot and kicked the woman, his face elongated with dissatisfaction.

"Little ancestor, please keep your voice down."

The woman pulled the naughty child aside and coaxed him slowly until he calmed down.

His gaze returned to the center of the crowd.

"Haha, Zhang Captou, long time no see."

Zhu Pingan smiled and said hello to Zhang Shun, then sideways avoided Zhang Shun's hand and said seriously: "No, Mr. Zhang, if you want to loosen the ties, let it go. I don't want to make you an accomplice." .”

"Master Zhu, you are joking. How could you be a thief?" Zhang Captou shook his head vigorously.

"Haha, I also hope I am joking, but unfortunately, I was brought here by a tall man who took away all the stolen goods. Hey, have you seen the satchel Liu Wuchang is wearing? There are still pen holders, writing brushes, and books in it. There are 5 taels of silver, all stolen goods. What, you don’t believe it? If you don’t believe it, ask Master Gao! Is it true, Master Gao?”

Zhu Ping'an raised the corners of his lips, walked up to the military attache named Gao, and raised a bright smile, his white teeth shining in the sun.

"Ahem, there may be some misunderstanding here."

The expression on the military attache's face changed again and again, and finally he coughed and prevaricated as if nothing had happened.

"Misunderstanding?!" Zhu Pingan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Haha, that's not right, Mr. Gao. You swore before that everyone would get the stolen goods. Why is it a misunderstanding now, Mr. Gao?"

"Haha, I thought I was in command of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division. I wonder where you can go?" The military attaché surnamed Gao did not accept Zhu Pingan's words, but revealed his identity, hoping to use his official position to suppress Zhu Pingan and put the matter to rest. Go down.

In the view of the military attache surnamed Gao, Zhu Ping'an was young, and even if he was an official, he must have just entered the officialdom. He couldn't be higher than his sixth-grade official, right? ! Officialdom is very hierarchical. If your official position is higher than his, then you have the final say. Zhu Pingan has to accept it no matter how reluctant he is.

The worst thing is, I'll give him some compensation later. I can still afford dozens of taels of silver.

"Master Gao, this is Master Zhu Ping'an. Although Master Zhu is young, he is already a lecturer at the fifth rank of Prince Yu's Mansion."

Before Zhu Pingan spoke, Zhang Captou on the side had already introduced Zhu Pingan.


When the military attaché named Gao heard this, he was startled, his face instantly turned pale, and his heart almost stopped.

His first surprise was that he did not expect that Zhu Ping'an was a higher official than him, and he was actually a lecturer from the fifth rank of Prince Yu's Mansion!

The second surprise was Zhu Pingan's name! Zhu Pingan, these three words are even more shocking than when I heard that Zhu Pingan was a fifth-grade official!

Military attache surnamed Gao is too sensitive to Zhu Pingan's name!

The military attache surnamed Gao is the new commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division. The reason why he was able to take over the command of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division is because his predecessor, Zhao Daying, was beheaded! The position of commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Department became vacant, and he had the opportunity to have trust relationships and activities, and was able to take up the post of commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Department.

Why Zhao Daying was beheaded was because he was impeached by Zhu Pingan!

And that's not all!

Some time ago, I don’t know how many people lost their heads just because this man named Zhu investigated Taicang! I don’t know how many people were exiled! I don’t know how many people were fined money! Even Yan Shifan and Yan Xiaoxiang were fined money!

Do you think he can be insensitive to Zhu Ping'an's name? !

If he had known in advance that the person in front of him was Zhu Pingan, he would have definitely kicked his son and slapped his mother-in-law on the spot, apologized and left.

People like them who are not clean can't hide from people like Zhu Ping'an, so how can they provoke him!

"It turns out to be Mr. Zhu Ping'an. The lower official Gao Botai has admired Mr. Zhu's name for a long time. Hahaha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Today is all a misunderstanding. It's really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. The whole family no longer recognizes each other, haha." The military attache's attitude changed 180 degrees, and his face was filled with smiles.

Gao Botai? !

Zhu Ping'an was slightly startled when he heard this, "Are you Gao Botai?"

"Haha, yes, Xiaguan is none other than Gao Botai. Lord Zhu, have you heard of Xiaguan? Haha, that Xiaguan is really lucky." Gao Botai was delighted when he heard this.

"Haha, I've heard it, I've heard it, it's like thunder." Zhu Pingan looked at Gao Botai, and the corners of his mouth twitched up, revealing a bright smile.


In the history books.

But you, Gao Botai, are just a supporting role, just a passing touch.

The reason why Zhu Pingan remembers it so clearly is because he wrote a paper on land annexation in the Ming Dynasty in modern times, which involved farming. Zhu Pingan specifically consulted the historical data of the Ming Dynasty. Gao Botai's name also appeared in the notes in Zhu Pingan's paper. Up.

Historical records indicate that after the mid-Ming Dynasty, most of the farmland was misappropriated by generals. On the 13th of the first month of the 34th year of Jiajing reign, Chen Ru, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishment, was ordered to inspect the farmland in Xuanfu and Datong Town. It was found that the Xuanfu had invaded more than 4,000 hectares. Among them, Gao Botai's farmland was the largest one. name. Chen Ru wrote: Please punish all those who invaded the farmland and punish them for their crimes. Emperor Jiajing's edict was accurate. In the same year, Gao Botai and other generals who invaded and confiscated farmland were imprisoned.

Zhu Pingan looked at Gao Botai and smiled brightly. It seemed that he was about to give another memorial.

Gao Botai felt his heart throbbing inexplicably. When he looked up and saw Zhu Ping'an's bright smile, he felt a chill.

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