Rise From the Humble

Chapter 945 From legend to legend

However, Zhu Ping'an was not prepared to let Luo Wenlong go like this. This guy would bite him once every time he saw him. If he didn't break one of his teeth, this kind of person would not have a long memory. Besides, he was not a doughy person, so he could do whatever he wanted. ravaged by men.

As the saying goes, it is disrespectful to come back and not reciprocate.

Telling a joke, right? !

Haha, compare with me, and to say it is not an exaggeration at all, I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone here is rubbish!

Modern cold jokes, dirty jokes, and brain-teaser jokes. If you pick any one out, you can crush ancient jokes in minutes.



There was a joke that was very suitable. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips when he thought of some of the deeds of Comrade Luo Wenlong he had heard recently. Although this joke is old and outdated in modern times, for Ming Dynasty, it couldn't be newer.

"Haha, I just heard Mr. Luo talk about interesting things from his childhood. I also thought of an interesting story from my childhood. I heard it from several uncles in our village when they were busy farming. I couldn't help but want to talk to Mr. Luo and all of you. Please share, adults.”

Zhu Pingan chuckled, squinted his eyes slightly, glanced at Luo Wenlong leisurely, and said slowly.


I smell a tit-for-tat flavor.

The melon-eating people on the side were afraid that the matter was not serious. Even if they did not like Zhu Pingan, they were very cooperative at this moment and urged Zhu Pingan to hurry up and listen.

Yan Shifan also looked interested.

"Ahem, before I tell you, let me explain again. This interesting anecdote was told by an uncle in the village when I was a child. It is not directed at anyone. Don't think too much about it." Zhu Ping'an glanced at Luo Wenlong and everyone else and coughed. , declared.

This is a typical attempt to hide something.

When everyone saw this, they understood and glanced at Luo Wenlong, becoming even more interested.

"Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain." Zhu Pingan took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and began to preach.

"It's a cliché! Nothing new!" Luo Wenlong looked disdainful and sneered. Once upon a time, there was a mountain, a temple on the mountain, and an old monk in the temple. These are the usual beginnings for people to tell stories. There is nothing new!

"There is a door in the temple, and there is an iron lock hanging on the door. One day, a golden key and a handsome silver key came. The golden key was inserted into the iron lock, and it swayed when it was inserted. It didn't open, pulled it out, inserted it again, and swayed again, but still didn't open the handsome silver key. It said it was my turn, so I pulled out the gold key, inserted the silver key into the iron lock, and repeated the previous actions of the gold key. After inserting it and twisting it out, it did not open after several times. At this time, the iron key that had been observed for a long time came out. The iron key was inserted into the iron lock, and it opened cleanly. After opening the lock, the iron key With a face of pride and pride, he said to the golden key and the handsome silver key, "Do you know why you can't open it? Because I am the original wife. No matter how noble you are born or how handsome you are, you will never get her." Heart. Because I am her first wife, and I understand her heart best. You guys, hum.'" Zhu Ping'an said slowly.

After hearing what Zhu Ping'an said, everyone felt that it was ordinary and even felt a little sleepy. They felt that this was some kind of funny joke. Gold keys, silver keys, iron keys, etc. were basically fables told to children.

"Hmph, treat us like three-year-old children." Luo Wenlong became even more disdainful and despised Zhu Ping'an.

"After Iron Key finished speaking, he looked at the golden key and the handsome silver key with disdain, with pride and pride on his face."

"Hearing this, Gold Key and Silver Key turned their heads to Iron Key, as if they were looking at idiots, and replied disdainfully, 'You must be really sick, I'm just playing around with you, why do I want your wife's heart? ?!'"

When Zhu Pingan was telling the story, his eyes glanced at Luo Wenlong several times, intentionally or unintentionally.

After Zhu Pingan finished speaking, the banquet was quiet for two seconds.

third second

Everyone thought about it, and couldn't help but burst into laughter. The laughter seemed to knock over the roof of the building.

Uh, let's play with it

It was originally a flat road, but as we were walking, there was a sudden sharp turn in front of us, and the turn was so sharp and fast that no one had time to react.

Caught off guard, after a turn, the fairy tale turned into an adult story, and many people fell over.


Interesting, interesting.

Everyone here has never been exposed to modern jokes about sharp turns and overturned cars, and the more they think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

As expected, the joke told by Zhu Pingan will soon spread throughout the capital through the mouths of everyone present.



How do you feel about this joke?

Everyone smiled and laughed, suddenly feeling something, and unanimously turned their attention to Luo Wenlong.

In fact, men are also very gossipy, especially about sexy deeds. They are well-informed and spread quickly.

Although Luo Wenlong and them are both backbone members of the Strict Party and comrades in the same trench, they secretly gossip about Luo Wenlong. There is no way, who made Luo Wenlong a god-like existence in their circle, who made what happened to him so exciting.

After listening to Zhu Pingan's joke, everyone couldn't help but think of Luo Wenlong's two gossips.

The first one is Luo Wenlong's heroic deeds. This gossip mainly came from Ouyang Zishi's mouth.

It was said that it was five years ago. Luo Wenlong was still the world-famous ink-making master. The value of the ink made by his hands increased a hundred times, and everyone rushed to buy it. At that time, Luo Wenlong had a concubine in another courtyard, and he would go to have sex with her every once in a while. There lived a handsome scholar next door to the other courtyard. He often played the flute to the other courtyard, and he had an affair with Luo Wenlong's concubine. Once, Luo Wenlong rushed to the other courtyard in advance, but ended up blocking the handsome scholar and his concubine on the bed.

When everyone came here after listening to Ouyang Zishi's gossip, they all thought that Luo Wenlong would beat the scholar half to death.

As a result, to everyone's surprise, Luo Wenlong cornered the scholar and concubine on the bed and fucked them both.

What a tough guy!

Of course, what's even more exciting is that the scholar has now become a part of Luo Wenlong's backyard.

This news was not just heard by everyone. Many of them had seen the handsome scholar with their own eyes when they were guests at Luo Wenlong's house. People have feelings

The second thing is also related to the first thing.

I don’t know who this news came from, but it spread even wider than the first thing. As for whether it is true or not, everyone is tacitly aware of it. After the story of Luo Wenlong's macho deeds came from Ouyang Zishi's mouth, many people became interested in Luo Wenlong's concubine and the scholar. Then after someone saw it with his own eyes, and later said this, everyone became even more interested. , spread more.

Then, it reached Yan Shifan's ears.

Out of curiosity, Yan Shifan made an excuse to visit Luo Mansion when Luo Wenlong was not around, and met Luo Wenlong's concubine and the scholar disguised as a woman.

Yan Shifan loves beauties, but he also likes to be masculine. When he saw the pseudonymous scholar, Yan Shifan's mouth watered. When he looked at his concubine, she was also gentle and sweet. Thinking of the allusion of Luo Wenlong's fierce man, Yan Shifan was confused and wanted to try it. .

When the concubine and the scholar dressed as a woman saw Luo Wenlong's boss coming to visit the house, they naturally entertained him with good wine and delicious food. After drinking and eating, Yan Shifan dismissed the girl and his servants, and then began to act dishonestly and carelessly.

It is said that Yan Shifan's skills were amazing. In addition, Luo Wenlong's concubine and the scholar did not have much chastity and loyalty. They resisted, but the concubine and the scholar gave in half-heartedly, and were pulled to the bed by Yan Shifan and pressed against the pear blossoms.

It is said that when Luo Wenlong came back from outside, Yan Shifan was still in the room with pear blossoms and begonias pressed against each other. However, this time, the legend of Luo Wenlong as a tough man did not continue. It is said that Luo Wenlong waited outside for Yan Shifan to finish before acting as if he had just come back from outside.

After that, Yan Shifan visited Luofu more and more often.

Every time when Yan Shifan came to visit, Luo Wenlong would find an excuse to say that there was no good wine at home, or that the food cooked by his own chef was not delicious, so he would take the initiative to order a table of food and wine from an outside restaurant, and pack a food box to bring back. , I heard that Luo Wenlong often took the initiative to invite Yan Shifan to his home.

In this way, although Luo Wenlong's macho legend could not continue, another more shocking legend was staged.

Therefore, after everyone heard Zhu Pingan's joke, they felt something and looked at Luo Wenlong in unison.

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