Rise From the Humble

Chapter 946 A different way of serving food

"For a man who is a top scholar, he keeps talking about fucking, fucking, fucking. It's so indecent. What kind of behavior is this? If it is passed down, won't it make ordinary people look down on people of my generation?!"

Luo Wenlong's face turned red and white for a while, and then turned dark again amidst the laughter of the crowd. After gnashing his teeth for a while, he suddenly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, blowing his beard and slapping the table, glaring hard at Zhu Ping An launched a critique of the moral high ground.

"Oh~~ Mr. Luo is absolutely right. He has been taught safely."

Zhu Ping'an listened patiently to Luo Longlong's criticism, raised the corners of his lips and made a long-drawn-out sound. He tried hard to hold back his laughter, touched his chin and nodded slightly, pretending to be open-minded and receptive.

Zhu Ping'an's patience and concession amplified Luo Wenlong's anger countless times, making Luo Wenlong even more ridiculous.

"Haha, okay, I've been listening to this anecdote for a while, it's time for us to have a drink." An official named Xia Hao at the table smiled and smoothed things over and cleared up the matter.

"What Mr. Xia said is absolutely true. We must not let Brother Donglou down with this table of fine wine and food."

Others echoed and tried to smooth things over.

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help but think of what Luo Wenlong said just now about giving my pigs something to eat. They couldn't help but look at Luo Wenlong with some complaints. This idiot had everyone involved.

Of course, no one would do such a thing as giving up food due to choking.

You still have to eat what you should eat, but when they think of what Luo Wenlong said, everyone will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

"Haha, that's right. Don't be polite to Yan. In this regard, you should be more like Zihou and learn from him."

Yan Shifan squinted his one eye and looked around at everyone, then pointed at Zhu Pingan, who was immersed in eating, and smiled at everyone.

"Hehehe, what Mr. Yan said is true. We must learn from Mr. Zhu."

Everyone followed Yan Shifan's fingers and saw Zhu Pingan, who was immersed in eating. They couldn't help laughing, talking about studying, but in their hearts they despised Zhu Pingan. This Zhu Pingan is really from the countryside and has never seen the world. Although his appearance is not ugly, his appetite is like that of a refugee who has not eaten for several days.

"Haha, Zihou, although the food and wine are delicious, you still have to keep some food in your stomach. After all, these are just appetizers." After Yan Shifan finished talking to everyone, he turned to Zhu Pingan and said to Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

Such a dazzling table of delicious food and wine is just an appetizer before a big meal?

How extravagant was the feast? !

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan was stunned for a moment, and his chopsticks paused in mid-air.

Hahaha, save some belly. After listening to Yan Shifan's words, the other people at the appetizer table couldn't help but burst out laughing when they saw Zhu Ping'an paused with his chopsticks. This guy really stopped using his chopsticks, leaving some belly. !

"Mud can't hold up a wall, and a dog's tail can't hold up a mink. A bumpkin will still be a bumpkin after all."

Luo Wenlong took this opportunity to scorn Zhu Ping'an severely, and vented his anger a little.


Master Yan is still facing me.

After Luo Longwen despised Zhu Ping'an, thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation in his heart.


"Haha, pass the meal, Bazhen! Don't keep Zihou waiting for a long time."

Yan Shifan smiled slightly, then waved his hand, snapped his fingers, and gave instructions loudly.


Then I heard the music at the banquet change, and the melody of Yuefu was played, and then the ethereal singing voice of the singer sounded: "Qingqing Zijin. My heart is long. But for the sake of you. I have been pondering it to this day. Yo yo deers roar. Eat apples in the wild." I have guests, harp blowing Sheng."

Amidst the sounds of music and singing, a clear and melodious sound of footbells came, and then a group of beautiful girls were seen walking through the door with slender hands carrying dishes, bare feet, and tied with footbells, dancing gracefully.

The girl is like a butterfly, turning left and right, dancing with leaps and bounds, and the dishes in her hands are as warm as a mountain, without any leakage.

After the girl came in, Zhu Pingan, like everyone else, looked over curiously, but after two glances, Zhu Pingan turned his head.

Look no further!

These girls only wore a piece of pure white gauze. The inside was vacuum-free, with no threads attached. The gauze was still transparent, just like modern transparent lace.

Along with their dancing steps, the girls' newly developed bodies are sometimes exposed, sometimes facing directly, and sometimes looming. Every minute, every second, and every movement is full of highlights, which is dizzying.

"Haha, the number one scholar doesn't have enough concentration."

An official sitting on the other side of Luo Wenlong, named Luo Ziyu, was the head of the Tuntian Cleaning Department of the Ministry of Industry. He had a good personal relationship with Luo Wenlong. At this moment, when he saw Zhu Ping'an turning his head, he couldn't help but smile and remind everyone.


Are you blind? I looked at it twice and felt something was wrong, so I immediately turned around. Why do you still say that I have lost my concentration? !

It's just that you're overwhelmed by what you're seeing, right? !

Zhu Pingan was speechless for a while.

"Hahaha, the number one scholar is still not convinced, hahaha, this is just a small scene, and people like me with strong concentration will not be affected by it no matter how we look at it. It is precisely people like the number one scholar who do not have strong concentration who can I dare not look at it." Luo Ziyu said with a smile.

Your sister, her mouth is watering when she looks at it, and her eyes are almost staring at this little girl. How can this be called strong concentration? It doesn't matter how you look at it if you still have strong concentration. I think you are reluctant to turn around, right? !

Zhu Pingan was full of slander.

"Hey, hey, what Mr. Luo said is absolutely true. In our eyes, they are just red and pink skeletons. Let alone looking at them a few times, even if you look at them for a day and a night, it is not a big deal."

After Luo Ziyu finished speaking, the nearby officials all smiled and said yes.

"Peace and shame."

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth disdainfully and did not argue with Luo Ziyu and others. There was nothing to argue about this kind of thing.

In the midst of the ridicule of Luo Ziyu and others, the vacuum maids covered with gauze had already danced to the table like butterflies.

"Wait, let's start setting the meal from Zi Hou." Yan Shifan smiled slightly, pointed to Zhu Ping'an's position, and signaled the maid to start setting the meal.

As soon as Yan Shifan finished speaking, there was a fragrant breeze.

The leading vacuum maid whirled around and came to Zhu Pingan's side gracefully. Her delicate body was close to Zhu Pingan's body. She bent down and firmly placed the fried dragon liver in front of Zhu Pingan with her backhand.

Footbells jingle.

A slender jade foot stood on the ground, a slender jade foot was raised high, and a one-shaped horse came from the sky, just like a bow and arrow, with the bowstring pointing straight at Zhu Ping'an.

With a pretty face, she looked at Zhu Ping'an with a sweet smile, her lips parted slightly, and she introduced the dishes delicately: "I would like to teach this young master that this dish from the slave family is the most precious of the eight delicacies. It’s called Pan-fried Dragon Liver”

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