Rise From the Humble

Chapter 948 Eight treasures of water and land

There was blood on his face and clothes. Ouyang Zishi obviously couldn't wipe it off like this, so he had to get up and excuse himself to change clothes and go out to clean up.

Serving continues.

The food served by the other maids was still a feast for the eyes, and it was no less impressive than the scenery when the second maid served the food. The dish she served was the Eight Treasures Phoenix Marrow, which is the second delicacy of the Eight Treasures. The Phoenix Marrow is made from the brains of golden pheasants, mixed with tofu, and made into a phoenix shape.

The dishes were served clockwise. The second maid came to Luo Wenlong. She did not dance, nor did she make poses, nor did she show off her skills like the first one. She just served the dishes very normally, holding the plate in her delicate hands. , whispered the name of the dish, then bent down and placed the dinner plate on the table.


Just when she bent down to put the dinner plate, something happened! Gao Chao came without any foreshadowing.

There was only a soft "bang" sound, and then everyone's eyes turned white.

When the maid's upper body, which was no less impressive than Liu Yan's, bent down, her shirt belt broke open and the whole thing jumped out.

Immediately, everyone’s eyes were straightened! Especially Luo Wenlong, who was closest to the maid, his eyes almost popped out.


The third maid, the fourth...and all the way up to the sixteenth maid, served all sixteen dishes including Shui and Lu Bazhen. Each dish has a feasting way to serve it, making it a feast for the eyes.

Ouyang Zishi came back from the Eight Treasures of the Tenth Path. When he came back, he passed by Zhu Ping'an and snorted heavily.


Ouyang Zishi blamed Zhu Pingan for today's embarrassment. In his heart, the deep hatred between him and Zhu Pingan deepened, so when he passed by Zhu Pingan, he snorted heavily.

When Zhu Pingan heard Ouyang Zishi's cold snort, he looked up and saw Ouyang Zishi looking at him with a gloomy face, as if he was taking the blame for himself. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth speechlessly. Ouyang Zishi's words Has he lost his mind or taken the wrong medicine? !

Was it me who caused you to have a nosebleed and make a fool of yourself? !

Besides, you’re the one who’s provocative with a nosebleed, right? In the final analysis, it is all your own fault. Why did you rely on me instead? Haha, the brain is a good thing, but it is a pity that Ouyang Zishi did not grow up.

After all the eight delicacies of water and land were served, Luo Ziyu bowed her hands to Yan Shifan and said, "Sir Yan, none of the eight delicacies of land and water were left behind. Today's dish is so rich, we really deserve it."

"Haha, it seems that Xiutai is also a person who knows how to cook. Zhang Jiushao said in "Qunshu Shishi" that the eight treasures are dragon liver, phoenix marrow, rabbit fetus, carp tail, owl roast, orang lip, bear paw, and cheese. Yan A certain person has a different view. After reading the Book of Rites, "Tang Lei Han", "Piya", "Zhuo Geng Lu" and other ancient classics, and combining the records of the Bazhen Banquet in the past dynasties, he thinks that the Bazhen can be divided into Lu Bazhen and Lu Bazhen. The Eight Treasures of Harmony and Water, a total of sixteen kinds. Haha, if there is nothing in mind, how can the eight treasures be as good as the quinoa soup? Let me give it a try."

Yan Shifan called Luo Ziyu, laughed and said, and then extended his hand to everyone in a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you, Master Yan."

Luo Ziyu and others, including Zhu Ping'an and Zhang Juzheng, thanked Yan Shifan one after another.

Looking at the eight treasures of water and land on the table, Zhu Ping'an felt a lot in his heart. If it were placed in modern times, there would be so many wild protected animals such as bear paws, orangutan lips, leopard fetuses, etc., that everyone at this table would have to go in.

But in ancient times, it was okay. These wild animals reproduced in large enough populations in ancient times and have not been eaten as protected animals.

At the dinner table, Yan Shifan chatted with everyone about current affairs, and promised on the spot to recommend one of them to be transferred from Taipus Temple to the position of head of the warehouse under the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Yan Shifan said he recommended it, but everyone knew that it was a done deal. There is no doubt that after today's banquet is over, the official appointment document from the Ministry of Revenue will be issued to that person within a few days.

This kind of thing has happened not once or twice, and everyone knows the rules that cannot be explained to outsiders.

As a result, everyone looked at that man with envy and congratulations.

Taipusi is in charge of horse husbandry, that is, Bi Mawen, who raises horses, belongs to Qingshui Yamen. The warehouse department under the household department is famous for its oil and water yamen, not to mention that the director of the warehouse department is much older than he was when he was at Taipusi Temple. It’s still one level higher.

Not only could he be transferred from Qingshui Yamen to Youshui Yamen, but he could also be promoted to a higher level. This was a double blessing.

The man was overjoyed when he heard this, his face flushed with excitement, and he toasted to Yan Shifan repeatedly to thank him. He hinted that he still had some local specialties at home, and he must deliver them to his house for Yan Shifan to try when he returned.



It's weird if you believe it. Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

The appointment of officials by the imperial court has its own set of cumbersome, complicated and serious procedures and rules, but from today's incident we can see how powerful Yan Shifan or Yan Dang is.

Zhu Pingan's face remained calm, but his heart was filled with emotion and indignation.

The same was true for Zhang Juzheng. When he and everyone congratulated the man, a haze passed between his brows.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, what are you thanking me for? I also saw that you are quite talented in warehousing and counting, and couldn't bear Mr. Zhang to waste this talent, so I decided to recommend you. As the saying goes, don't avoid relatives when doing things internally, and don't avoid enemies when doing things externally. It's just a matter of merit. Yan is not a selfish person, and we don't do anything selfish. Besides, I just agreed to recommend. Whether it works or not depends on whether your own virtues and talents are suitable. Everything is We must follow procedures and rules. The Holy Instructions are brilliant and the principles are clear. No one can be an exception."

Yan Shifan laughed and shook his head, spread out his hands, shook his head and explained with a shiny face.

"Yes, yes, Lord Yan is right. The holy teachings are brilliant and the rules are clear. Lord Yan has always been selfless, and I know it. However, I still have to thank you for the kindness of knowing and recommending."

The official surnamed Zhang kept saying yes while insisting on thanking Yan Shifan.

"Haha, Xiao Zhang, you are confused. Brother Donglou always recommends talents with both integrity and talent, and only based on talent. Brother Donglou recommends you because he appreciates your talents in warehousing and counting. And I don't want you to repay your kindness. If you do this, won't you slander Brother Donglou's reputation? Come on, I will drink three drinks as a penalty. If you have the intention, why bother to say more? Doing your duty is the best way to repay Brother Donglou. ." Zhao Wenhua chuckled and shook his head, then gestured to the official named Zhang to drink three drinks as a penalty.

"Hahaha, the one who knows me is Meicun." Yan Shifan laughed.

"Oh, it's very, very terrible. It's a big mistake for a subordinate to be strict with an adult with a villain's heart." The official surnamed Zhang knew the elegant meaning after hearing the song. He admitted his mistake and punished himself for the three major crimes. Glass of wine.

If you have the intention, why bother saying more and do your duty?

If you want to give it away, just give it away, just say something.


Deliver it when you get back!

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