Rise From the Humble

Chapter 949 Strength resolves embarrassment

The wine is intoxicating, the ears are warm, and the mood is gradually getting better.

Yan Shifan glanced around the crowd with one eye, picked up a toothpick, and while picking his teeth, he exhaled the smell of alcohol and said to the crowd with a smile, "Haha. It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. There is also a jar of gold flowers in Yan's house. The aged wine has been stored for exactly one hundred years, and I will taste it with you."

After hearing this, everyone complimented Yan Shifan endlessly.

Jinhua wine is recognized as the first of the seven famous wines in the dynasty. Its color is like gold, its taste is sweet and its nature is mellow. It makes people shudder when they eat it. After ten cups, the water on the bottom of the tongue is unbearable. Even if you are drunk, you will not get drunk, your mouth will not dry, and you will not have diarrhea.

There is a saying that the best Jinhua wine has a jar of wine and a jar of gold.

Not to mention the century-old Jinhua wine! The value is immeasurable.

In such an ordinary small gathering, with such a table of land and water delicacies, and such a jar of century-old Jinhua wine, Zhu Ping'an gained a better understanding of Yan Shifan's extravagant and extravagant life.


After Yan Shifan smiled, he stretched out his hand to give a high-five, and then saw more than ten stunning beauties coming in from the door, lined up in a fan shape, walking meanderingly, each of the beauties holding a small white jade wine flask in their hands.

Compared with the dozen beauties who had just been served, these ten beauties were three-thirds more beautiful, and their clothes were more simple and transparent, not much different from those without any clothes.

A breeze blew from the door, blowing over the girl who was walking meanderingly, bringing with it an intoxicating aroma of wine.

"Hahaha, this hundred-year-old Jinhua wine must be served in a jade cup, otherwise the wine will be wasted."

Yan Shifan said with a smile.

Jade cup? !

When Zhu Pingan heard this, his heart trembled. Could the jade cup be the kind of jade cup recorded in history? !

It definitely is.

Zhu Pingan glanced around and saw the pig-like expressions of Luo Wenlong and other people who came over, and he was sure in his heart.

The so-called jade cup, also known as the fragrant mouth cup, uses the beauty's small cherry mouth as a wine glass. This is a toasting method invented by Yan Shifan. When the beauty toasts, she does not use a wine glass, but takes a sip of wine with her cherry mouth, and then feeds the wine to the guests mouth to mouth. These beauties were carefully selected by Yan Shifan. The beauties would bathe in fine wine once a day, so they all smelled of wine.

The beauty meandered to the banquet. A beauty stood behind a guest, not one more, not one less.

"The jade cup has arrived, haha, please use it with caution."

Yan Shifan chuckled, then reached out and tapped Zhang Juzheng, "Let's start with Uncle this time."

As soon as Yan Shifan finished speaking, the beauty standing next to Zhang Juzheng chuckled, and with lightning speed, she threw herself into Zhang Juzheng's arms, and tightly hooked Zhang Juzheng's neck with one delicate hand. The slender hand held the wine bottle, took a sip of wine with her small lips, and then put her lips to Zhang Juzheng's lips.

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Juzheng stretched out his hand to block the beautiful girl Tan's mouth, and said with a smile, "In the past, Guan Gong Wen Jiu killed Hua Xiong, but today I am not talented, and I also want to imitate the previous sages."

"Oh, how can I follow suit?" Yan Shifan narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Ju Zheng is not talented, so I will try to compose a poem. If Ju Zheng's poem is completed, and the warm wine in the mouth of beautiful Eryu is still there, then Ju Zheng will eat it." Zhang Juzheng said with a slight smile.


Yan Shifan chuckled and said yes. He had seen through Zhang Juzheng's cleverness. Zhang Juzheng wanted to write an unusual poem and use it to make the beauty laugh and drink, but Yan Shifan didn't take it seriously.

Yan Shifan has confidence in the trained maid.

Not to mention limericks, even hilarious jokes, these toasting maids will never laugh out loud during the toast.

"Li Bai wrote hundreds of poems about drinking wine. He drank a glass of wine but could not sleep at home. If he was not in the right position, he would not drink, just because the tigress roared at home."

Zhang Juzheng thought for a few breaths, then laughed at himself and recited a limerick with a wry smile.

Li Bai could write hundreds of poems with a drink of wine, and I, Zhang Juzheng, would become homeless after just one glass of wine. It's not that I don't drink, but that there is a tigress in my home.

Zhang Juzheng's writing is good, but he does not hesitate to laugh at himself. There is still some humor in this limerick, but

However, there are no eggs.

After Zhang Juzheng's limerick, everyone here was amused. Yan Shifan also smiled slightly, but the beauty sitting in Zhang Juzheng's arms was unmoved. She blinked at Zhang Juzheng and leaned closer to him. little cherry mouth.

Zhang Juzheng was caught off guard and was toasted in this way. He was at a loss and his face was flushed. After drinking, he coughed in embarrassment.

"Lord Keke is so handsome and can write good poems. Jiaojiao also wants to toast you. As for the tigress in your house, Keke, just let her eat Jiaojiao."

The beauty in Zhang Juzheng's arms couldn't stop smiling. She raised the jug again with her slender hands, as if she wanted to toast.

Zhang Juzheng, who had not yet recovered from the first glass of wine, was shocked when the beauty in his arms said that he wanted to drink another toast, and he started coughing again.

"I lied to you. Look how excited I am. I can only toast you one cup at a time. After all the other adults have used it, Jiaojiao can toast you again." The beauty in Zhang Juzheng's arms was very playful, covering her little mouth and giggling. laughed.

Zhang Juzheng is charming and suave, and he is also very good at seducing women. However, he has not achieved fame yet. When he is outside, Zhang Juzheng pays special attention to his personal image and tries to draw a clear line from sensuality. Of course, when he returned home, it was a matter of debate. After all, Zhang Juzheng had already taken in three concubines so far.

Yanfu is a concentration camp for sensual dogs and horses.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng did not refuse Yan Shifan's invitation to a banquet was, on the one hand, because Yan Shifan was too powerful to refuse, and getting close to Yan Shifan was part of his plan; on the other hand, he did not want to leave a reputation that was untainted by the mud. .

However, the beauty in her arms is so cute and cute, and her appearance is so good, plus she is secretly making flirtatious moves.

Zhang Juzheng's appetite was suddenly aroused.

Zhang Juzheng was a little distracted by the flirtation, and stretched out his hand out of nowhere.


At this moment, Yan Shifan coughed.

The movement of the beauty in Zhang Juzheng's arms stopped suddenly, she giggled and jumped out of Zhang Juzheng's arms in an instant.

Due to the sudden departure, Zhang Juzheng still held the hem of the beauty's skirt in his hands and pulled it up a lot.

"Sir, please return the delicate hem of your skirt to me."

The beauty shyly covered her thin skirt with her hands, and blinked at Zhang Juzheng innocently with her eyes, making frequent glances, and said in a sweet voice with her little mouth pouted.


Seeing this, there was a burst of laughter at the banquet.

Faced with the laughter of the crowd, Zhang Juzheng remained calm. The embarrassment disappeared in a flash, and he calmly let go of his hand. He said half in defense and half in self-deprecation: "This girl is quite similar to Ju Zheng's Xina concubine. Ju Zheng was in a daze for a moment. "

A word of strength resolves the embarrassment.

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