Rise From the Humble

Chapter 950: Passing the test like this

It was Zhang Juzheng's first experience with the jade cup, but the officials beside him were experienced at it. While the maid was making a toast, he moved his hands up and down happily. After finishing the drink, he reluctantly let the maid leave.

The guests enjoyed the jade cups one after another, and soon it was Luo Wenlong's turn.

Luo Wenlong was even more dissolute and unruly, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, he almost had the maid executed on the spot.

"Hahaha, brother Wenlong is the only one who is free and carefree in this world." Luo Ziyu next to Luo Wenlong smiled, half joking and half envious. Although he had touched him just now, he obviously didn't take advantage like Luo Wenlong. big.

"Where, where."

Luo Wenlong laughed and waved his hands naively, looking like he was not ashamed but proud.

The world is declining and morals are declining!

Zhu Pingan sighed endlessly about this, but Zhu Pingan didn't have time to sigh, because it was about to be his turn for the jade cup.

Just when Luo Wenlong's maid was toasting, the maid behind Zhu Ping'an was already ready to move.

Now Luo Wenlong's maid has finished her toast.

Then it's your turn.

Zhu Ping'an resisted the Jade Cup ten thousand times, firstly because he disdained to join them. Everyone here was obviously a well-dressed official of the court, but their actions were despicable, how are they any different from animals? !

Secondly, it is disgust, yes, disgust. Zhu Ping'an considers himself not a mysophobic person, but he is still insensitive to this so-called jade cup. Although there is a jade cup for each person at the banquet, who knows how many people have enjoyed these jade cups at previous banquets. Although it is not like "a pair of jade arms, thousands of people pillow, a bit of red lips, thousands of people taste it", it is certainly not a one-time use. Jade cup. In addition, Zhu Ping'an knew that Yan Shifan invented the fragrant mouth cup, but he also knew that he invented the fragrant spittoon. When he first came to the capital, he had seen Yan Song using the fragrant spittoon. Who knows whether today's fragrant cup will be yesterday's fragrant spittoon?! Although he knows that Yan Shifan himself will definitely not mix them, who can guarantee whether Yan Shifan will deliberately make fun of himself.

Thirdly, when Zhu Ping'an thought of Li Shu, he lost sight of the so-called jade cup and so on.

"This young and promising young man, what are you thinking about? Being so fascinated will make me wait for a while." The maid behind Zhu Pingan covered her lips with her hands and muttered in a charming manner.

After saying that, the maid lifted up her skirt and was about to throw herself into Zhu Ping'an's arms.

"Ahem, slow down."

Zhu Ping'an saw this and quickly reached out to block it.

"Sir." The maid blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Zhu Pingan innocently and aggrievedly.

"Haha, Zihou, what's wrong? Do you also want to imitate your uncle's poems to warm the wine?" Yan Shifan squinted his one eye and looked at Zhu Pingan with interest.

"No." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"No? What are you going to do to stand in the way of the No. 1 Scholar? It's your turn to drink. Hurry up and act like a man. Why are you so coquettish?! Come on, come on, don't spoil everyone's interest."

Luo Ziyu was the first to raise the issue.

"Hahaha, why, I'm still saying that you, Zhuangyuan Lang, are a gentleman and keep your integrity. You look down on me and others for drinking from jade cups. You feel dirty in your eyes. You want to get out of the mud and remain untainted. You are ashamed to associate with us?!"

How could Luo Wenlong be absent when he was belittling Zhu Ping'an? Then Luo Ziyu's question put Zhu Ping'an on everyone's side.

As soon as Luo Wenlong said this, everyone turned their attention to Zhu Pingan, especially the official who had just drank from a jade cup, his eyes were even sharper.


Zhu Pingan shook his head vigorously, he must deny it at this time.

"Hahaha, that's because Zhuang Yuanlang is shy and embarrassed. We are not outsiders. Zhuang Yuanlang, just let go of your hands and show your heart. Young people are very angry and can't control it. It's normal. Besides, with Zhuang Yuanlang If you are talented enough, you can compose a poem after drinking, maybe it will be a romantic story." The official next to Ouyang Zishi stretched his neck to look at Zhu Pingan, and laughed and said loudly.

"Hahaha, the number one scholar is thin-skinned and can't show off his face. I'm sorry, hahaha."

"Oh, there is an old saying, you want to be that and you want to build a memorial arch, haha"

Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.

A romantic story? !

I think the world is in decline! When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he was full of slander.

"Hahaha, as a man, you have to have fun drinking. Come on, sit on your lap." Yan Shifan glanced at everyone, laughed, and pulled the maid next to him onto his lap, and moved her hand up and down.

The rest of the people followed suit.

The maid next to Zhu Pingan also giggled and sat on Zhu Pingan's lap, as if she was as soft as a bone, and wanted to press into Zhu Pingan's arms.

Zhu Ping'an was good at blocking it.

"Sir, don't be timid."

The maid on Zhu Pingan's lap said coquettishly, and while talking, she rubbed herself into Zhu Pingan's arms.

"Haha, Zihou, you are the most timid and cautious today."

Yan Shifan lifted his hand up and down the maid in his arms, while squinting his one eye and staring at Zhu Ping'an, and asked in a serious tone, "Zihou, tell me the truth, do you want to play with women?!"

Yan Shifan stared at Zhu Ping with his squinted one eye, his eyes sharp, as if he could see through Zhu Ping's heart.

There was an undercurrent at the banquet.

"Think." Faced with Yan Shifan's inquiry, Zhu Ping'an raised his head and looked at Yan Shifan for a few seconds, then nodded slowly. In fact, there are three words "but not" behind Zhu Pingan, but he did not say it.

"Hahaha, Zihou is quite honest. Let's see, there is no man in the world who doesn't want to play with women, hahaha, unless he is not a man." After hearing Zhu Pingan's answer, Yan Shifan laughed with satisfaction.

"Hahaha, Master Yan is right. How can a man not want to play with women, unless he is not a man." Everyone laughed.

The atmosphere at the banquet became lively again.

"There is no such thing as Liu Xiahui in this world. Even Confucius said, 'Food and sex are the nature of human beings, so how can human beings' great desires exist?'" It's all nonsense that Zhu Xi and his concubine have a whole house. If you are not satisfied, you still want Nani as your concubine and your daughter-in-law. Those people who say they are self-restrained and polite, but secretly they are not beasts in human skin?! Words and deeds should be consistent, and you can play when you want. This is a real man. .”

Yan Shifan laughed and talked eloquently, as if he was guiding the country.

Everyone agreed and laughed.

"Master Zhu, this is Master Yan's true insight. A man, you can play if you want, don't hold back, act like a girl. Come on, drink the jade cup of wine." After laughing, Luo Ziyu and others urged Zhu Pingan.

The maid on Zhu Pingan's lap was very good at seizing the opportunity. After Luo Ziyu and others urged Zhu Pingan, she picked up the wine bottle with her slender hands, took a sip into the cherry mouth, and turned around to toast Zhu Pingan.

"Ahem, please give me a drink first to build up your courage."

Zhu Ping'an behaved as if he was a brother-in-law. He was eager to try, but also a little shy, and his expression was very well controlled.

Zhu Ping'an's expression reminded many people of the first time they visited a brothel. At that time, they also drank a glass of wine to build up their courage before walking in excitedly and apprehensively.

Understand, understand.

So everyone acquiesced to Zhu Pingan's actions.

Zhu Pingan took the wine glass from the maid's hand, poured a glass into his own glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone looked at Zhu Pingan expectantly.

"Ahem, um, I have to have another drink." Zhu Pingan burped.

"Wine makes people brave. How cowardly do you have to be? Drink, drink."

Luo Wenlong and others laughed endlessly.

So, Zhu Pingan poured another glass and took another sip.



Gotta have another drink

Amid the laughter of everyone, Zhu Pingan drank another drink.

After the third glass of courageous wine, Zhu Pingan fell down under the table, mumbling something like "No, no, no," and "Drink, Zhuangzhuang."

Completely drunk.

Everyone was stunned for a while.

Can it still be like this? Zhang Juzheng opened his mouth wide. Just now he was thinking about how Zhu Ping'an would survive this test, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

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