Rise From the Humble

Chapter 951 The Emperor still loves me

"Huh? The champion is drunk?!"

"Really?! Are you drunk?!"

Seeing Zhu Ping'an lying drunk under the table, everyone couldn't help but be stunned and dumbfounded. In surprise, some people raised questions.

Luo Wenlong leaned against Zhu Pingan. He almost fell on him when Zhu Pingan was drunk. Hearing everyone's doubts, Luo Wenlong knelt down and took a closer look. He even deliberately patted Zhu Pingan's face hard, and finally laughed loudly. He got up and said, "Are you still drunk? I'm so drunk that I can't get any drunker."

"Zhu Ping'an's drinking capacity has never been good. He was famous for his three-cup drinking habit in the Hanlin Academy. I heard about this when I was in the Ministry of Justice. I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect that Zhu Ping'an's drinking capacity was really that bad! Haha! Haha, to be honest, my daughter’s drinking capacity is higher than his.”

There was a director of the Criminal Department at the banquet. After Luo Wenlong finished speaking, he nodded and started laughing.

Well, Zhu Pingan's drinking capacity is also well-known in the Hanlin Academy. At several gatherings in the Hanlin Academy, Zhu Ping'an's reputation for being unable to drink and downing three glasses spread. Many people in the nearby yamen took it as a joke.

"Uncle, you and Mr. Zhu worked together for a period of time in the Hanlin Academy. How is Mr. Zhu's drinking capacity?" Luo Ziyu asked Zhang Juzheng.

"Mr. Zhu's drinking capacity is indeed not good, and the 'three glasses of wine' is not enough, but after five glasses of wine, he is almost drunk. Half a month ago, His Royal Highness King Yu welcomed Master Zhu. Ju Zheng was honored to attend, and Mr. Zhu was present at the banquet. After drinking about five or six cups, I was already drunk. I was helped to sleep for more than an hour before I woke up. Today, Master Zhu drank a few more drinks than usual." Zhang Juzheng recalled briefly and replied softly.

"Master Zhu is really drunk."

When Zhang Juzheng was talking, there happened to be a judge from the Imperial Hospital at the banquet (he checked the pulse of a pregnant concubine of Yan Shifan today. After checking the pulse and prescribing a mild fetus medicine, he was left by Yan Shifan to attend the banquet). Under the signal from Yan Shifan's eyes, the judge walked up to Zhu Pingan, took Zhu Pingan's pulse, and came to an authoritative conclusion.

"Hahaha, the top scholar has such a bad drinking capacity!"

"That's ridiculous."

"This amount of alcohol is incredible."

By now, everyone was convinced that Zhu Pingan was drunk, and they laughed at Zhu Pingan's drinking capacity.

"Come here, help Zi Hou to the guest room to rest, and be careful with your hands and feet." Yan Shifan waved his hand, summoned the servants, pointed to Zhu Ping'an under the table, who was muttering about drinks to strengthen his courage, and asked the servants to bring Zhu Ping'an to the guest room. Ping An helped him to the guest room to rest.

"No, wine, strong. strong. Drink, drink, want more"

Zhu Ping'an, who was helped up by his servants, was still talking loudly and making unclear sounds.

"This guy is so thick." Yan Shifan couldn't help but smile and shook his head when he saw this, "It's so disappointing."

"Hahaha, drinking makes people cowardly. I have seen many cowards, but this is the first time Zhu Ping'an has drunk himself." When Luo Wenlong insulted and ridiculed Zhu Ping'an, he always hit him. As positive as chicken blood.

"Haha, I listened to Zhu Pingan's "The Young Ming Dynasty" from Quanzi a few days ago. I was amazed. I thought Zhu Pingan was a hero. Unexpectedly, when I saw him today, I discovered that Zhu Pingan was actually a bear."

An official in his forties at the banquet looked at Zhu Ping'an's back being helped away, shaking his head and laughing.

"How do you say it?" Yan Shifan asked with interest.

Seeing that his words had attracted Yan Shifan, the forty-year-old official suddenly became very excited. He cupped his hands towards Yan Shifan and explained with a smile: ""Confucius Confucianism" records: Zhao Pingyuanjun once advised Confucius' six The great grandson Kong Chuan (named Zi Gao) drank wine, but Zi Gao refused, so Ping Ping Jun said: "There was a proverb in the past: 'Yao and Shun had a thousand bells, Confucius had a hundred goblets, Zilu drank ten goblets.' There are no ancient sages." I can't drink. What can I say about my son?'. It can be seen from this that the ancient sages and gentlemen are all people who can drink. The more heroic they are, the more they drink. Zhu Pingan drank a few glasses of wine and became completely drunk. He's so drunk, there's no trace of heroism here, he's clearly just a bear?!"

"Well, Mr. Liu makes sense. As the saying goes, wine is like a person, and life is reflected in the wine shop. With Zhu Pingan's drinking capacity, isn't he just a bear?"

"Hahaha bear?! Is there such a cowardly bear?! Don't smear the bear."

"Hahaha, then remove the word 'bear' and keep the word 'dog'."

"Dog?! Hahaha, it's just right to be as cowardly as a dog."

When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter. They laughed and humiliated Zhu Pingan with every word they said.

Zhang Juzheng sat aside, holding a teacup in his hand, watching with cold eyes, especially shameless at the laughter of everyone.

They are the kind of people who take ignorance as knowledge and shame as pride.

They don't study seriously, they only read half of it, they only know a little bit about it, and they dare to show off. I really don't know who gave them the courage.

"Kong Congzi·Confucian Clothes" has the proverb that Mr. Liu said is true. When Pingyuan Jun persuaded Confucius's sixth grandson Kong Kongzi Gao to drink, he used "Yao and Shun had a thousand bells, Confucius had a hundred goblets, and Zilu had a drink." There is an old proverb about drinking ten cups of wine.

But Mr. Liu obviously did not finish reading this book.

The second half of this story is:

Kong Kongzigao was not only unmoved by Lord Pingyuan, but he said to Lord Pingyuan that the proverb you mentioned was fabricated by people who love drinking to persuade others to drink. "It is not true." also".

In other words, the so-called posthumous proverb "Yao and Shun had a thousand bells, Confucius had a hundred goblets, Zilu sipped, and still drank ten goblets." was deliberately fabricated by some thoughtful people to persuade people to drink. It is not true. Confucius's descendants have already stood there many times. Come out to refute the rumors.

Besides, if you are so drunk and dreamy, are you a hero? ! What does wine bag and rice bag mean? ! You are the only one who is not ashamed, but proud.

The more he listened to the roar of laughter, the more speechless and disdainful Zhang Juzheng became towards them.

"Haha, don't worry about heroes and bears, let's have fun, come on, come on, who's next?!"

Yan Shifan laughed and said.

"Master Yan, what you said makes sense, we should all have fun together." Everyone agreed.

Next, the banquet continued, and under the stimulation of the fragrance of the jade cup, everyone drank even more happily and intoxicatedly.

"Hahaha, do you know where Zihou's behavior comes from?!"

Yan Shifan, who was drunk, lifted up the maid's gauze skirt in his arms and looked at everyone with pride and asked.

"Appreciate further details."

Everyone asked curiously.

"He is King Dai Yu, and he has come to send money to Yan. He only sent it once yesterday, and he is here again today, hahaha." Yan Shifan laughed and rubbed the maid in his arms, very unscrupulously.


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being surprised and refreshed their understanding.

Seeing the surprised looks in everyone's eyes, Yan Shifan felt more satisfied in his heart, and the joy of conquering the imperial power was extremely strong. He glanced at everyone triumphantly, raised one leg vigorously on the table, and said in a boastful way: "You say, the emperor still practices gold with me, who dares not to practice gold?"

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