Rise From the Humble

Chapter 952 Yan Song’s Anger

Zhu Ping'an was indeed drunk, but he was not drunk to the point of unconsciousness. Although he was dizzy, talked loudly, and could not walk steadily. If he was not supported by someone, he would have collapsed to the ground, but his mind Still somewhat conscious.

The embarrassing performance at the banquet just now showed that on the one hand, Zhu Pingan was really drunk. Zhu Pingan was already drinking well, and after drinking three glasses in a row, he naturally became drunk; on the other hand, Zhu Pingan took advantage of the situation.

It can be said that it is eight points true and two points false.

Only when it is true to this extent can we escape in front of Yan Shifan, Zhao Wenhua and other accomplished old foxes. If you simply pretend to be drunk, you are just trying to do what you want and are asking for trouble.

When he was being helped out of the door, Zhu Ping'an vaguely heard Yan Shifan's arrogant voice: The emperor still practices gold with me, who dares not to practice gold?


If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy.

Go crazy, Xiao Yan, the crazier the better, the more forgetful the better, when your craziness reaches its peak, you will not be far from destruction...

Zhu Ping'an's drunken mouth curled up, and then he was robbed of consciousness by the alcohol in his body and was completely drunk. Even how he was carried to the guest room, how he was lying on the bed, etc., he had no consciousness at all and was fragmented.

By the time Zhu Ping'an regained consciousness again, it was already approaching dusk.

The bright yellow sunlight shined on Zhu Pingan's face through the window, making Zhu Pingan's eyes very uncomfortable, and then he slowly woke up.

Zhu Ping'an squinted his eyes, stretched out his right hand to help the dazzling sunlight, and slowly raised his body from the bed.

I felt physically weak for a while and my head was slightly swollen.

Zhu Pingan shook his head, stretched his arms vigorously, stretched his back, and suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar environment. Zhu Pingan was slightly startled, and then slowly thought about it.

Oh, yes, I am in Yan's Mansion and I just got drunk.



Zhu Pingan glanced out the window and looked at the bright yellow sun, which was almost setting.

It turned out that I had been asleep for several hours.

It's almost time to say goodbye and leave.

The banquet at noon was so decadent, who knows how decadent it will be at night.

Get away with drunkenness.

This move is indispensable, and Yan Shifan and the others are not fools. I will definitely not give myself a second chance.

"anyone there?"

Zhu Ping'an got off the bed and shouted outside, preparing to be led to see Yan Shifan, to say goodbye to Yan Shifan and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

This time, Zhu Ping'an learned the lessons from the incident of accidentally peeping on Miss Yan Er taking a bath and the incident in the bathroom. He did not dare to walk around Yan's house at will, fearing that he would go to the wrong place again and cause trouble.

"Sir, you're awake." As soon as Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, two delicate maids came in, stepped forward and bowed, and said softly: "The bath water is ready, let the maids help you bathe and change clothes. "

"Thank you. There's no need to take a shower or change clothes." Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an shook his head decisively and explained softly: "It's getting late. I have something to do in my house and I have to say goodbye to Mr. Yan. Could you please take me to see Mr. Yan? grown ups."

"My lord, after drinking Jinhua wine, bathing is the best way to relieve hangover and fatigue. The master has specially told the maid that when the lord wakes up, he will serve the lord to bathe and change clothes." The two maids glanced at each other, and then looked at Zhu in a somewhat embarrassed tone. Ping An said.

"It's okay. I will explain it to Master Yan later when I bid farewell to him." Zhu Pingan replied.

"But." The maid hesitated.

"Don't worry." Zhu Pingan repeated, "I will explain it to Master Yan, and please take me to see Master Yan."

The two maids were hesitant, but at Zhu Pingan's insistence, they took Zhu Pingan to see Yan Shifan.

Yan Shifan was in the study at the moment, not close to the guest room. Zhu Pingan followed the two maids for almost ten minutes before he saw the shadow of the study.

All right

It is said to be a study, but it is actually a courtyard. It is more accurate to call it academy.

Zhu Ping'an came to the door of the yard. Before he entered, he heard an old but angry voice coming from inside, "Meicun!!! Zhuzi!!! You still have the nerve to see me! I treat you well, why are you trapped?" I’m going to die here! You go! I can’t tolerate a towering Buddha like yours in the small temple of Yan Mansion!!! From today on, I will sever all ties with you. You, Meicun, will have nothing to do with me anymore. I wish you a happy life. Spread your wings!! The future is bright!!”


The voice sounds like Yan Song? !

Plum Village? Isn't this the character of Zhao Wenhua? !

Is Yan Song scolding Zhao Wenha? !

what happened? !

Isn't Zhao Wenhua the number one subordinate under Yan Song, who can be called his right-hand man? How could he cut off his friendship? !

How much hatred and hatred must be there for Yan Song to be so angry that he even utters words of severance.

Just by listening to the voice, Zhu Ping'an imagined Yan Song's anger, which was definitely no less angry than the head of state's anger.

Strange? !

At the banquet just now, Zhao Wenhua and Yan Shifan were just as good as wearing a pair of pants, chatting and laughing and playing with women. Why did Yan Song break up with Zhao Wenhua just after he fell asleep? !

It can be heard from Yan Song's voice that Yan Song's rage and determination are no joke. The anger and determination are completely from the heart. It can't be more real. It's just a bastard who has become determined by the scale.

So...what happened while I was sleeping? ! What did Zhao Wenhua do that made Yan Song so angry that he wanted to sever all ties? !

Revenge for killing your father?

Impossible, Yan Song is already so old, and Yan Song's old father has already left Hexi.

The hatred of taking away his wife?

Zhao Wenhua also drank too much, and the result was...impossible. Yan Song's private life was very clean. From beginning to end, he only had an old wife with no concubines. Moreover, Yan Song's old wife had long been gray-haired and wrinkled. Zhao Wenhua How could he do it? In addition, I have long heard rumors that Zhao Wenhua recognized Yan Song as his adopted father and Yan Song's wife as his adopted mother. It is said that Zhao Wenhua was more respectful and filial to his adopted mother than Yan Shifan, his biological son. With this relationship, this is Even more impossible.

It is fair to say that Zhao Wenhua was drunk, had a fever, and had some inappropriate things with Yan Shifan's wife and concubines. But with Mrs. Yan, that is absolutely impossible.

So what is the reason that makes Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua, who love each other as father and son, turn against each other like this? !

Zhu Ping'an was confused. He couldn't think of Sister Qi. Bah, it wasn't Sister Qi. It was the solution. He couldn't think of it.

The two maids who brought Zhu Ping'an over heard Yan Song's angry voice inside, and their legs became weak with fear. They had never seen the Prime Minister so angry before, and this was the wrong time.

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