Rise From the Humble

Chapter 953 Inside Story

"Father, my son was deceived by lard and was confused for a moment. And the son has the head on his neck as a guarantee. He definitely had no intention of setting up his adoptive father. I also ask the foster father to forgive his son for being confused."

After Yan Song's roar, Zhao Wenhua's hoarse, decadent, and regretful voice came out from the courtyard.

"Who is your adoptive father?! I don't have this blessing! You go, my Yanfu temple is too small to accommodate your towering Buddha." The anger in Yan Song's voice did not diminish at all.

"Father, foster father" Zhao Wenhua cried repeatedly.


Yan Song's roar almost pierced people's eardrums.

"Sir, let's go back first and come back later to say goodbye to the master."

Listening to Yan Song's angry roar coming from the courtyard, the maid's calves were so frightened that they couldn't get any softer. She was afraid that she would suffer some disaster, so she couldn't help but raise her face, look at Zhu Ping'an pitifully, and stammered.

Although Zhu Pingan was very curious about what happened between Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua, he rationally told himself that it was the best choice to leave at this time. Many times in life, the more you know, the more dangerous it is.


Zhu Pingan nodded slightly.

Seeing Zhu Pingan nodded in agreement, the two maids breathed a sigh of relief, turned around quickly, and left quietly.

However, the more careful she was, the more mistakes she made. When a maid turned around, she didn't notice the dead branch on the ground. She accidentally stepped on it, and the branch broke, making a crisp "snap" sound.

Although the "pop" sound was not loud, in this oppressive and silent environment, it was extremely clear and harsh.

At the moment when the "click" sound was heard, the maid who was stepping on the dead branch looked down and tears were about to flow out.

"Who's out there?"

Soon, almost as soon as the branches broke, a loud shout came from the yard.

Listen to the voice, it's Yan Shifan's voice.

Hearing Yan Shifan's shout, the two maids crouching outside the door turned pale, as if a disaster was about to happen.

"Haha, Lord Yan, it's me, Zhu Ping'an. I just woke up and came here to say goodbye to Lord Yan."

Zhu Ping'an signaled the two maids to calm down with his eyes, then he chuckled, took the lead and walked into the courtyard gracefully.

The two maids followed Zhu Pingan cautiously into the courtyard.

Stepping into the courtyard, everything in the courtyard came into Zhu Pingan's eyes.

There are bamboos planted in the yard, and in the middle of the bamboos is a study. Yan Song is standing at the door of the study, blowing his beard and staring, with an angry look on his face, his chest heaving violently, and the hand holding the door frame is still shaking with anger.

In front of the study door, on the dirt floor, Zhao Wenhua knelt on his knees in front of Yan Song, his waist bent like a bow, and his head resting on the ground.

Yan Shifan stood beside Yan Song, holding one of Yan Song's arms with both hands, looking towards Zhu Pingan.

"My lower official, Zhu Ping'an, has met Mr. Ge, Mr. Yan, and Mr. Zhao."

Zhu Pingan walked into the courtyard, bowed his hands to Yan Song and Yan Shifan, and after a moment of hesitation, he also saluted Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling on the ground.

Zhao Wenhua, who was kneeling on the ground, still kept his head on the ground and remained silent.

"Well, Zihou." Yan Song nodded.

"Oh, it's Zihou." Yan Shifan also nodded, and then asked, "Are you sober?"

"Well, Ping An has just woken up, and it's getting late, so I asked your maid to lead the way and come to say goodbye to you." Zhu Ping'an replied honestly.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Pingan glanced at Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling on the ground again. Everyone in the courtyard had come in, so he couldn't turn a blind eye.

So, Zhu Ping'an looked puzzled, and with concern, relief and persuasion, he raised his hands and asked Yan Song: "Ping'an doesn't know what happened, but Mr. Ge, please calm down and don't let your anger break your body. I'm afraid there's something wrong with it." Misunderstanding."

To persuade peace.

Although he didn't know what happened, Zhu Pingan's tone was still persuasive because Zhu Pingan knew history.

Historically, until the last period of Zhao Wenhua's life, when Emperor Jiajing wanted to punish Zhao Wenhua because he offended Emperor Jiajing by building a new pavilion in Xiyuan, Yan Song helped Zhao Wenhua cover up.

Therefore, during this period, no matter what conflicts occurred between Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song, they would eventually turn into friendship and continue to work together.

Choosing to make peace is the best option.

After the two of them turned their hostility into friendship, they thought about the scene where they persuaded them to make peace, and they would probably get some points.

This is like a couple quarreling and arguing for a divorce. As a friend, you come to comment, and you go up and persuade them to divorce. It would be fine if they really divorced, but what if the couple reconciled after quarreling for a few days. What kind of image will your friend leave in the minds of the couple? "Oh, what kind of friend he is? He actually advised us to divorce. He just doesn't like us." Complaints of this level are all trivial. Yes, it is even possible to become enemies.

What's more, Zhu Ping'an also knew that Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua would still be a kind father and a filial son, and would work together in the future.

Persuading peace at this time may make Yan Song unhappy at the time, but in the long run, it will definitely be beneficial without any harm.


Hearing this, Yan Song looked at Zhu Pingan, shook his head vigorously, and said with a hurt look: "Zihou, you don't know the inside story."

Zhao Wenhua, who was kneeling aside with his head on the ground, felt as if he had grasped a life-saving straw after hearing Zhu Ping'an's words. He walked a few steps to Yan Song's feet, hugged Yan Song's thighs with both hands, and cried and begged for mercy: "Yes, misunderstanding. Foster father, Zihou is right, this is a misunderstanding."

At this time, Zhu Pingan was able to persuade him to make peace. Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but feel a little more grateful to Zhu Pingan.


After listening to Zhao Wenhua's words, Yan Song sneered and became even more angry. Regardless of his old body, he kicked Zhao Wenhua away with force, "Zihou doesn't know the inside story, so it can be said to be a misunderstanding. But you, Meicun, why do you have the shame to call out a misunderstanding?" !”

"Father, this is really a misunderstanding. The father is so kind to his son, how could the son frame him?"

After Zhao Wenhua was kicked down by Yan Song, he got up again, knelt at Yan Song's feet, hugged Yan Song's thigh and cried.


Yan Song kicked Zhao Wenhua away again, then took out a bright yellow oracle from his arms, threw it hard on Zhao Wenhua's face, and shouted angrily: "Then you explain to me this oracle from the Holy One!!!"

The bright yellow oracle hit Zhao Wenhua's face, fell to the ground, rolled at Zhu Pingan's feet, and spread out.

The font on it is clearly visible: "Why don't you let me enjoy this worldly wine and nectar?"

Although there was no jade seal mark on it, Zhu Pingan recognized it at a glance. It was the font of Emperor Jiajing.

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