Rise From the Humble

Chapter 954 Zihou, come and judge

"Why don't you let me enjoy this worldly wine and nectar?"

This handwriting of Emperor Jiajing seemed very inexplicable and confusing at first glance, but after Zhu Pingan saw it, his heart skipped a beat, and a modern memory pierced into Zhu Pingan's mind like lightning. I knew I had reached a historical node - Zhao Wenhua presented Baihua Wine! ! !

Zhu Ping'an has seen this period of history in history books and unofficial histories, and the contents are similar.

Zhao Wenhua was naturally inclined to follow the crowd and speculate. When he entered and exited the officialdom, he was well aware of the principle that there were people in the court who were interested in becoming officials. Therefore, he recognized Yan Song as his adoptive father and relied on Yan Song as his backer. He was promoted step by step until today.

However, with Yan Song as his backer, Zhao Wenhua was not satisfied. He felt that the position under his butt had not moved for a long time, and there were more opportunities to contact Emperor Jiajing, so he was no longer reconciled to the status quo.

He wanted to have a bigger backer - Emperor Jiajing.

If he could gain Emperor Jiajing's favor, wouldn't it be possible for Zhao Wenhua to rise to prominence, and even join the cabinet?

In addition, in Zhao Wenhua's opinion, his adoptive father Yan Song is really old, so Zhao Wenhua's thoughts are even more vivid.

After careful consideration, Zhao Wenhua wanted to find the biggest backer in the world - Emperor Jiajing.

To this end, Zhao Wenhua made many investigations and plans, starting from Emperor Jiajing's pursuit of immortality, and finally chose to use Baihua Wine as a stepping stone. When advocating the effect of Baihua Wine to Emperor Jiajing, he also regarded Yan Song as a living advertisement, and presented wine to Emperor Jiajing. Emperor Jiajing emphasized, "My master, Yan Song, obeys him and lives a long life."

Your Majesty, drinking my Baihua Wine can really prolong my life, and the effect is very good. My teacher Yan Song, he is very old, right? It's because he took my Baihuajiu that he can live such a long life.

Zhao Wenhua's live advertisement was so good that Emperor Jiajing suddenly became interested in Baihua Wine, so he asked his chamberlain to pour him a glass of Baihua Wine and tasted it.


After drinking a glass of Baihua Wine, Emperor Jiajing felt that the effect was indeed good. Not only did he feel warm all over, he felt a bit like the euphoric feeling after taking an elixir. In addition, he also had a special feeling, a feeling of wanting to be a lucky concubine. Impulsive and confident to perform well.

This is good wine.

Emperor Jiajing was convinced, and then he thought about what Zhao Wenhua said about his master Yan Song who drank it and lived a long life. In this way, Yan Song had already drank such a good wine earlier. Humph, this old thing is in vain. He often expressed his loyalty in front of me, but after drinking such a good wine, he did not report it to me.

As a result, Emperor Jiajing wrote such a handwritten edict and asked his chamberlain to take it to the Yan Mansion and hand it over to Yan Song.

The letter is full of blame.

That's why today's scene happened.

After Yan Song threw Emperor Jiajing's handwriting on Zhao Wenhua's face, he looked regretful the next second.


It wasn't because he threw Zhao Wenhua in the face.

It's because this is the handwriting of Emperor Jiajing. How can it be used to throw people? This is disrespectful.

"The old minister was frightened and confused for a moment. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Yan Song confessed his crime, and with fear and fear, he bowed to Emperor Jiajing's handwriting which fell on the ground.

Because the hand edict was in front of Zhu Pingan, Yan Song knelt down to the hand edict as if he were kneeling to Zhu Pingan.

Zhu Ping'an quickly retreated and took two steps to the right to avoid Yan Song's gift.

Tsk tsk tsk

Yan Song was worthy of being Yan Song, and it was no coincidence that he was favored by Emperor Jiajing.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw Yan Songcheng fearfully bowing before Emperor Jiajing's handwriting and kneeling down to confess his sins.

After bowing and apologizing, Yan Song respectfully held Emperor Jiajing's manuscript in his hands and placed it respectfully on the custom-made sacrificial table in the study.

"Meicun, at this point, you still have the nerve to say you have a misunderstanding?!"

After doing this, Yan Song turned around and walked out of the study again, stood at the door, and looked at Zhao Wenhua with even more anger.

"Father. It is said that the authorities are confused, but those who are onlookers know clearly. It just so happens that Zi Hou is here at this moment. How about letting Zi Hou judge the situation?"

At this time, Yan Shifan on the side stood out with a big belly, stretched out a big hand like a bear's paw, pointed at Zhu Pingan, and suggested to Yan Song.

Hearing this, Yan Song's eyes seemed to light up and he nodded, "What Donglou said makes sense. The authorities are blind to the onlookers. Huh, it will also save some greedy people with stiff wings who swallow the elephant like a snake."

"Zihou, come and discuss with me." After Yan Song finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to wave to Zhu Ping'an.

"Master Hui Ge, Mr. Yan, Ping An has just sobered up, so I'm afraid he's not clear-headed yet." Zhu Ping'an replied cautiously.

It is difficult for an upright official to stop household affairs.

Moreover, for me, Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua, one is the big boss and the other is the boss. The two are going to compete against each other. How can I be the referee for them as a newbie villager?

"It's enough to sober up." Yan Song said meaningfully.

Yan Song had already said this, so what could Zhu Pingan say? He could only bite the bullet and accept it.

"I have a rest today. It's rare for me to have some free time together. But I never expected that disaster would fall from the sky. An hour ago, the Holy One sent his servant to deliver a handwritten letter to me, blaming Song for why he didn't offer it to the Holy One after he tasted the immortal wine."

When Yan Song said this, he put his hand on his forehead and shook his head heavily, "Worldly fairy wine? Qiong's jade liquid? After I received the Holy Spirit's handwriting, I was confused at first. I don't know what the Holy Spirit meant?! When did I taste it? Fairy wine? Or the chamberlain who issued the oracle reminded me that someone donated the Baihua wine, otherwise I would have been kept in the dark until my death."

"Hmph! I noticed the bulging in someone's arms a few months ago, but I didn't take it seriously at the time. Hum, now that I think about it, someone must have had Baihua Wine in his arms at that time, always ready to offer it to the Holy One. Bar?!"

As Yan Song spoke, he glared angrily at Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling at his feet, and snorted with a heavy nasal voice.

This is almost exactly the same as the records he read in history books and unofficial histories, Zhu Ping'an thought in his mind after hearing this.

But, how to judge?

Zhu Ping'an's brain was running at high speed like a computer, and he was trying to think of countermeasures.

"Father, my son was confused for a moment." Zhao Wenhua put his head on the ground again and cried.

"A moment of confusion? Bah! You still have the nerve to say that you were a moment of confusion. When you were in charge of Xiyuan, you carried Baihua Wine in your arms for more than a month. Now you are saying that you are a moment of confusion? I think you have thought it over and planned it for a long time! "

Yan Song blew his beard and glared angrily, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on Zhao Wenhua, and scolded Zhao Wenhua endlessly.

"Zi Hou, come and judge me and see if I have wronged this evil beast." After Yan Song angrily scolded Zhao Wenhua, he turned to look at Zhu Pingan, his tone obviously softened.

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