Rise From the Humble

Chapter 955 Breaking off friendship and righteousness

Zihou, come and judge me.

After Yan Song's words, Zhu Pingan felt three pairs of eyes focused on him.

This is a fatal comment. If you are not careful in your words, you will leave fatal dangers for yourself.

Zhu Ping'an raised his head under the expectant gazes of the three of them, bowed his hands to Yan Song, Yan Shifan and Zhao Wenhua who were kneeling on the ground, and slowly said, "It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, not to mention that Ping'an only wakes up from a hangover. People are also stupid, but thanks to the praise of Mr. Ge and Mr. Yan, Ping An is not overestimating his own abilities, and I will try to analyze one or two things. I hope Mr. Ge, Mr. Yan and Mr. Zhao will forgive me."

Zhu Ping'an's words have three meanings. One is to point out that this is a family matter for you. Zhao Wenhua is the adopted son and Yan Song is the adopted father. What is the relationship between father and son? This is a family matter for you. It is difficult for an upright official to deal with the family matter. If I can't deal with it well, , which is also excusable; secondly, I emphasized that I only woke up after being drunk, and I was not very sober yet. It was you who forced me to comment at this time. If the comment is not good, it is naturally excusable. ; The third is to find a way out before judging. Please forgive any inappropriateness in the judgment later.

"To put it simply, I will make the decision with you, and I guarantee that no one will cause trouble for you later, Zihou."

Yan Song glanced at Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling on the ground and said pointedly.

Zhao Wenhua's head touched the ground again.

"Zihou, just say it with confidence." Yan Shifan smiled slightly and nodded towards Zhu Pingan.

"Then Ping An is embarrassed." Zhu Ping An nodded, then glanced at Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling on the ground, and said softly: "Judging from what Ping An just heard, what happened today was Mr. Zhao's fault. It is a good thing that Mr. Zhao presented Baihua Wine to the Holy One, but if the way of offering was slightly adjusted, it would be better if Mr. Zhao presented the Baihua Wine to Mr. Ge, and then Mr. Ge presented it to the Holy One. Probably not. It will happen today."

"Well, Zihou, you are sensible." After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Yan Song stroked his beard with satisfaction and nodded.

Yan Song was satisfied, but Zhao Wenhua raised his head three inches from the ground.

"However, from Ping An's point of view, although the way Mr. Zhao presented Baihua Wine is subject to discussion, Ping An believes that Mr. Zhao will never frame Mr. Ge, and Mr. Zhao will never dare to frame Mr. Ge. To be disrespectful to Mr. Zhao, Even if Mr. Zhao is given another ten years, Mr. Zhao will not have the courage to frame Mr. Ge."

After Yan Song finished speaking, Zhu Pingan continued to comment softly.

After hearing what Zhu Pingan said, Zhao Wenhua put his head on the ground again, very satisfied with what Zhu Pingan said. Zhu Ping'an is right, I just presented Baihua Wine in a wrong way. I definitely didn't intend to set up a trap. I wouldn't dare even if I had the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

In this way, my mistake was limited to the wrong way of presenting Baihua Wine, which was much less severe.

The more Zhao Wenhua thought about it, the more satisfied he became with Zhu Ping'an's words.

"So, please, Mr. Ge, please calm down your thunderous anger and don't let your anger break your body." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and said.

"What Zi Hou said is, please calm down your adoptive father. The son is here today because of the gift of his adoptive father. How could the son frame his adoptive father? Besides, even if the son has eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, he will not How dare you frame your foster father? Foster father."

After Zhu Pingan finished his comments, Zhao Wenhua hurriedly took two steps, lay down at Yan Song's feet and cried.

This crying is really sad for those who hear it, and shed tears for those who see it.

Regardless of the expression, the cry, or the tears, in short, it looks like Zhao Wenhua is crying very real.

Zhu Pingan gave Zhao Wenhua a high score for his performance.


Zhu Ping'an guessed that the most sincere feeling in Zhao Wenhua's cries was probably regret.

I originally wanted to follow the trend, speculate, and gain a relationship with the Holy Father, but I never expected that not only did I not gain a relationship with the Holy Father, but I also offended my adoptive father Yan Song, who was so angry that he wanted to cut off all ties.

Zhao Wenhua has been with Yan Song for a long time, and he can tell at a glance whether Yan Song is really angry or fake. Zhao Wenhua knew clearly in his heart that today, his adoptive father Yan Song's words of severance were not just words. He could see the determination of his adoptive father Yan Song.

It's like a chicken and an egg, but you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice. The road to the saint is not open, and the road to the adoptive father is also broken.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wenhua's tears of regret couldn't stop flowing down for a moment.

"Hmph! Even if it is as Zihou said, you have no intention of falling into my heart." Yan Song glanced at Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling at his feet angrily.

"The son has no intention of harming his adoptive father."

Zhao Wenhua raised his head, stretched out his hand and swore, "If I have the slightest chance, I will be struck by five thunderbolts and die!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Even if you have no intention of trapping me, but!!! You are still young, your wings are not yet hardened, but your different intentions are very strong! Huh, let's go. Don't step on me again in the future. Half a step into Yan's Mansion! This small temple of mine cannot accommodate a big Buddha like you, Mr. Zhao!!! From today on, I will sever all ties with you and owe each other nothing! In the future, we will meet again in the mountains and rivers; you and I will never die. Keep in touch!!!"

Yan Song lowered his head and glanced at Zhao Wenhua for the last time. His eyes were like those of a falcon fighting in the sky in the cold winter wind and snow, resolute and sharp. He said with an expressionless expression that we would never be friends again, and then resolutely flicked his sleeves and turned around and walked into the study.

In the future, we will meet again in the mountains and rivers, but we will never be in contact with each other until death. ! !

Yan Songen's stern words were like a sharp arrow piercing Zhao Wenhua's heart, causing Zhao Wenhua who was kneeling on the ground to collapse to the ground, as if he had no bones.

"Father, foster father"

Zhao Wenhua, who collapsed on the ground, faced Yan Song's back, stretched out his hands, and cried heartbreakingly.

Yan Song left.

The future is gone.

The results of half a lifetime of hard work will be in vain. From now on, the Ming Dynasty will no longer have a place for itself in the court and the public.

It is conceivable that without Yan Song's protection, the people he offended in the past, as well as Li Mo's party members and others, will definitely not let him go. Not to mention that he will not have a place in the government and the opposition, and he will probably not even have a place in the burial place!

Therefore, how could Zhao Wenhua not be heart-broken and earth-shattering?

Maybe it was Zhao Wenhua who cried so much that it moved the heavens and the earth

A miracle happened

two seconds later

Yan Song walked into the study and walked out again.

Seeing Yan Song walking out of the study, Zhao Wenhua felt happy. Did his adoptive father forgive him? !


Zhao Wenhua ignored the stinging of his legs by the steps and walked up the steps to his knees to greet Yan Song who was walking out of the study. He burst into tears with excitement.

The setting sun in the west cooperated very well, shining a ray of afterglow into the study.


A dazzling light passed into Zhao Wenhua's eyes.

knife! ! !

Zhao Wenhua's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly saw the reflection clearly. It turned out that Yan Song was coming with a paper knife.


Zhao Wenhua staggered in fright and rolled down the steps.

"Hmph! You and I are so cunning that we can never break up any grudges!"

Zhao Wenhua responded with a cold snort from Yan Song, then he held a paper knife in one hand, lifted up his sleeve with the other, waved the paper knife, cut off a section of the sleeve with a flash of cold light, and threw it in Zhao Wenhua's face with disgust.

After saying that, Yan Song turned around and walked into the study without looking back.

"Father, foster father"

Zhao Wenhua held his broken sleeve in his hand and faced Yan Song's back, crying heartbreakingly and inconsolable.

"It's better to leave without seeing him off."

Yan Song didn't look back and said without emotion.

"Father, foster father"

Zhao Wenhua persevered and kept crying.

"Get out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cough cough cough!" Yan Song roared like a landslide and tsunami, and finally coughed due to too much exertion.

"Father." Zhao Wenhua's face was ashen, without any trace of blood.

"Donglou kid, you're a dead man, why don't I drive you away!" Yan Song's roar spread out of the study, almost overturning the roof.

"Dad, please calm down. I will drive him away right away. I will never let him be an eyesore in front of you anymore." Yan Shifan responded loudly towards the study, then turned to look at Zhao Wenhua, squinting his one eye, his skin He smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, you heard it too, haha, please, don't let me say it a second time, otherwise I don't know what will happen."

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