Rise From the Humble

Chapter 956 Showing Favor to Zhao Wenhua

When Zhao Wenhua was expelled from Yan's mansion, Zhu Ping'an also took the opportunity to submit his resignation to Yan Shifan. Yan Shifan's first priority at the moment was to assist Yan Song in replying to Emperor Jiajing's decree, so Zhu Ping'an's resignation naturally went very smoothly.

As soon as he walked out of Yan's Mansion, Zhu Ping'an saw Zhao Wenhua kneeling down outside the gate with tears streaming down his face.

"Master Zhao."

Zhu Pingan greeted him politely, turned around and prepared to leave.


Zhu Pingan just turned around and heard Zhao Wenhua's voice from behind, calling him.

So, Zhu Pingan stopped and turned to look at Zhao Wenhua.

"Thank you just now."

Zhao Wenhua raised his head and looked at Zhu Pingan, and said softly in a hoarse voice.

"Mr. Zhao, you are too polite. Pingan is just telling the truth." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly and replied softly.

"Oh, I regret it so much..."

Zhao Wenhua sighed, regretting at this moment that he had made an appointment with his adoptive father Yan Song to present a hundred flowers to Emperor Jiajing. I wanted to make further progress, but I didn't expect that I was disappointed in the end. Not only was Emperor Jiajing's thigh missing, but my adoptive father Yan Song's thigh was also lost. It was really not worth the loss.

The future is not bright! Pitch black!

Zhao Wenhua, who used to be a high-spirited celebrity in the Yan family, now looked decadent and in a miserable state.

"There is no perfect path... Mr. Zhao, please cheer up."

Zhu Ping'an stood beside Zhao Wenhua. After listening to Zhao Wenhua lament for a long time, he softly comforted him.

"Hey, there is no end to the road, but the road for the adoptive father is already dead." Zhao Wenhua shook his head vigorously, with a gloomy look on his face. It is said that there is no greater sorrow than death, so he took a deep breath. He sighed in despair, "I have been with my adoptive father for more than ten years. I know his temper very well. Once I make a decision, it will be as hard to move as a rock. When my adoptive father drives me out, it is already irreversible." Change is possible.”

Hearing Zhao Wenhua's words that there is no greater sorrow than death, Zhu Pingan's heart suddenly moved, and he realized that an opportunity to benevolent was at his fingertips.

Zhao Wenhua is desperate now. He has followed Yan Song for many years and is well aware of Yan Song's temper. This time he made an appointment with Yan Song to please Emperor Jiajing, which violated Yan Song's taboo and offended Yan Song. He knew very well that today Yan Song said If you want to sever ties with him, then you must be determined to use the scale.

Zhao Wenhua felt that it was too late to recover and that there was no chance at all.


Zhu Pingan knew that this was not the case.

According to historical records, after Zhao Wenhua was expelled from the Yan Mansion in anger by Yan Song and broke off all sworn ties, a few days later, Zhao Wenhua found an opportunity to go to Mrs. Yan Song and cry, crying like rain, and asking his adoptive mother for help, so that he could give his adopted sister a gift. In the name of her dowry, I gave Mrs. Yan a very generous gift.

Zhao Wenhua was usually very respectful and filial to Mrs. Yan, but now that he was crying so pitifully, coupled with the generous gift, Mrs. Yan softened her heart at that time and thought it was not a big deal. She just made an appointment with the old man to offer a jar of wine to the emperor. Well, what's the big deal? This old man is too stingy.

With Mrs. Yan's support and mediation, a crisis was eliminated. Yan Song ignored the past grudges and regarded Zhao Wenhua as his confidant, as before.

In addition, Zhao Wenhua's Baihua Wine was not in vain, and Emperor Jiajing also began to pay attention to Zhao Wenhua...


From the current point of view, Zhao Wenhua has not yet thought of a way to continue Yan Song's broken path through his adoptive mother's path.

Then couldn't he just do it as a favor? Zhao Wenhua would have thought of this method sooner or later anyway, so he might as well do it in advance as a favor.

Maybe it will have unexpected effects in the future.

After making the decision, Zhu Ping'an slightly raised the corners of his lips, squatted beside Zhao Wenhua, and said softly, "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing, why should Mr. Zhao be so desperate?"

"Zihou, you don't understand." Zhao Wenhua shook his head, with a look of despair on his face, "My foster father's heart to sever all ties with me is as solid as a rock, and it is impossible to break up."

"As strong as a rock, I'm afraid of being as tender as water." Zhu Pingan said softly.

"Tenderness is like water?" Zhao Wenhua heard this and said with a self-deprecating smile, "Zihou, you also saw that I knelt at the feet of my foster father and cried, and begged and begged, it was useless..."


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help coughing when he heard this, his face was speechless, you are as tender as a pipe.

"Zihou, you mean..."

When Zhao Wenhua saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he shook his head vigorously, "No, if it's okay in the east building, it won't work for the adoptive father. The adoptive father is not a lecherous person. There is only one adoptive mother in the room, and she has never I have never accepted any concubine. In the past, officials also sent beauties to their homes, but they were scolded by their adoptive fathers and refused without hesitation and returned."


You are really a fan of the authorities, who asked you to send beautiful women to Yan Song!

Zhu Ping'an pulled down the corner of his mouth speechlessly, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Sir Zhao, Mr. Zhao's reputation for integrity and self-discipline has long been famous throughout the world. How could I knowingly do something wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Wenhua was confused.

Zhu Ping'an did not directly answer Zhao Wenhua's question, but made up an unfounded story from his childhood, "Mr. Zhao, I was naughty when I was a child. One time I broke my father's beloved teapot while playing. I thought the sky was falling and I must have escaped. I couldn't bear the beating from my father. I was so frightened that after seeing my mother, I cried with snot and tears. My mother thought something had happened to me and was worried. After knowing what happened, she breathed a sigh of relief and comforted me that she was there. Don't cry. After my father came back, my mother interceded for me. Not only did my father not beat me, he also gave me a penny and asked me to buy candies to relieve my shock..."

After Zhao Wenhua listened to Zhu Ping'an's story about his childhood, his heart moved, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and most of the haze between his brows disappeared, like a lost lamb seeing the lights of the pasture, "You mean..."

"Master Zhao, I heard that you recognized Mrs. Yan as your adoptive mother and served her with great respect and filial piety. Mrs. Yan also treated you as one of your own, cared about you and treated you very kindly. Mr. Ge has a rock-like heart for you, but for you Where is Mrs. Yan? Mr. Ge is the chief assistant and has a high position, but his love for Mrs. Yan is still stronger than that of Jin. Other officials have three wives and four concubines, but Mr. Ge does not take concubines or take in concubines, and always only I love Mrs. Yan unswervingly. If Mr. Zhao can ask Mrs. Yan to intercede for you in front of Mr. Ge..."

Zhu Pingan and Zhao Wenhua looked at each other, nodded, and then expressed their suggestions.

Yes, that makes sense!

I can plead with my adoptive mother, who is the most soft-hearted, and besides... I think about it, yes, my adoptive mother loves the second young lady the most. The second young lady is seeing her engagement coming soon, and the adoptive mother has recently been busy giving to the second young lady. Prepare the dowry. I can give the second lady a generous dowry in the name of my adopted brother. I am sure my adoptive mother will not refuse...

In an instant, Zhao Wenhua's mind was spinning, and the haze between his brows was swept away. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed feasible.

"Zihou, thank you very much!"

The more Zhao Wenhua thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but look up at Zhu Pingan and solemnly thanked him.

"Master Zhao, you're welcome."

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, then stood up and said goodbye to Zhao Wenhua, "I wish you all your wishes will come true, and I will not disturb you safely."

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