Rise From the Humble

Chapter 957 Xiu Mu Fengyun

On this day of Xiu Mu, a lot of things happened. So much so that people felt a sense of alienation the next day after hearing about it.

First, after a small gathering at the Yan Mansion yesterday afternoon, Zhao Wenhua took the opportunity to go into the Xiyuan to offer Baihua Wine to the Holy One. Then, the Holy One asked Yan Song in a handwritten edict, "Why don't you let me enjoy such immortal wine and nectar on earth?"

Then, after Yan Song learned that the fairy wine referred to the Baihua wine presented by Zhao Wenhua, he became furious and angrily expelled Zhao Wenhua from the Yan Mansion, severing ties with Zhao Wenhua and severing the relationship between father and son;

Then, I heard that in the evening, Yan Song went to Xiyuan in a hurry to plead guilty, and replied to Emperor Jiajing's handwriting, saying: "I have never been close to medicine and bait in my life, and I don't know why dogs and horses live so long." The suspicion of the emperor and his ministers suddenly disappeared;

Later, I heard that in the evening, Zhao Wenhua bribed the concierge of Yan Mansion to enter Yan Mansion and asked to see Mrs. Yan. He knelt down in front of Mrs. Yan and cried bitterly, repenting endlessly. Upon seeing this, Mrs. Yan suddenly felt pity and moved for Zhao Wenhua. Intercessing in front of Yan Song made Yan Song forgive Zhao Wenhua, take back his words of severance with Zhao Wenhua, and settle the old grudges.

In addition, there is another piece of news, that is, Zhu Ping'an has impeached someone again, and the person to be impeached is still the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division.

By the way, does Zhu Pingan have any grudge against the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division? The previous commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division, Zhao Daying, was impeached and beheaded by Zhu Pingan. This commander of the Xicheng Army and Horse Division had only been in office for more than a month before he was impeached by Zhu Pingan again.

Zhu Ping'an's impeachment this time has a greater impact than the last time he impeached Zhao Daying.

Because Gao Botai, the commander of the Xicheng Military and Horse Division who was impeached by Zhu Ping'an, has an extraordinary relationship with the Yan Mansion. It is much stronger than the relationship between Zhao Daying and the Yan Mansion. Gao Botai has an aunt who worked in the Yan Mansion a few years ago. Yan Shifan's first-in-law girl became pregnant some time ago, and was promoted to aunt by Yan Shifan not long ago. It was because of his aunt that Gao Botai was taken care of by Yan Shifan to fill his vacancy and became the commander of the Xicheng Military and Horse Division.

In fact, according to past practice, this kind of memorial that seriously affects the party did not reach Xiyuan so quickly. However, due to the break yesterday, the left and right counselors of the General Affairs Department were all at home, and only one person on duty at the General Affairs Department came from outside. The seventh-grade governor, whose connections were transferred to the General Administration Department of the capital, was not clear about these intertwined relationships in the capital. He did not take the memorial submitted by Zhu Pingan to impeach Gao Botai seriously. Dozens of memorials accumulated at the beginning of the month were sent to Xiyuan together.

Coincidentally, Emperor Jiajing, who was full of energy after drinking Baihua Wine yesterday, read the memorial submitted by the General Affairs Department in the evening.

As a result, Zhu Ping'an's memorial fell into the eyes of Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing had a favorable impression of Zhu Pingan. From the murder of Zhao Daying to the Taicang theft case, Zhu Pingan left a deep impression on Emperor Jiajing.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing also attached great importance to Zhu Pingan's impeachment. Moreover, the farming affairs in Xuanfu and Datong Town mentioned in Zhu Pingan's memorial were related to the Ming Dynasty's border defense plan, and Emperor Jiajing paid even more attention to it.

When he saw that the farmland was occupied by the generals, Emperor Jiajing was furious. No wonder border officials were often in urgent need of food and military pay, which made me take out so many gold and silver subsidies from my private treasury. It turned out that it was these big rats!

Farming was one of the main expenses for maintaining the food and salary of the border army. The imperial court allocated land as farmland, which was cultivated by military households and farmers. Part of the harvest was left to the military households and farmers, and the rest was used to support the army. Being able to support the army without spending money, farming has always been a system that Emperor Jiajing admired very much. But now, there is a general like Gao Botai, who dares to invade the farmland regardless of the life and death of the army and military households! Take possession of the farmland as your own! Now that all the land is private, how can there be any harvest left to feed the army?

In Xuanfu and Datong, apart from the Gao Botai mentioned in Zhu Ping's memorial, were there any other generals who invaded and occupied farmland?

Where else?

How many farms have these rats invaded? !

Emperor Jiajing was immediately furious. Of course, Emperor Jiajing could not just listen to Zhu Ping'an's words. After reading the memorial, Emperor Jiajing ignored the depth of the night and sent people to summon Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyiwei, into Xiyuan. He was given a face-to-face instruction and ordered to go to Xuanfu overnight. , Datong secretly investigated the matter.

Afterwards, Emperor Jiajing acted vigorously and ordered Huang Jin to send Dongchang Tiqi to arrest Gao Botai overnight. He was detained for dereliction of duty, abuse of power and false accusations against Shangguan. He waited for Lu Bing, the commander of Jinyiwei, to complete the inspection of Datong, Xuanfu and other places. After the occupation of the farmland, we will interrogate and investigate the crime together with the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Personnel and other departments.

This incident all happened late at night, and by the time people got the news, it was already the next morning.

Yan Song and his son got the news earlier than everyone else. They had already gotten the news shortly after Gao Botai was arrested by Dongchang late last night.

"Haha. I didn't expect that kid Zhu Ping'an, who had already impeached Gao Botai yesterday, could still sit at the same table with me and drink like a normal person. If I had known better, I should have poured him into death yesterday." After Yan Shifan got the news, he was furious laughed.

"Donglou, this is an emergency period. Don't cause more trouble. In addition to holding the Holy Spirit accountable for the Immortal Wine, I'm afraid the Holy Spirit's handwriting also means to beat me up." Yan Song heard the news that Gao Botai was impeached and imprisoned. , he was calm, his face did not change, he glanced at Yan Shifan with squinted eyes, and warned.

"Dad, don't worry. I saved you. Your Majesty is still as smart as ever." Yan Shifan nodded and commented unscrupulously on Emperor Jiajing. However, he was quickly glared seriously by Yan Song, and Yan Shifan shrank his neck. Then he vented his anger and cursed: "Gao Botai, this stupid idiot, I have told him a long time ago that the capital city is not as good as the frontier fortress. When you are an official here, you should put away the tricks of the frontier army. You must keep your head down and do things in a muffled voice." Getting rich is like, haha, just like the guy in my room, he is really a thing that cannot be supported by mud."

"Gao Botai's incident is all his own fault. But how did Zhu Ping'an learn about Gao Botai's occupation of farmland?" Yan Song stroked his beard and looked at Yan Shifan and asked.

"I'm also surprised by this." Yan Shifan frowned slightly, and then clapped his hands, "I remembered that Zhu Ping'an took in a few hunters at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain in the north, which is not far from Xuanfu Datong, maybe They had heard something about Gao Botai and told Zhu Pingan."

"Well, it's possible." Yan Song nodded.

"Zhu Ping'an doesn't take us seriously. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner when beating a dog. With Gao Botai's character, when he learned Zhu Ping'an's identity in front of the Shuntian Mansion Prison, he would definitely treat me like a dog. He told Zhu Pingan about his relationship with us. But Zhu Pingan didn't bother us and impeached Gao Botai directly." Yan Shifan was still worried about Zhu Pingan's impeachment of Gao Botai, and felt a little worried about it.

"When it comes to this matter, I can't blame Zi Hou." Yan Song frowned slightly.

Think about it, a man who became famous at a young age and became the best in his prime, rose all the way to the fifth rank, but was thrown a stone by a naughty boy while he was practicing calligraphy by the river in the morning, and he didn't hit or scold him. My child, I asked my parents to discipline me more nicely, but I didn’t expect that my parents, who are sixth-grade officials, were bound to the Shuntian Mansion Prison as an accomplice of theft. Who can bear this? ! Zhu Pingan's impeachment is reasonable and understandable.

Yan Shifan also understood this truth, but again, it depends on the owner when beating a dog. Zhao Daying let it go last time, but will he do it again this time? !

"Dad, I know you cherish your talent, but I have learned from the past. Back on Changban Slope, Cao Cao also cherished his talent Zhao Yun." Yan Shifan flattened his mouth.

"I am not Cao Cao, and Zhu Ping'an is not Zhao Yun." Yan Song glanced at Yan Shifan, dissatisfied that Yan Shifan compared him to the traitor Cao Cao.

"Hahaha, dad, of course you are not Cao Cao. You were always alive when Zhuge Kongming was alive," Yan Shifan said with a smile.

"There is no formality." Yan Song cursed with a smile, and then told Yan Shifan seriously, "I am old, but I am not confused yet. I have my own opinion about Zhu Ping'an. You wipe your own butt first."

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