Rise From the Humble

Chapter 958 Why is it so bad?

After the rest, Zhu Pingan got up early, had breakfast as usual, and went to work in Prince Yu's Mansion accompanied by Liu Dadao.

Zhu Ping'an learned about Gao Botai's arrest in Dongchang in the morning.

Dongchang Baihu Bleeding Sword specially sent a small flag to Huaihou Mansion to inform Zhu Ping'an about Gao Botai's arrest. Last night, Gao Botai was arrested by the Blood-Drip Sword and Dongchang Tiqi.

Zhu Ping'an entered Prince Yu's Mansion. Before he could warm the chair, Prince Yu walked in with a look of excitement on his face.

"Haha, Zihou, you did a good job in impeaching Gao Botai yesterday, which relieved Gu Gu's heart." After entering the room, King Yu said to Zhu Pingan with excitement.

The so-called evil spirit of King Yu refers to the fact that he was forced to give gifts to Yan Shifan twice in order to obtain the annual gift that was blocked by Yan Shifan.

Prince Yu is a prince, and the pride of the Tian family has been in his bones and blood since he was born. What's more, he is still a vigorous, young and energetic young man. He has always been brooding and depressed about giving gifts to Yan Shifan. A wave of bad breath.

When King Yu learned that Zhu Ping'an had impeached Yan Shifan's concubine's nephew, Gao Botai, especially after Gao Botai was jailed overnight last night, King Yu felt a lot of anger in his heart, and he felt much refreshed.

Zhu Ping'an stood up and poured a cup of tea for King Yu, and then briefly talked about the impeachment of Gao Botai. Afterwards, he apologized and told King Yu that Gao Botai was the nephew of Yan Shifan's concubine. His impeachment of Gao Botai would probably make Yan Shifan unhappy. , as a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion, I was worried that Prince Yu would be implicated by me.

"Haha, Zihou, you are worrying too much. Teacher Gao and Gu have analyzed it. Yan Shifan will not turn his anger on Gu. Gu gave him two gifts, which gave him enough face." King Yu smiled and shook his head. Zhu Ping'an doesn't need to worry too much.

"Oh, that's right. Yesterday, Gu asked Zihou to go to Yan's Mansion to take a bath yesterday, and made Zihou get drunk so much that he was soaked in water even after a good Xiu Mu. I couldn't bear it, and I can't bear it today and tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, I will make the decision and give Zihou two days of make-up leave. Once Zihou has finished handling the matters at hand, he can go back home to rest."

King Yu was indeed in a good mood today. He chatted with Zhu Pingan in the room for a long time, and finally gave Zhu Pingan two days of leave with a wave of his hand.

"Haha, then Ping An, thank you Your Highness." Zhu Ping'an naturally accepted the leave specially approved by King Yu with a smile.

After seeing off Queen Yu, Zhu Pingan took care of the things on his hands. In fact, Zhu Pingan didn't have anything important on his hands. Zhu Ping'an had only been in Prince Yu's Mansion for more than a month. Apart from serving as a member of the small cabinet of Prince Yu's Mansion, he had no specific division of labor and only had a few things on his hands.

Soon, Zhu Ping'an finished handling the matters at hand, then went out to say hello to Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan and others, then left Prince Yu's Mansion and began his belated rest.

After leaving Prince Yu's Mansion, Zhu Pingan went to Zhu Ji.

It's now past nine o'clock, and it's past breakfast time. Zhu Ji's business is still booming. Zhu Ping'an can see the crowd queuing in front of Zhu Ji from far away.

Compared with Zhu Ji's booming business, the business of the delicious pastry shop opposite Zhu Ji is very bleak.

The door is empty.

It was deserted, and no business came to the door. The masters and servants of the delicious house looked at the hot business on the opposite side with envy and jealousy, gritting their teeth.

"Hey, that person looks familiar. I remembered it. Princess, look, is that the shopkeeper Zhu Ping'an coming over there?" Because the business was deserted, the little palace maid Xi'er, who was bored and counting ants at the door, suddenly saw her. He saw Zhu Pingan coming from a distance and recognized him at a glance.

"So what if it's him? If you don't solicit business well, you care about the person named Zhu. Huh, if you care about him so much, then the princess will give you to the person named Zhu." Princess Ning'an snorted coldly after hearing this. He made a sound, puffed out his cheeks and glared at Xi'er.

"No, no princess, I don't dare anymore." The little palace maid Xi'er was as frightened as a rabbit, admitting her mistake again and again.

"Then work hard." Princess Ning'an snorted.

"Pastry, delicious pastry." The little palace maid Xi'er immediately started soliciting business as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood.

When the little palace maid Xi'er was shouting to attract business, Zhu Pingan happened to come over and heard the little palace maid Xi'er's shouting.


Well, why not buy some pastries for Liu Mu and the others to try, Zhu Pingan thought and walked into the delicious restaurant. Zhu Ping'an knew that this pastry was relatively expensive, but the taste was really good. He couldn't afford to eat it often, but it was still affordable to buy some for toothpaste every now and then.

"Sir, you want to buy a cake, so it's shopkeeper Zhu."

When the little palace maid Xi'er saw someone coming in, her little face flushed with excitement. But when she looked up and found that it was Zhu Pingan, the little palace maid's welcome stopped because she knew in her heart that the princess disliked Zhu Pingan very much.

"Well, this way, and this way, give me a pound of each item."

After Zhu Ping'an walked into the delicious restaurant, he pointed at two pastries and asked Xi'er to pack a pound of each for him.

Do you really want to buy pastries? !

Hearing this, Xi'er's little face became excited again. This is today, no, this is the first customer in this month.

No matter how much the princess doesn't like Zhu Pingan, she can't push the business out.

"Okay, Shopkeeper Zhu, please wait a moment."

When the little palace maid Xi'er thought of this, she felt something in her heart. She nodded happily and said that she was going to install the cakes for Zhu Ping.

However, the little palace maid Xi'er had just packed two pieces of pastries when she saw a green and white jade hand reaching out from the side and pouring out the pastries she had just packed.


The little palace maid Xi'er puffed out her cheeks and looked down at the green and white jade hands, and then instantly changed from an angry toad to a cowardly rabbit.

Princess Ning'an glared at Xi'er, and then like a proud white swan, she glanced at Zhu Pingan, stretched out an onion white jade finger and pointed to the door, and said to Zhu Pingan very rudely: "You go, our store You are not welcome."

Zhu Pingan was speechless.

No wonder business is so bad. With this kind of hospitality attitude, it’s no wonder it’s not bad.

"Huh, I don't need you hypocritical wretch! I can't sell the pastries in my shop. Even if I feed pigs and dogs, I won't sell them to you."

When Princess Ning'an saw that Zhu Pingan had not moved, her whole body felt as if she had been greatly stimulated. Her hair suddenly exploded. She felt as if she had seen a big enemy with a blood feud. Her big eyes dug hard at Zhu Pingan. At a glance, his little face turned red like an explosion, his little tiger teeth were exposed, and he howled at Zhu Ping'an.

In Princess Ning'an's opinion, Zhu Ping'an didn't come here to buy cakes, he just deliberately satirized her.

This was too much for her proud and fragile self-esteem.

"Are you sick?" Zhu Ping'an looked at Princess Ning'an as if she were an idiot.

"You are the one who is sick! Okay, Zhu Pingan, you are so brave, you dare to speak to this princess like this. Believe it or not, this princess will kill your nine tribes!" Princess Ning'an was like a little puppy whose tail was stepped on. , a fierce comparison.

"You have no breasts, so why are you so cruel?"

Return the princess and kill my nine tribes? Is this stupid? Zhu Pingan glanced at Princess Ning'an, twitched his lips, and replied lightly.

asshole! presumptuous! Where are you looking, you little bitch, how dare you say I have no breasts? ! !

I have no breasts?

Are you blind? !

My breasts are so big that I can suffocate you bastard to death!

Princess Ning'an protected her chest with both hands, her face turned red with anger, her chest heaved violently, and she had stabbed Zhu Pingan to pieces in her heart.

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