Rise From the Humble

Chapter 959: Hands off the shopkeeper

"How outrageous, Zhu Ping'an, you bastard, you dare to tease this princess, believe it or not, this princess will kill your nine tribes!"

Not only was she teased, but she was also ridiculed for her small breasts. Princess Ning'an frowned, her eyes widened, and she wanted to bite Zhu Ping'an to death.

Princess? !

Wake up now.

In the Ming Dynasty, where feudal ethics prevailed in the world, never leaving the front door or leaving the second door was a true portrayal of the life of women in the upper class. This is especially true in the royal family, where palace restrictions are strict and etiquette is trivial. Unmarried princesses are pampered and raised in the deep palace. Unless they can occasionally leave the palace for royal activities such as driving or traveling, they have to wait until the wedding day before leaving the palace. However, the current Holy Emperor Jiajing is an alchemy otaku, and basically does not leave Xiyuan once a year, so the current princess should not even think about leaving the palace.

As for the so-called princess in the pastry shop, leaving the palace so casually and opening a pastry shop outside the palace? !

This kind of plot can only be sketched out by a brain-dead screenwriter, or a stupid-in-dumb novelist.

Let’s not talk about the accuracy of feudal ethics and palace rules. Just talk about the degree of pampering and pampering of a creature like an ancient princess. It is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. How could she show up in public and endure the pickiness, drama, and provocation of customers? Selling pastries.

There is a real history during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. King Helu of the Kingdom of Wu especially doted on his little princess. The little princess was pampered and pampered since she was born, and enjoyed all kinds of pampering. Another time when Helu was having a meal, he ate a fish. As soon as he tasted it with chopsticks, he was amazed and full of praise. Such delicious fish must be tasted by the little princess, so he invited the little princess to eat fish together.

After the little princess arrived, she looked at the fish on the table and felt that she had been humiliated. Her father actually let her eat the leftovers? ! So, after returning home, he chose to end his life by committing suicide.

Of course, this little princess is a little paranoid, but this shows how proud and pampered the princesses are.

It is impossible for other princesses to be as paranoid as this little princess, but let them show up and sell cakes?


Absolutely impossible, never happened in history!

Therefore, in Zhu Ping'an's eyes, the female shopkeeper in the pastry shop who opened her mouth to say "this princess" and closed her mouth "this princess" was a patient with deep delusions.

"You are sick, why should you give up treatment?"

Zhu Ping'an shook his head, pulled down the corner of his mouth, looked at Princess Ning'an and said lightly, then turned and left Weiweiju.


What's the meaning?

Princess Ning'an was confused. It wasn't until Zhu Pingan turned around and walked out of the back of the delicious house that Princess Ning'an realized belatedly. Zhu Pingan was trying another way to say that he was mentally ill. Damn it, this bastard, This princess is so angry!

"Zhu Pingan, just wait for me!"

Princess Ning'an chased to the door and shouted at Zhu Ping'an's back through gritted teeth, as if she was crazy.

I don’t know, I thought Zhu Pingan was attracted to her.

Amidst the roar of Princess Ning'an gnashing her teeth, Zhu Pingan walked towards Zhu Ji.

Two more gilded woodcut couplets were hung outside the gate of Zhu Ji. The upper couplet is "The stove is open and the fragrance of meat is floating around." The second couplet is "The Buddha heard that he abandoned Zen and jumped over the wall." , Liu Mu asked a craftsman to carve it.

Seeing this couplet, Zhu Ping'an smiled sheepishly. With the advertisement he had made on the day he opened the business by someone pretending to be a wandering monk and this couplet, "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" has now become quite recognizable in the capital. Now, more and more people in Beijing call braised pig in the water "Buddha jumps over the wall".

Sorry, Boss Zheng, I stole your naming rights.

Zhu Pingan apologized to Boss Zheng again in his heart, and then walked into Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant.

"Boss, have a piece of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, add more lungs and coriander."

"Brother Da Dao, add more soup and another pancake."

"Hey, I read that right, Zhang Laosan, why are you here and adding soup again? Hahaha, Zhang Laosan can't do it. Did you say the day before yesterday that pigs going into the water is so disgusting? You won't even starve to death. Eat, why do you eat so deliciously today? What's the matter, is your head caught in the door and you have forgotten what you said? "

"He Laoliu, what do you know? What I eat is like Buddha jumping over the wall. Do you understand? This is Buddha jumping over the wall. This is the name given by the number one scholar."

The seats in Zhuji are packed, and the store is filled with the aroma of braised food. From time to time, you can hear the sounds of diners shouting about adding soup and cakes, and the sounds of acquaintances laughing and joking.

"Here you are, please come inside. There are a few gentlemen inside who have almost finished their meal. The seats will be opened soon...ah, it turns out to be young masters."

Liu Dadao, who was serving soup and cakes to customers in the store, caught a glimpse of a customer coming in from the corner of his eye and greeted him warmly. Halfway through the greeting, he looked up and suddenly realized it was Zhu Pingan. He couldn't help but touch the back of his head while grinning silly. , while trotting over.

"Young Master is here." Liu Mu and others who were busy collecting money and accounting at the counter heard Liu Dadao's voice and saw Zhu Pingan. While saying hello, they put down their work and prepared to greet Zhu Pingan at the door.

"His Royal Highness Prince Yu gave me two days of leave. I came here to see if I can help you. Haha, you are busy with your work. Don't worry about me. We will talk about it after you finish your work." Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved to them, asking them to busy themselves. Matters at hand.

Of course, although Zhu Pingan wanted to help, Liu Dadao, Liu Mu, and Liu Dachui did not let Zhu Pingan get started. In addition, the uniforms Zhu Pingan wore were not suitable for helping in the store and would put pressure on diners.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an could only take a look in the lobby and kitchen.

Liu Da Dao, Liu Mu, Liu Da Chui and others are very enthusiastic in treating customers. The store is very beneficial to the people and provides many benefits. Not only does it provide free tea and pickles, but also free refills of soup. If you buy a full meal set meal for six cents or ten cents If you eat a full set meal, you can eat as much rice and steamed buns as you want. This is simply good news for the public...

In addition, Mr. Liu has also developed a variety of braised dishes according to the tastes of diners, which are deeply loved by many diners.

Therefore, the business in the store was very good, and the seats were packed. Only one table was occupied, and it was quickly filled again. Moreover, there are already many regular customers in the store, especially the first ones who came to the store, Liu Gongtou, Er Niu, and Er Lengzi, are very familiar with Liu Dadao.

In the back kitchen, Zhu Pingan learned from Liu Daqiang that Zhu Ji's purchasing channels had been stabilized. In addition to the butcher Zhu Pingan signed last time, he had signed three more butchers, and each household sent three pictures to the store every day. Pigs go into the water.

On the account, Zhu Ji's income is also increasing steadily every day.

After visiting Zhuji today, Zhu Ping'an came to the conclusion: Everything in Zhuji is on the right track, and he can be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

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