Rise From the Humble

Chapter 963 So much so

"Oh, really?"

Yang Jisheng pulled down the corners of his lips and made a sound, as if he was not satisfied with Zhang Juzheng's answer. His eyes, which seemed to see through people's hearts, stared at Zhang Juzheng closely, leaned forward, and asked again.

"That's not the case."

Zhang Juzheng said calmly, and Fengshen's handsome face remained calm, as if Yang Jisheng's questioning was expected by him.

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details." Yang Jisheng nodded, retracted his body, and straightened his sitting posture.

"Ju Zheng heard this morning that Gao Botai has an aunt who entered the Yan Mansion a few years ago to be Master Yan Shifan's wife. She was found to be pregnant a few months ago, and the mother was taken as a concubine based on the price of the son. I heard that Gao Botai is the concubine. Through his aunt and the relationship with Yan Shifan, he was able to be transferred back to the capital from the Datong border and succeeded him as the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division."

Zhang Juzheng picked up the tea cup with his right hand and took another sip of tea. After finishing the drink, he slowly opened his mouth while holding the tea cup.

"Then in my uncle's opinion, Zihou was a little reckless in impeaching Gao Botai?" Yang Jisheng twitched the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

"No." Zhang Juzheng shook his head and said slowly, "Gao Botai acted so boldly and bent the law for personal gain after taking office. He deserves to be impeached. Although Gao Botai was involved in the Yan Mansion, Zihou's impeachment of him does not mean that he is guilty of the Yan Mansion. If Gao Botai is allowed to act so wantonly, I am afraid that it will cause a big mess and implicate the Yan family even more. Zi Hou's impeachment may make the Yan family unhappy for a while, but I believe that after thinking about it deeply, the Yan family will thank Zi Hou. Help them clear the door."

Yang Jisheng had been staring at Zhang Juzheng. At first, there was still expectation in his eyes. However, with Zhang Juzheng's analysis, the expectation in Yang Jisheng's eyes disappeared. At the same time, the downward curve of the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious. In Zhang Juzheng's case, After some analysis, Yang Jisheng pulled down the corner of his mouth and made a "ha" sound.

"I have long heard that my uncle has a big city. When I saw it today, it turned out to be true." Yang Jisheng shook his head in disappointment.

"Brother Nian, why did you say this?" Zhang Juzheng raised his head in surprise and asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Sheng, I have heard Master Xu talk about my uncle many times, and I have praised him very much. He said that my uncle is proficient in practical politics, has the talent to help the world, and is calm and measured. When Mount Tai collapses before his eyes, his face does not change. He has the demeanor of a general. In addition to this, , Sheng also heard that officials from the Hanlin Academy and others praised my uncle, is this true?"

Yang Jisheng did not answer Zhang Juzheng's words, but asked Zhang Juzheng a question. When he asked the question, Yang Jisheng stared at Zhang Juzheng's eyes again, catching the subtle changes in his eyes.

"Haha, Brother Nian, Brother Nian is also a student of the teacher. You should know that the teacher is a kind elder. He always likes to support the younger generations. He always has the audacity to go to the teacher's house to ask for food. The teacher is afraid that his criticism of me will reach my ears. So it's just a polite courtesy. As for the Hanlin Academy, it's just a rumor and cannot be taken seriously." Upon hearing this, Zhang Juzheng waved his hands repeatedly, then laughed at himself and shook his head vigorously.

"You can only find out if there are holes, and the rumors are based on the truth. Uncle is being too modest. Besides, Sheng knew Master Xu better because he and Master Shu came from the same school. It is true that Master Xu is a kind elder who always loves to support his younger generations. However, Master Xu has a unique insight, knows the subtleties, and understands the talents of the younger generations, so he has become the boss who supports the younger generations."

Yang Jisheng said with enthusiasm.

Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng was silent for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "Ju Zheng thanks Brother Nian for the praise, but Ju Zheng knows that he is really ashamed."

Hearing what Zhang Juzheng said, Yang Jisheng shook his head, chuckled, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

The study became quiet.

There was silence.

It was already dusk outside the window, and the setting sun had fallen into the western mountains, leaving only a faint afterglow.

one second

two seconds

Zhang Juzheng seemed to be sitting a little uncomfortable, so he moved his butt back and readjusted his sitting posture.


When Zhang Juzheng had just finished adjusting his sitting posture, Yang Jisheng's laughter broke the silence in the study.

"The big ones are the arrogance of the clan, the illness of the common officials, the compliance of the officials, the lack of repairs on the frontiers, and the great loss of money. The others are the burden of the sage and cannot be cited in full, and the five are especially big. He is also a comparative author. I have heard that the clans of today, the princes and kings of ancient times, and their preferences are all due to the observation of the people and the changes in customs."

After chortling, Yang Jisheng put down the teacup that was used to soothe his throat, and silently recited word for word.

Hearing Yang Jisheng's silent recitation, Zhang Juzheng's expression suddenly changed, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and his breathing became quickened.

Zhang Juzheng couldn't be more familiar with the article Yang Jisheng recited silently. Every word and sentence was extremely familiar to him. It's no exaggeration to say that Zhang Juzheng was so familiar with it that he could easily recite it fluently.

Zhang Juzheng clearly remembers the process of their birth for every word.

Because this is his article.

"On Current Affairs".

Zhang Juzheng closed his eyes. Two years have passed, but the scenes two years ago seemed like yesterday.

Every word and every sentence was carefully thought over and over again by myself, revised again and again, revised again and again, and revised several times. It took me half a year to write this short, thousand-word essay on current affairs.

How many sleepless nights

It can be said that every word is soaked in my own hard work.

Zhang Juzheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent memories in his heart, then slowly opened his eyes, and smiled to himself, "Brother Nian, why did you dig out these old sesame seeds and rotten millet? This is Juzheng It is an immature work. Ju Zheng lost his head while studying. He is clumsy in government affairs and does not understand the facts, but he does not know how high the sky is. He imitated the "Chen Zheng Shi Shu" written by Jia Yi of the Western Han Dynasty. Now I feel ashamed."

"Immature? Incompetent in government affairs?"

When Yang Jisheng heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head, "If my uncle is bad at government affairs, then if we look at the world, are there anyone who is proficient in government affairs?"

"Brother Nian, be careful, Ju Zheng is really ashamed." Zhang Juzheng smiled bitterly.


Yang Jisheng said with emotion, "Sheng said this in front of my uncle and everyone else."

"Brother Nian praised Ju Zheng so highly. Ju Zheng is really ashamed to have failed Brother Nian." Zhang Juzheng was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and said with a low and wry smile, "Ju Zheng was so naive and childish. After submitting it, he disappeared into the sea and was never heard from again. "

Two years ago, after Zhang Juzheng submitted this memorial, he was full of expectations. His whole body was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood. At that time, Zhang Juzheng deeply believed that his memorial would definitely stir up the world with one stone. The Thousand Layers of Waves made Emperor Jiajing's eyes light up and he was amazed. After submitting the memorial, Zhang Juzheng returned home and kept practicing over and over again in his mind how to behave when summoned by Emperor Jiajing. However, one day passed and one day he was disappointed. Another month of disappointment passed. After a long time, Zhang Juzheng accepted the fact that the memorial was lost in the sea and failed to make a splash.

"Uncle deserves it."

Yang Jisheng took the case and said, "This peerless memorial has fallen into disrepute. It is not because my uncle's words were inappropriate, but because my uncle's status was too low and his words were ignored. The current crisis in the government has been seen through by my uncle two years ago. The clan, talents, bureaucrats, Armament and finance, these five major problems, Shuda has solved them in one sentence. With such keen insights and such strategies for governing the country, Shuda still says that he is clumsy in government affairs?!"

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