Rise From the Humble

Chapter 964 Yu Jingtaiyue

"Clumsy in government affairs? Haha, in my opinion, brother Fool, I am full of strategies for governing the country. It is no exaggeration to call you a political genius."

Yang Jisheng looked down at Zhang Juzheng, his eyes sharp and lively, like a bonfire lit in the dark night, and his voice generous.

"Thank you so much, Brother Nian, for the compliment. Ju Zheng is too embarrassed to deserve it." Zhang Juzheng shook his head in shame, smiled, and thanked Yang Jisheng with clasped fists.

Yang Jisheng was impassioned, like a pot of boiling molten iron, while Zhang Juzheng was as calm as a lake.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to be in two seasons, one in the bright sun of midsummer, and the other after dusk in late autumn.

"However, it is precisely because of this that it shows the depth of the great city." Yang Jisheng returned to this topic.

"Brother Nian." Zhang Juzheng looked helpless.

"Uncle is full of strategies, such a political genius, this is the only thing he has seen about Zihou's impeachment? Sheng, I don't believe it." Yang Jisheng knocked on the table, looked at Zhang Juzheng with stern eyes, and slowly shook his head.



I just see more clearly and further.

Zhang Juzheng did not shy away from Yang Jisheng's gaze, with a calm face, and slowly shook his head, "Juzheng is indeed the only one who knows him this way. I would like to hear from Brother Nian."


Yang Jisheng moved the corners of his mouth and let out a chuckle, "Uncle, just pretend to be confused because you understand."

"Ju Zheng is stupid, please ask Brother Nian to clear up the confusion." Zhang Juzheng clasped his hands and said sincerely.

Yang Jisheng said nothing and looked at Zhang Juzheng with burning eyes. Zhang Juzheng looked at Yang Jisheng calmly, his expression the same as before.

one second

two seconds

three seconds

After the two looked at each other for three seconds, Yang Jisheng smiled and said, "Haha, forget it, I know you understand in your heart. If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Zhang Juzheng smiled bitterly.

"It just scratches the surface."

Yang Jisheng picked up the teacup, scraped it twice slowly with the tea lid, took a sip, and then said four words in a senseless but meaningful way.

Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng's eyelids twitched slightly, but only for a moment. The next second, Zhang Juzheng's face became calm again.

Yang Jisheng had been staring closely at Zhang Juzheng. Although Zhang Juzheng adjusted his expression quickly, he still could not escape Yang Jisheng's eyes. Seeing this, Yang Jisheng couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle, have you ever thought deeply about why your memorial came to nothing? Why did Zihou impeach Zhao Daying, the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division, and then a new commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division, Gao Botai, came out who was even worse? Like leeks, one crop grows again after one is cut, why?”

Yang Jisheng stared at Zhang Juzheng with a half-smile, and asked one question after another, his voice magnetic again.

Zhang Juzheng was silent for two seconds and was about to speak.

but can hear

Yang Jisheng asked another question.

"Why was Shen Lian imprisoned, imprisoned and banished to the outside world?!"

"Why did Xia Shoufu die?!"

"What caused the Gengxu Rebellion?!"

"Now that the rectification is in crisis, who used the beautiful poems and beautiful chapters to paint a picture of peace and prosperity for the Holy One?!"

As the questions were asked, Yang Jisheng's expression became more and more solemn, his face became redder and redder, his voice became louder, and the veins on his neck became more and more bulging.

Under the bombardment of Yang Jisheng's questions, Zhang Juzheng's expression was no longer as calm as before. When he heard Shen Lian's question, Zhang Juzheng became a little restless. When he heard Xia Shoufu's question, Zhang Juzheng became agitated. Completely unable to sit still, Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but leave the table and stood up when Yang Jisheng brought up the Gengxu Rebellion and Qingci Huazhang, and glanced nervously and cautiously out of the window.

After taking a closer look, Zhang Juzheng felt uneasy and quickly walked two steps to the window and looked outside again.

"Ahem, before you know it, the sunset has already set. It's Ju Zheng who didn't entertain well and forgot to prepare wine and food. Brother Nian, wait a moment. When Ju Zheng goes out and tells his servants to prepare some thin wine and side dishes, let's Let’s talk while eating.”

Zhang Juzheng coughed, and to cover up his gaffe, he acted as if he suddenly realized that it was getting dark.

Before Yang Jisheng responded, Zhang Juzheng quickly walked two steps to the door, walked to the yard, looked around, and then shouted outside: "You Qi, You Qi"

Soon, a man about the same age as Zhang Juzheng came in. He was not tall, but very strong. He was obviously a practitioner, but he was not a man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. You can tell with his eyes that he is a man with a lively mind and a sharp wit.

This person is You Qi, who is the housekeeper of the Zhang family and Zhang Ju's regular entourage.

"Master, you are looking for me."

You Qi came to Zhang Juzheng, bent down and said.

"Go and ask the chef to make some special dishes faster, and bring two bottles of wine by the way." Zhang Juzheng ordered.

"Okay, young master, I will give the instructions to the chef." You Qi nodded and turned around to make arrangements.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Juzheng called to You Qi.

"Master." You Qi turned around, lowered his head and approached Zhang Juzheng.

"You stay outside the courtyard and no one is allowed in. When the kitchen brings wine and food later, just bring them in." Zhang Juzheng pointed at the courtyard door and whispered to You Qi.

"Young Master, don't worry. Not even a bird will come near the study as long as I'm here." You Qi lowered his head and whispered back, his voice full of confidence.

"Well, go ahead."

Zhang Juzheng nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and asked You Qi to leave. Zhang Juzheng couldn't be more relieved about You Qi's work.

You Qi is the same age as Zhang Juzheng and grew up with Zhang Juzheng. From being a reading companion when they were young, to going to Beijing to take the exam together when they grew up, You Qi has always been by Zhang Juzheng's side and has won Zhang Juzheng's trust.

Moreover, You Qi is serious, conscientious and loyal to Zhang Juzheng. The most important thing is that You Qi understands Zhang Juzheng's intentions very well and allows Zhang Juzheng to use it like a finger. He is very handy and saves time and trouble. Save worry and effort, You Qi became Zhang Juzheng's absolute confidant.

After You Qi went out, Zhang Juzheng turned around and walked into the study with confidence.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng walk in and Yang Jisheng sitting there drinking tea, his eyes were filled with admiration, ridicule and disappointment.

It is good to be cautious, but it is not good to be too cautious.

He just asked a few questions, and Zhang Juzheng became restless, like a frightened bird. Haha, no wonder Zhang Juzheng submitted a memorial, and after it fell into the sea, he never submitted a memorial again.

Too careful.

After a failure, he lurks like a rat and has no courage.

Yang Jisheng couldn't help but shook his head in his heart.

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