Rise From the Humble

Chapter 967 Human life matters

When Yang Jisheng left the Zhang Mansion, Zhu Ping'an from the Linhuai Marquis Mansion also sent the naughty child and the little lolita Niuniu out of the Jingxiang Garden.

"Naughty! Stingy! Why don't I just steal one of your sea cucumbers? At worst, I'll give you all the sea cucumbers for tomorrow. Brother-in-law, I just had enough to eat, and I want to play with my fifth sister for a while."

The naughty kid patted his round belly, squeezed his eyes, puffed out his cheeks, and said dissatisfiedly.

Although I was full, after playing for a while in the evening, the fifth sister would ask someone to prepare a midnight snack, which was also very delicious. When the naughty child thinks of those delicious pastries and snacks for late night snacks, his mouth can't help but water down.

"Is she sister Niuniu?"

After taking a sip of saliva, the naughty boy turned to look at the little loli Niuniu and began to build an alliance.

Little Loli Niuniu nodded vigorously, looking at Zhu Pingan pitifully with her big watery eyes.

"Brother-in-law doesn't have to go to the Yamen tomorrow. We'll take you to play again. Tonight, you have to have a good rest and get enough sleep. Only then will you have the energy to play with us tomorrow." Zhu Pingan bent down and rubbed his little Loli Niuniu’s little head coaxed.

"We can play and then sleep. I slept for a long time after lunch." The naughty child couldn't stop thinking about the late night snack.

"Go back to bed quickly. Your fifth sister and I have important things to do tonight." Zhu Pingan was not as polite to the naughty kid as he was to the little loli Niuniu. He stretched out his palm and gently touched the naughty kid's butt. Take a photo.

"What important thing do you have?" The naughty boy touched his butt, with a fat face filled with resentment. He felt that Zhu Ping'an was seeking revenge for his hatred of Haizhen, and just didn't want him to eat the supper at night.

Zhu Pingan was squatting there to coax the little Lolita, and didn't bother to talk to the naughty kid. When the naughty kid saw Zhu Pingan ignored him, his cheeks became rounder, and he was breathing heavily, like an angry little toad. of.

"Keke, brother Rui, what's going on? Who messed with our brother Rui?"

With a scent of fragrance and a sweet smile, Li Shu walked out of the courtyard surrounded by the little maid Baozi and others. When she saw the naughty child with bulging cheeks at the door, she couldn't help but giggle, and walked forward to comfort him.

"Fifth sister," the naughty kid saw Li Shu, raised his little fat face and asked, "Fifth sister, what important things do you and your brother-in-law do tonight?"


What's important tonight?

"Ask your brother-in-law." When Li Shu heard this, she was startled for a moment, then a touch of red clouds flew up to her pretty face, and her big watery eyes glared at Zhu Pingan shyly and angrily. This bad guy

Ask your brother-in-law.


So, the naughty boy turned his little fat face to Zhu Ping'an again, "Brother-in-law, what important things do you have to do tonight?"

"What's important?"

Zhu Ping'an raised his head and glanced at the naughty kid, smiled, and then pretended to be serious and replied: "Human life is a matter of heaven and earth."

The naughty boy opened his mouth when he heard this.

However, before the naughty boy could make a sound in surprise, there was already a voice that preceded the naughty boy.

"Human life matters."

The little maid Hua'er who was following Li Shu couldn't help but widen her eyes after hearing Zhu Ping'an's words. She covered her mouth with a pair of chubby hands and exclaimed.

"Miss, weren't you fine when you were eating? Why did something so life-threatening happen just a moment later?"

Baozi's little maid Hua'er was so nervous that her voice sounded like crying.

When Li Shu heard Zhu Pingan say that human life is at stake, she was at a loss. However, after seeing the evil smile on Zhu Pingan's lips, she realized that human life was at stake. If you do that, you can pass on the family line. Isn't life at stake? Then her pretty face turned red all of a sudden.

"Bad guy!"

After reacting, Li Shu's pretty face seemed to be dripping with blood, and her big watery eyes glared at Zhu Ping'an, "If Confucius heard your dirty words, he would definitely come alive and clean it up" Portal.”

Zhu Pingan and Li Shu looked at each other, curled their lips, and smiled.

Li Shu's pretty face turned even redder.


The little maid Baozi on the side had more question marks on her forehead at this moment. What do you mean? What happened? My uncle said that my life is at stake. Why did the young lady say that Confucius would be so angry that he would come to life after hearing this?

The thoughts in her head turned to mush and she still couldn't figure it out, so the little maid Baozi looked at Qin'er with a question mark on her face.

Qin'er also has a question mark face.

She doesn't understand either.

"Okay, now you all know that your fifth sister and I are going to do a life-threatening matter, so go back to bed obediently, go to bed early and get up early, be energetic, and I will take you out for fun tomorrow."

Zhu Pingan bent down, rubbed the heads of the naughty boy and the little loli, and urged them to go back to sleep.

"Oh, tomorrow, don't forget to bring something delicious when you go out to play tomorrow."

The naughty boy saw that the fifth sister just scolded the bumpkin brother-in-law as a bad person and did not let him stay. Although he didn't know whether the matter of life and death was true, he also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, so he had to follow the maid back with his head downcast. , took a step, turned back and reminded with a red face.

"haha okay."

Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Tomorrow, the fifth sister will bring you a lot of delicious food. Only Brother Rui and Niuniu will eat it. No one else will be allowed to eat it."

Li Shu also nodded, and while agreeing to the naughty child, she did not forget to roll her eyes at Zhu Pingan.

After listening to Li Shu's words, the naughty child suddenly became energetic from being downcast.

"Brother-in-law is not afraid, Niuniu's share will be given to brother-in-law."

The little loli girl Niuniu raised her little face, patted her chest, made a guarantee, and comforted Zhu Pingan with a sweet voice.

"Then, give my share to sister Niuniu."

After the naughty kid heard that little Loli Niuniu was going to give her share to Zhu Pingan, he was worried that little Loli Niuniu wouldn't have anything delicious to eat tomorrow. Although he was extremely reluctant to part with it, he still gave his share to Little Loli Niuniu without hesitation. .

After speaking

The naughty kid raised his head and looked at Li Shu again, and said coquettishly, "Why don't you, fifth sister, give it to your brother-in-law?"

If the fifth sister doesn't give food to the bumpkin brother-in-law, sister Niuniu will give her share to the bumpkin brother-in-law. I can't watch sister Niuniu have nothing to eat, then I must give my share to sister Niuniu.


If this happens, won't I have nothing to eat?

The psychological process of a naughty child is like this.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

After Li Shu promised that everyone would have a share, the naughty boy and the little loli Niuniu followed the maid back to sleep.

"Let's go, let's go do something important that matters life and death." After seeing off the naughty kid and little loli Niuniu, Zhu Ping'an smiled and took Li Shu's hand.

"Just do it yourself."

With so many people there, Li Shu glared at Zhu Pingan in shame, stretched out her little hand and pinched a small piece of meat from Zhu Pingan's waist, circling it twice.

Willow branches on the moon.

The matter of life and death was still in full swing in the master bedroom of Jingxiangyuan.

The night is dark.

"I thought about it."

Outside the master bedroom, Qin'er suddenly said something to the little maid Baozi, and at the same time, her pretty face turned red.

"Ah? What did you think of?" Baozi's little maid was confused.

"That's right. It's a matter of life and death." Qin'er hesitated, her face turned red.

"Ah, you have thought of it, tell me quickly." Little maid Baozi asked hurriedly. She had been thinking about this problem just now and couldn't sleep because she couldn't figure it out.

Under Hua'er's urging, Qin'er blushed, approached Hua'er's ear, and whispered.

"Ah? So it is"

After listening to Qin'er's explanation, the little maid Baozi suddenly realized, and her face instantly turned red like a cooked crab.

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