Rise From the Humble

Chapter 968 Hua Xu was surprised to find out that it was the fifth update

In the dead of night, everything is silent, and time seems to pass quickly, so fast that it seems like I have slept for several years in one sleep.

The embroidery bed is messy.

Li Shu's pajamas were half-covered and half-opened, her shoulders were half exposed, her skin was as white as milk, and her whole body was nestled comfortably in Zhu Pingan's arms like a sleeping beauty. Her black hair was held loosely, as soft as flowing water. Same, his eyes were sleepy, his long and curled eyelashes were trembling slightly like a butterfly taking a rest, his delicate hands trembled twice, and he clutched the bedclothes tightly, as if something bad had happened in his dream.

The eyelashes trembled even more.

His hands gripped him tighter.

Shortness of breath

Then he opened his eyes, feeling dreamy and sleepy. Even though her eyes were sleepy, her eyes full of spirit were still shining brighter than the morning star hanging in the dim sky outside the window.


It turned out to be a dream.

It scared me.

However, I can’t remember what kind of dream I just had, I just remember it was a nightmare.

Fortunately it was just a dream.

Li Shu rubbed her eyes with her slender hands, looked out the window, and saw the morning star and morning light on the eastern horizon.

It's already dawn.

I told you before going to bed last night that I had to get up early today. Why didn't the two girls Hua'er and Qin'er come to wake me up? Have I overslept? If you are going to visit the lake today, you need to pack your things in advance.

never mind

I'll get up first and deal with them later.

Li Shu held the bed with her slender hands, gently stood up from Zhu Pingan's shoulders, leaned against Jin Zhi's soft bed and sat up. She lowered her head and looked at Zhu Pingan, who was sleeping soundly. She couldn't help but smile, her childlike innocence grew, and her slender hands Picking up a lock of black hair, he would scratch Zhu Pingan's nose and lips.

But when Qingsi was about to come into contact with Zhu Pingan, Li Shu changed her mind and stopped her movements.

never mind

The big bad guy did all the bad things last night and slept so late, so it would be better to let him sleep a little longer.

Li Shu stretched out her slender hand and gently stroked Zhu Pingan's slender eyebrows. She leaned down and pressed a kiss on Zhu Pingan's forehead. Then she gently got up and got out of bed, put on her clothes, washed and tidied up.

Prepare breakfast

Arrange for the girl to pack the things needed for a trip to the lake.

Everything is in order.

After breakfast, Li Shu asked Rui Geer and Niuniu to go to the lake together, which was promised to them yesterday. However, when the group of people walked out of the gate of Linhuai Hou Mansion, they met several father-in-laws from Xiyuan and a group of royal guards.

The leading father-in-law was holding a volume of imperial edict in his hand, and he was here to announce the edict to Zhu Pingan.

This imperial edict interrupted the travel plan.

It's much more than that.

This imperial edict not only interrupted the travel plan, but also interrupted Li Shu's life. The main meaning of the imperial edict is: It has been found that Zhu Pingan falsely accused Gao Botai, the commander of the Xicheng Army and Horses Division, and should have been severely punished. In consideration of Zhu Pingan's past merits, he was demoted to the position of money and grain officer of the Susong Second Mansion to supervise the anti-Japanese grain and grass affairs. He took up his post immediately. Dedicate one's crime and make meritorious service.

The wording of this imperial edict was very stern, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, leaving Li Shu stunned on the spot.

Li Shu also knew about Zhu Pingan's impeachment of Gao Botai. However, Li Shu was not too worried, not only because Zhu Ping'an was very confident, but also because Li Shu himself had analyzed it and felt that there would be no problem. Regardless of whether Gao Botai's occupation of farmland was true or not, it was Gao Botai who used power for personal gain, abused his power, and forcibly slandered, Gao Botai deserved it for tying up Zhu Pingan, a Shangguan.

However, Li Shu never expected that Emperor Jiajing, as if he was blind and had taken the wrong medicine, would ignore facts and justice and issue such a foolish and unreasonable edict.

After the father-in-law read out the imperial edict, Zhu Ping'an was forced to urge Ma Nan to take office under the watchful eye of the Jin Yiwei.

I didn't even have time to pack my luggage.

After Zhu Pingan left, Li Shu packed up the gifts and money with Hua'er and Qin'er, preparing to chase after Zhu Pingan. However, in panic, she packed her things so tightly that she broke out in a sweat. As soon as the wind blew, she caught the cold. She got into the carriage and just walked out of the gate of Linhuai Marquis Mansion. Li Shu fainted.

this disease

Just lingering on the bed.

Li Shu had to recuperate in the Hou Mansion.

While recuperating in the Hou Mansion, Li Shu spent the whole day worrying, and the whole world turned into black and white. Black leaves, black flowers, white sky, the whole world has no color at all

Li Shu was worried all the time. She opened and closed her eyes, thinking about Zhu Pingan in her heart.

Brother Zhu, where is he now?

Do you have enough money with you?

It’s so hot, why don’t you get some sunshine?

I heard it's raining in the south. Brother Zhu didn't bring a raincoat or an oil-paper umbrella, so don't get wet.

Of course, Li Shu was most worried about Zhu Ping'an's safety. The imperial edict asked Brother Zhu to supervise the management of grain and grass, so he would very likely face Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates are so ferocious, and I heard they are rampant, so I'm sure they will steal food, grass and luggage.

Although Brother Zhu is fatter than others, has a better appetite, and is smarter, he is still just a weak scholar. He has no self-defense skills. How can he resist the cruel and inhuman Japanese pirates?

It’s scary to think about it.


After several months of lingering in bed, Li Shu recovered.

After recovering, without missing a day, Li Shu took Hua'er, Qin'er and others and headed south in a carriage.

All the way south.

Li Shu heard about the vicious atrocities committed by the Japanese pirates, killing people and setting fires, and committed all kinds of evil, and she became even more worried about Zhu Ping'an.

After arriving at the border of Susong, Li Shu heard the news about Zhu Ping'an.

More than ten miles ahead, Zhu Pingan was supervising a group of grain and grass baggage to support the battlefield ahead.


Li Shu couldn't wait a moment.

However, with the persuasion and objection from the nursing home, he went directly to Zhu Pingan.

ten miles



One mile.

Li Shu heard a cry of killing, and then saw a burst of fire and smoke rising into the sky, and Li Shu's heart suddenly rose.

Then continue

The fire smoke became thicker and thicker, and the shouts of death became louder and louder.

further forward

Li Shu saw a blaze of fire and the messy and miserable remains of the Ming army's severed limbs dripping with blood on the roadside.


Li Shu's heart seemed to be clenched tightly by a pair of black hands, and she couldn't breathe.

further forward

Zhu Pingan saw a familiar figure standing in front of him.

Although wearing armor

But Li Shu still recognized it at a glance, but why did the back of the armor reveal such a long spear tail.

"Brother Zhu"

Li Shu cried heartbreakingly and jumped out of the carriage regardless of the speeding carriage.

Run towards the front.

The clothes are fluttering and the belt is fluttering.

Like a fairy Lingbo.

The man in front heard Li Shu's cry and turned around. It was Zhu Pingan, who was thin and had blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

a spear

It pierced through his chest, revealing half a meter of blood. It flowed down the tip of the gun like water and flowed all over the ground.

"Why are you here?" Zhu Ping'an's voice was hoarse, as if his life would be burned with just one sentence.

"Brother Zhu, I'm here"

Li Shu burst into tears, but her pretty face was as bright as a smile. She opened her hands to meet Zhu Ping'an and ran over.

Skirt fluttering


When she was still one meter away from Zhu Pingan, Li Shu giggled, used all her strength, jumped suddenly, her feet left the ground, and like a koala, she flew into Zhu Pingan's arms and hugged her tightly with both hands. Live in Zhu Pingan, hang on Zhu Pingan.

"Brother Zhu, I'm here."

Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with a pair of watery eyes, and stretched out her trembling hands to touch Zhu Pingan's coughing lips. Her pretty face was filled with happiness and satisfaction, and the blood at the corner of her mouth was mixed with tears and gurgling down.

Half of the spear penetrated Li Shu's back

"Miss, Miss"

Hua'er and Qin'er's heartbreaking voices came from behind.



"Miss, wake up, get up."



Got up?

I'm afraid these two stupid girls are so sad that their brains are stupid. Just cry if you cry. What the hell is Miss, wake up and get up?

Li Shu had a dark look on her face.

"Miss, wake up, get up. Aren't you going to go swimming in the lake today? You said last night that I would call you earlier this morning."

The voice behind him became clearer.


Li Shu felt someone shaking her arm.

what to do

Haven't you seen that Brother Zhu and I are like this? Do you still want to bother me at the last moment? !

Li Shu opened her eyes impatiently.

Then he saw Hua'er and Qin'er, Baozi's little maids, standing in front of the bed and looking at him carefully. Hua'er's hands were still gently shaking her arms.

bed? !

ah? !

Li Shu suddenly woke up.

Was it just a dream? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Li Shu sat up suddenly and reached out to pinch the little maid Baozi's arm.

"Miss, it hurts."

The little maid Baozi looked at Li Shu pitifully.


That would really be a dream.

Glancing at Zhu Ping'an who was still snoring next to her, Li Shu's happy eyes narrowed, like a crescent moon.

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