Rise From the Humble

Chapter 969 Shichahai

"So scared, like really."

During breakfast in the morning, Li Shu told Zhu Ping'an about the nightmare she had last night, feeling lingering fear in her heart, like a frightened little white rabbit.

"Don't worry, dreams are the opposite. If you dreamed that the Holy One found out that I framed Gao Botai, then Gao Botai must be in trouble in reality. Maybe while you were dreaming, Mr. Lu, the commander of the Jin Yiwei, happened to be investigating Gao Botai's occupation of the farmland. It's true"

Zhu Ping'an rubbed Li Shu's forehead affectionately and comforted her softly with a smile. The smile was as warm as the sun, which instantly dispelled the haze in Li Shu's heart.


Zhu Pingan had just finished comforting Li Shu when he heard a burst of sobbing.

Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu turned around and saw Baozi's little maid wiping away tears. Her eyes were red, tears were pouring, and her mouth was twitching.

"What's wrong?" Li Shu asked.

"Miss Wuwuwu knew that she would be pierced by a spear, but she still rushed forward and hugged my uncle without hesitation. It was so touching. When I thought of that scene, I couldn't control my tears."

Baozi's little maid Hua stretched out her chubby hand and wiped her tears and replied. As she spoke, she couldn't help but choked up again.

Li Shu

Zhu Pingan.

Before Zhu Pingan and Li Shu finished their breakfast, they heard a sound of chickens and dogs jumping in the yard, and then they saw the naughty child and the little loli Niuniu running into the house. The two little bean sprouts had already finished their breakfast. After eating, they couldn't hold back for a moment, so they came to urge Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an.

Go out to have fun, it's not school. Of course, the earlier you go out to play, the better, so you can play longer.

So, after eating, the two little ones came running over to hurry up.


After the naughty kid entered the house, he urged him. Seeing how delicious Zhu Ping'an was eating, he... couldn't help but drooled and sat down. He ate another breakfast and rolled his eyes in disgust at the little Loli Niuniu. To outer space.

"Let's go."

After having breakfast and cleaning up, Zhu Ping'an said something to the naughty kid and the little loli girl, then naturally took Li Shu's hand and walked out the door, just like what modern young couples in love often do. That way.

Li Shu's pretty face was slightly red, and the tips of her ears were also red, but she did not take her hand out of Zhu Pingan's hand.

Although Li Shu was a little embarrassed to be held by Zhu Ping'an like this in public, her heart felt sweeter than eating honey.

Hua'er and Qin'er have become immune after eating such dog food, so they are no longer surprised.

"They held hands."

But this was the first time I saw the naughty kid. His little fat face was so surprised that he was deformed. A pair of little fat hands covered his face, which made him so embarrassed that he couldn't be simple.

The little loli girl Niuniu has a pouting mouth.

Hearing what the naughty kid said, Li Shu gave Zhu Ping'an an angry look and pulled her little hand out of Zhu Ping'an's grasp.

"Haha, I'm used to it..."

Zhu Pingan scratched his head in embarrassment, forgetting for a moment that this was a feudal society where ethics prevailed.

In this evil feudal society, even a little hand won't do it.


As for the handle, the sense of propriety is still relatively small. Before going out, this small episode was forgotten by everyone.

Zhu Pingan and Li Shu decided to visit Shichahai Lake.

Shichahai is a popular tourist attraction in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. It is a rare large-scale water area in Beijing, with a water area of ​​more than 1,000 acres. It is a natural and artificial lake that connects the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It was originally surrounded by ten Buddhist temples, so it is called Shichahai. The scenery is beautiful, the bells are ringing, and the lingering sound lingers. Since ancient times, it has been known as "Spring in West Lake, Summer in Qinhuai, and Autumn in Dongting".

Shichahai and Zhongnanhai (Taiye Pool) in the Xiyuan of Jiajing Emperor are in the same water system, and are collectively known as the Six Seas in the Capital City. "Hai" is a name passed down from the Yuan Dynasty. In fact, it is more appropriate to call it "Lake", but because of the Yuan Dynasty The rulers were Mongolians. They came from inland grasslands and deserts and lacked water resources. They had never seen large-scale lakes. After seeing them, they were surprised and cherished them. They thought the sea was nothing more than that, so they gave all the lakes beautiful names. Said "sea".

Shichahai is the outer three seas, and Taiye Pool in Xiyuan is the inner three seas. The outer three seas and the inner three seas are bounded by the city wall.

The Inner Three Seas are located in Xiyuan and are forbidden to common people. The Outer Three Seas are allowed to be visited by ordinary people as a result of the emperor's generosity. Of course, nobles are given priority. With the official positions of Linhuai Marquis Mansion and Zhu Ping'an, visiting Shichahai is naturally not a problem.

Three carriages with the logo of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion drove out of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion. There were eight horses in front and behind the carriages. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao rode at the front. The remaining six people were the guards of the Linhuai Marquis Mansion. .

On the leading carriage sat Hua'er, Qin'er and two little girls, with food and changes of clothes also placed on the carriage; on the carriage in the middle sat Zhu Ping'an, Li Shu, little Loli Niuniu and Naughty Child; on the carriage behind Two old women and two rough girls were sitting on it, and there were cooking utensils, blankets and other utensils.

The group of people headed towards Shichahai in a mighty manner.

Shichahai is a good place for people in the capital to cool off and have fun. When Zhu Ping'an and his party arrived at Shichahai, there were already many people here.

"Why are there so many people?"

Li Shu opened a corner of the curtain and took a look outside. Looking at the chaotic flow of people outside, she couldn't help but curl her little cherry lips.

"It's okay, I'll go out and take a look." Zhu Pingan said to Li Shu with a smile, opened the door curtain and jumped down.

Zhu Pingan just jumped off the carriage and saw Liu Mu leading the horse from the front. He came to Zhu Pingan and said, "Sir, please inquire. There are more people here on the edge, and there will be fewer people as you go in." , if you rent a boat, you can swim around the lake, or you can go to an island in the middle of the lake, where you can fish and go hiking. Dadao and I will guard the outside, so you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by other people."

"Then rent a boat, the best one."

Zhu Ping'an nodded, took out a ten-liang bank note from his arms, handed it to Liu Mu, and asked Liu Mu to rent a boat. Thinking that Li Shu was spoiled and spoiled, he was afraid of wronging Li Shu. He asked Liu Mu to rent a good boat.

Ten taels of silver is about 6,000 yuan, which should be more than enough to rent a boat.

During this period, Zhu Ji Fast Food made Zhu Pingan a lot of money, and Zhu Pingan could still afford to rent the boat.

"Uncle Keke, we don't need to rent a boat." Little maid Baozi poked her head out of the carriage and said with a giggle, "Our family has property here, and we have several boats under our name."

Uh, okay.

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, his old face turned slightly red. The feeling of wealth that he had just felt disappeared in an instant.

Painting boats at this time were as expensive as modern yachts.

Compared with the old Li family, which has a big business and a lot of money, my foundation is really not good enough.

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