Rise From the Humble

Chapter 977 The humble work appears

"A humble work? Hahaha, Master Zhu is really humble. With Master Zhu's talent as the number one scholar, the so-called humble work must be a masterpiece." Yuan Wei looked at Zhu Ping'an without blinking, and the corners of his mouth twitched. With a joking smile, he praised Zhu Pingan sincerely, and then changed the subject and said in a tone that Zhu Pingan could not refuse, "It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Mr. Zhu, please don't do anything to protect yourself. This is a swan." It’s a masterpiece, but it must be a feast for my eyes.”

In Yuan Wei's view, this is a good opportunity for Zhu Ping'an to make a fool of himself.

In his opinion, what Zhu Ping'an called his humble work was just an excuse. He, Zhu Ping'an, had not conceived it at all. The few times Zhu Ping'an had submitted poems for his youth in the past, he had carefully planned and prepared them well in advance, so he could express them immediately and with high quality. But this time, the Holy Shang transferred him to Wuyi Hall to write Qingci. It was a bit sudden, which made Zhu Ping'an unable to prepare in advance. The fact that his level of Qingci was not good was suddenly exposed. He had already written two Qingci. Well, Zhu Ping'an didn't even write a single word.

If he, Zhu Ping'an, had conceived it well, with his shameless and shameless energy, he would have been eager to claim credit from the Holy One and win His favor.

This kid Zhu Pingan used despicable means (careful planning, advance preparation, speculation, etc.) to suppress himself several times. The opportunities that originally belonged to him were snatched away by him Zhu Pingan several times in one year. Not long ago, Zhu Ping'an, a young man, had been writing and compiling from the sixth rank of the Hanlin Academy since he was a child, and had been promoted successively, until he was now a bachelor's degree scholar of the fifth rank, which should not be underestimated.

Humph, those opportunities for promotion originally belonged to you! ! !

They were all snatched away by him, Zhu Pingan!

God has given me such an opportunity this time, and I must seize it well and let him, Zhu Pingan, make a fool of himself, let him understand, let everyone understand, and let the Holy One know that this Qing Ci, Zhu Pingan, and I are in love. Than, it's still far worse.

During this breath, Yuan Wei's mental activities were extremely rich.

Zhu Pingan definitely didn't know Yuan Wei's inner activities, but from Yuan Wei's joking smile and words, Zhu Pingan also made a guess.


Want to make a fool of yourself.

Feel sorry.

This time I'm going to disappoint you.

I want to use your words to slap you in the face and make my name known.

Gee, how does this feel like the modern saying "live in your house, spend your money, sleep with your wife, beat your baby".

"This is just a humble composition, I'm afraid it will stain everyone's eyes." Zhu Ping'an made up his mind to use Yuan Wei's famous Qing Ci poem written ten years later, but he paused with a pretentious hesitation on his face. He refused hard to get.

Seeing Zhu Pingan's refusal, Yuan Wei's excited eyes sparkled. Zhu Pingan really didn't even say a word about the company. Zhu Pingan's refusal further strengthened Yuan Wei's judgment just now.


Zhu Pingan, the more you want to escape, the less likely I am to fulfill your wish. I, Yuan Wei, swear that I will make you look foolish this time!

"Haha, Master Zhu is so humble, but do you think we are not worthy of appreciating Master Zhu's masterpiece?!"

Yuan Weipi stared at Zhu Ping'an with a dead smile, these heart-wrenching remarks overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyelids jumped with excitement.


Lao Yuan, you are really not a good actor, all your inner activities are revealed on your face.

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

"Master Zhu?" Yuan Wei smiled and urged again.

"Uh, how could that be? If that's the case, then I'll make a fool of myself." Zhu Pingan shook his head with a wry smile, and then replied helplessly.

Finally succeeded! ! !

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was forced to agree with a look of helplessness, Yuan Wei smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.


It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Zhu Pingan's ugliness needs more people to watch it together to achieve the goal better.

So, Yuan Wei smiled and invited everyone in the room: "Haha, Mr. Zhu is going to write a masterpiece called Honghu. Why don't you, Sir, wait and see with Wei?"

Many people in the room had been watching the fun just now. Now that they were invited by Yuan Wei, they naturally agreed happily.

Soon, most of the people in the room came to watch, surrounding Zhu Ping'an and Yuan Wei in the middle, as if they were watching two jealous gorillas in the zoo.

Seeing this, Yuan Wei was very proud.

The more people the better, and it will be more interesting later when the true level of Zhu Ping'an's Qing Ci is revealed and he is made to look foolish.

"Ping'an's humble work has received so much attention from all the adults, I'm very scared..." Zhu Ping'an smiled bitterly and bowed his hands to everyone.

"Master Zhu, no need to say more, please go ahead. Wei can't wait to appreciate Master Zhu's masterpiece Honghu."

Haha, it's this time, and you still want to delay time. Yuan Wei's eyes were bright, as if they were burning with two balls of fire. As if he had seen through Zhu Pingan's tricks, he looked at Zhu Pingan jokingly, opened his mouth to interrupt Zhu Pingan's words, and urged Zhu Pingan. Pingan wrote quickly and did not give Zhu Pingan any chance to delay his conception.

"Then Ping An would be embarrassed."

Zhu Ping'an raised his head and glanced at Yuan Wei, nodded with a wry smile, then held the brush in his right hand, holding the sleeve of his right hand with his left hand, dipped the brush in ink, and put pen to paper.

The moment he put down the pen, Zhu Ping'an's whole spirit and energy suddenly changed, as if he had transformed into a mountain with thousands of walls and towering into the sky, making everyone watching couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling of looking up.

Yuan Wei, who was closest to Zhu Pingan, felt the strongest. Damn, what's going on? Yuan Wei felt an inexplicable irritability and uneasiness in his heart.

At this moment, a gust of breeze blew, which instantly calmed Yuan Wei's irritable heart.

Huh, it must have been too hot just now, which gave me an illusion. He, Zhu Ping'an, couldn't write a word for a long time just now. Now that I'm forcing him to write and write immediately, it's weird if he doesn't make a fool of himself.

After calming down, Yuan Wei stared at Zhu Pingan's pen tip with great interest as if watching a good show.

"The Imperial Map is Forty Thousand Miles..."

Zhu Ping'an moved his pen like a flying dragon, riding the wind and waves, and in an instant the first green line appeared on the paper.

The Emperor's Picture Forty Thousand Miles instantly displayed a world-swallowing aura, and the first sentence made everyone hold their breath.

The joking look on Yuan Wei's face had disappeared unconsciously.

Before everyone could recover, Zhu Ping'an once again moved his pen as fast as he could. He kept writing and his hand kept moving. Lines of words were flying on the paper:

The imperial map spans 40,000 miles. Since ancient times, there has never been a single dynasty that has unified the 40,000 miles, and the Tao is in harmony with the infinite.

The emperor's life span is forty-five years. From now on, there are still nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-five years left, and he is born to have a long life.

Fuyi Shengzhen Pi Mao, there are rules for deciding things. I only recommend you to be pure and sincere, and pray for good fortune. I look up to you, and I look up to the common people...

Zhu Ping'an put pen to paper and wrote more than a hundred words in a eloquent manner without any extra points. He finished it in one go without even a second's pause in between.

I don't know which word to start with. Yuan Wei's mouth opened like a bellows, and he breathed heavily, as if someone had strangled his throat.

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