Rise From the Humble

Chapter 978: Ginger is still spicier when old

The moment Zhu Pingan stopped writing, the whole room seemed to have been cast a silent spell by the great mage. There was silence all around, except for the sound of heavy breathing.

Everyone is a knowledgeable person.

Zhu Ping'an wrote this poem in one stroke, with more than 200 words, each word is like a pearl, and together they are as bright as the Milky Way.

The imperial map spans 40,000 miles. Since ancient times, there has never been a single dynasty that has unified the 40,000 miles, and the Tao is in harmony with the infinite.

The emperor's life span is forty-five years. From now on, there are still nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-five years left, and he is born to have a long life.

The two parallel sentences at the beginning alone make this Qingci invincible. The first sentence praises Emperor Jiajing's civil and military achievements, saying that the vast territory that Emperor Jiajing ruled has never been seen since ancient times, and he is worthy of being an infinite deity. The second sentence is just right to scratch the itch of Emperor Jiajing. Why did Emperor Jiajing practice immortality, refine elixirs, and hold fasts? Isn’t it immortality? Zhu Pingan said that Emperor Jiajing is forty-five this year, and there will be nine thousand and nine in the future. One hundred and fifty-five years of Yangshou is equivalent to ten thousand years of life.

Isn’t this what Emperor Jiajing pursued with his boundless deity and boundless longevity? !

In addition, the more than 100 words behind the Qing Ci "Fu Yi Sheng Zhen Pi Mao, and everything has its own scriptures" are not nonsense. They all praise Emperor Jiajing for loving the people like a son and taking care of everything. They describe Emperor Jiajing as a man who ruled the four corners of the country. The emperor is thousands of miles away, but he is touched by rain and dew, and he loves the people of every inch of the land deeply; a person has a lifespan of ten thousand years, but he has many things to do every day, and he serves the empire and the people of this empire every second.

Of course, Zhu Pingan was flattering, but no one looked down on Zhu Pingan because of this. After all, who was not flattering when he wrote poems for Emperor Jiajing? In comparison, Zhu Pingan's poem was considered subtle and elegant.

Writing Qing Ci is just flattering, and it depends on how good you are at it. This has long been a tacit consensus among everyone.

I have to say, Zhu Pingan’s flattery is really amazing!

It’s strange that this flattery didn’t impress Emperor Jiajing! ! ! After reading Qing Ci, everyone had such an idea in their hearts. As soon as this Qingci came out, Emperor Jiajing's favorite Qingci would probably become two.

"Zi Hou is worthy of being the top scholar."

Li Chunfang's compliment broke the silence in the room, and then everyone started to comment.

Yuan Wei's face turned green.

I obviously hate this little thief, but why do I feel that the poems written by this little thief are so wonderful at this moment!


The Qingci written by this hateful little thief actually aroused resonance in his heart. After discovering this problem, Yuan Wei's face became even more smelly and green.

After the tea time, the room became quiet again, and everyone was once again immersed in the ocean of Qing Ci's creation.

Yuan Wei was even more determined to become stronger, and vowed in his heart that he would create a Qing Ci poem that surpassed Zhu Pingan's.


Until the moon rises above the willow trees, Yuan Wei has not been able to compose another Qing Ci poem that satisfies him, so the number of Qing Ci poems he submitted was limited to two Qing Ci poems.

After Zhu Ping'an finished writing the Qing Ci poem, he stopped writing it. On his face, he looked like he was thinking carefully, but his brain was actually busy with other things.

When I was young, the Qingci that everyone contributed finally met the requirements of the Zhaijiao. Since it was too late, everyone rested in Wuyi Hall.

Zhu Pingan slept another night in the small room of Wuyi Hall.

The dark room, the narrow bed, creaked every time you turned over, and mosquitoes kept buzzing in your ears.

Zhu Ping'an was lying on the hard little bed, looking at the dark roof, holding a quilt that had no warmth or feel and even had a slight musty smell. He couldn't help but miss the big bed in Jingxiangyuan and the fragrant Li Shu.

Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, it took a long time to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhu Pingan woke up early, got dressed, and went out to wash up. Not only was it uncomfortable to sleep in this row of low duty huts, it was also very inconvenient to wash up. I had to go to the public toilets to bathe, and I got up late, so I couldn't wait in line for a long time.

After washing up and just having breakfast, several young father-in-laws brought the decree of Emperor Jiajing and rewarded Zhu Ping'an with a fragrant leaf crown, a set of apricot-yellow robes embroidered with Bagua, and a pair of ten-square blue silk shoes.

The fragrant leaf crowns were all made by Emperor Jiajing himself, and they were generally not easily awarded to ministers. No more than five fragrant leaf crowns were awarded each year. Only when the Jiajing Emperor is very, very, very satisfied with his poems can he be awarded the fragrant leaf crown.

It is a rare honor to receive the fragrant leaf crown.

Although other courtiers in the room also received rewards, for example, Yuan Wei was given a set of apricot-yellow Taoist robes embroidered with eight trigrams, but these rewards were all standard, and their significance and value were far inferior to those made by Emperor Jiajing himself. crown of fragrant leaves.

Yuan Wei, who was waiting for the order together, looked at Zhu Ping'an being awarded the fragrant leaf crown, and his eyes turned red, like a rabbit suffering from pinkeye.

However, Zhu Ping'an was not the only minister to receive the fragrant leaf crown today.

Xu Jie, Zhu Ping'an's disciple, was also given a fragrant leaf crown, a set of apricot-yellow Taoist robes embroidered with Bagua, and a pair of ten-square blue silk shoes. In addition, Xu Jie also received a special reward from Emperor Jiajing and was given an elixir.

After hearing that Xu Jie not only received the fragrant leaf crown, but also received the elixir refined by Emperor Jiajing himself, Yuan Wei felt a little better. The reason was simple. Zhu Ping'an's limelight was suppressed. But after seeing that Zhu Pingan was not affected at all, Yuan Wei's mood became worse again.

As long as the privacy of the royal family was not involved, the palace was very well-informed, and the Qing Ci written by Xu Jie quickly spread to everyone:

Shiben turned out to be a man, and he always called Long Live and Mountain Hu.

One goes straight across the universe, and the other two fly diagonally across the world.

Add officials, Lu, and titles, establish outlines and disciplines, and establish imperial plans.

The owner has eternal blessings, and the moon shines on the five lakes.

At first, everyone didn't think much of Xu Jie's Qing Ci. They thought it was an ordinary Qing Ci, even a bit of a limerick. Everyone didn't understand how Mr. Xu Ge created such a poem. What about an ordinary Qing Ci? Why would the Holy One favor such an ordinary Qing Ci?

As everyone studied it, the mystery was gradually discovered.

"This is a Qingci poem with split characters."

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The reign title of the current sage is "Jiajing", and Xu Jie's poem "Jiajing" disassembles the word "Jiajing" stroke by stroke according to the order of strokes, and praises them one by one, and praises them. Every detail goes into it, it's natural, it's really seamless.

After discovering this mystery, everyone looked back at Xu Jie's Qingci. They suddenly felt that Xu Jie's work was so brilliant that it was so flattering that it was so unmatched. No wonder the Holy One rewarded him with fragrant leaf crowns and elixirs. ah.

Ginger is still spicy.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips when he saw Master Xu Jie's most flattering poem.

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