Rise From the Humble

Chapter 981 Key historical nodes (Part 1)

"Manager Liu, please come and give us a review."

The maids next to the innocent maid gathered around Manager Liu and asked him to comment on the referee.

"That's right, Manager Liu, you are the most fair person in the government. Come and administer justice to us."

The maids beside the charming maid also surrounded Manager Liu, chirping and begging Manager Liu to seek justice.


chirp chirp chirp

Manager Liu felt like he had fallen into a duck's nest. His ears were filled with quacking sounds from 360 degrees, and his head was about to burst. He couldn't help but shout to the maids on both sides, "Okay, everyone, be quiet. You guys are talking like this, how can I judge and deliver justice? I will let you speak before you speak."

Manager Liu shouted, and the maids on both sides became quiet.

After calming down, Manager Liu looked at the innocent maid, and then at the charming maid. The two maids both looked like victims, one had red eyes and stubborn tears appeared in the corners of her eyes; the other had bulging cheeks and big tears falling down.

In this era, the "five hearings" are emphasized when deciding cases, namely hearing by words, hearing by color, hearing by breath, hearing by ears, and hearing by eyes.

Manager Liu has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. This is based on the idea of ​​​​ancient officials in solving cases.

However, observing the color, breath, eyes, etc. of the innocent maid and the charming maid, they both looked like angry victims, so it was impossible to judge.

As for their character, Manager Liu is still unclear.

Because whether the pure maid or the charming maid, as well as the maids around here, were all recruited into the house at the beginning of the month. At the beginning of the month, after His Royal Highness King Yu got back his annual gift, the palace suddenly became much more generous, and His Highness hired a group of maids to fill the backyard. They had only been in the house for a few days, and Manager Liu didn't know their character at all, so he couldn't judge who was a thief and who was lying based on their character.

You can't judge without listening, and you can't judge their character. Both of them have witnesses, so they are in trouble.

After getting into trouble, Manager Liu turned his attention to the evidence silk cloth, which was a piece of pink peach pattern silk silk cloth.


Isn't this the silk cloth that was awarded to the new maid in the mansion the day before yesterday?

Manager Liu's eyes lit up. He remembered that this silk cloth was awarded to the new maid from the mansion the day before yesterday. Although the colors of the silk cloths given at that time were all pink, in order for the maids to choose, there were more than ten kinds of silk cloth patterns, including peach blossom pattern, plum blossom pattern, and crabapple pattern. At that time, every maid was registered in the register after choosing to receive the silk cloth.

Take the list of rewards at that time and see which of the two received the pink peach pattern silk silk.

Isn’t this case settled? !

After thinking of this, Manager Liu finally showed a smile on his face, and said to the follower Futian on the side: "Futian, go to the accounting office to get the list of rewards the day before yesterday, and see which of the two of them received the peach pattern silk."

"Steward Liu." After hearing this, the two maids raised their heads and looked at Steward Liu, but stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Manager Liu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Sister Mo'er and Sister Feng'er, they both like peach blossoms, so the silk cloths they received are all with peach blossom patterns. We went to get them together, there is no mistake." The maids from both parties replied in a hurry.


The patterns they receive are all peach patterns? !

Manager Liu was stunned. Since the silk cloth they received had the same pattern, it was useless to check the reward list.

So, once again, we were in trouble.

When Manager Liu was in trouble, Zhu Pingan and Gao Gong happened to pass by them.

"Master Gao, Master Xiao Zhu."

When Manager Liu saw Gao Gong and Zhu Ping'an, he turned around and saluted them.

"Blessed Lord Gao, long blessings Lord Zhu."

When the maids present saw that Manager Liu was so respectful, and heard Manager Liu address him as Master Gao and Master Zhu, they all followed suit and bowed down to Gao Gong and Zhu Ping'an.

Gao Gong has always been arrogant, and even his colleagues in Prince Yu's palace can't stand him, let alone the steward and the maid. As for the maid's argument about a trivial matter like silk cloth, he even disdains it and walks away without nodding. past.

"Manager Liu, hello."

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, cupped his hands towards Manager Liu, and nodded to the maids present.

In the crowd, the pure maid bowed her head and saluted without squinting.

"This honest-looking little man is so kind. Although he is not handsome, he is very sunny. Unlike the tall man in front, he has too much airs and doesn't even look at us, as if we are on the roadside. It’s like rubbish…”

When the charming maid heard Zhu Pingan's voice greeting them, she bravely raised her head and glanced at Zhu Pingan, thinking so in her heart.

The other maids' feelings towards Zhu Ping'an and Gao Gong were similar to those of the charming maid.

During the journey just now, Zhu Ping'an also heard a general idea about the dispute between the innocent maid and the charming maid about the silk cloth.

Regarding Manager Liu's predicament, Zhu Pingan was well aware of it, and it was not difficult to solve it. He wanted to give Manager Liu a few words, but at this time Gao Gong had already walked to the front, so Zhu Pingan had no choice but to smile at Manager Liu. , take two steps forward to catch up with the high arch.

"Su Qing, Master Zhu."

Just as Zhu Pingan took a step forward, a magnetic and charming call came from behind.

Zhu Pingan knew who it was as soon as he heard the voice.

Zhang Juzheng.

Sure enough, Zhu Ping'an turned his head and saw Zhang Juzheng walking quickly. As usual, Zhang Juzheng's official uniform was clean and tidy without a single wrinkle. He looked like a newly made official uniform. Before he came, a fragrant breeze came. Face.

"A handsome gentleman, a jade tree stands in the wind..."

When the maids present saw Zhang Juzheng, a series of idioms came to their minds.

"What a handsome man..."

The maids were just about Huaichun's age. When they first saw Zhang Juzheng, they couldn't help but chirp in a low voice.

The innocent maid still bowed her head and saluted, without squinting her eyes.

The charming maid raised her head and glanced at Zhang Juzheng, her eyes widened. He was indeed a very handsome man, much more handsome than the kind and sunny little man just now, as if he had stepped out of a painting.

"Haha, uncle, what gust of wind brought you here?"

After Gao Gong heard Zhang Juzheng's voice, he turned around with a smile, passed Zhu Ping'an, and took two steps forward to meet him.

"Master Zhang."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and cupped his hands to Zhang Juzheng.

"I've met Mr. Zhang."

Manager Liu saluted and said hello to Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng smiled and nodded to Manager Liu, then returned the favor with Gao Gong and Zhu Ping'an, took out a yellowed classic from his sleeve, shook it at Gao Gong, and replied with a smile, "Last time, His Highness asked me The correction of the ancient book has finally lived up to His Highness's trust today. The correction has been completed and I am here to report back to His Highness."

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