Rise From the Humble

Chapter 982 Key Historical Nodes (Part 2)

"What my uncle is talking about is "The Chronicles of Jingchu Years" written by Zongmao of Nanliang?!"

Hearing this, Gao Gong asked Zhang Juzheng excitedly, his face full of expressions of joy.

"Of course, it's Zong Miao's "Jingchu Years' Notes", but it's just a fragment." Zhang Juzheng smiled and nodded.

"Great kindness."

Gao Gong rubbed his hands excitedly. He had been admiring this book for a long time.

At this time, Zhang Juzheng seemed to have noticed Manager Liu and the maids who were faintly confronting each other. He glanced at the innocent maid and the charming maid in the crowd. Zhang Juzheng's eyes, as calm as the ancient well, couldn't help but widen. A ripple.

Hey, when did these two maids with their own merits come into the palace? One is like an orchid in a deep valley, and the other is like a dripping peony.

Food and sex.

Zhang Juzheng does not deny that he is lustful by nature, but he is a person who achieves great things, and he has always controlled his interests very well. Outside, Zhang Juzheng has always been a modest gentleman who is calm and undisturbed; at home, he can unleash his interests and hobbies to his fullest. Regarding the two maids of Prince Yu's Mansion, Lide, Zhang Juzheng was simply attracted by them as a man, just like two flowers blooming in the garden, attracting people's attention.

"What's wrong with them?"

Zhang Juzheng withdrew his gaze without any trace and asked casually.

After hearing this, Manager Liu took a step forward and was about to tell the general situation, but Gao Gong got there first.

"The dispute over silk cloth is just a trivial matter in this world, not worth mentioning. Your Highness Prince Yu is taking a lunch break now. Let's go. Uncle, go to my place first. Let's talk about this book "The Chronicles of Jingchu Years" .”

Gao Gong shook his head disdainfully, stepped forward and put his arm around Zhang Juzheng's shoulders, and invited Zhang Juzheng to his office room to discuss "The Chronicles of Jingchu Years". He had been interested in this book for a long time. He was so happy to see it that he couldn't wait for a moment. .

"Brother Suqing, be gentle, I will just go with you."

Zhang Juzheng was pushed forward by Gao Gong, his steps staggered a little due to the push, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Haha, uncle, please."

Hearing Zhang Juzheng's agreement, Gao Gong smiled and let go of Zhang Juzheng, reaching out to make a gesture of invitation.

"Brother Suqing, please."

Zhang Juzheng also extended his hand in courtesy, and then the two of them walked forward side by side.

Seeing the two of them moving forward side by side, Zhu Ping'an smiled bitterly and followed slowly. Well, he was ignored again.

"Zhang Xiyue, Li Caifeng, who among you two stole whose silk cloth, tell me the truth truthfully. For the sake of your honesty, I can give you a lighter sentence. If you are stubborn, I will investigate when the time comes. Come out, hum..."

When Zhu Pingan slowly chased Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, Manager Liu's voice came from behind.

Zhu Ping'an didn't take it seriously at first.

However, after taking two steps forward, Zhu Ping'an suddenly paused, as if he had been struck dumb by a bolt of lightning.


What was the name of the person that Manager Liu just mentioned?

Li Caifeng? !

Manager Li just called Li Caifeng's name! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

It turns out that among these maids is Li Caifeng! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I remembered that when the two maids were arguing just now, I also vaguely heard the words of the mason, fleeing to the capital.

That’s right, that’s right.

There is no doubt that it is Li Caifeng. Counting the time, this time is almost the time when Li Caifeng first entered Prince Yu's Mansion.

Zhu Ping'an's calm and rippleless inner lake instantly set off huge waves, one after another, reaching the sky and the earth, surging incessantly.

"Li Caifeng..."

Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth and repeated the name silently, the muscles on his face trembling with excitement.

Who is Li Caifeng? !

Li Caifeng is the future Cisheng Empress Dowager! The imperial concubine of Emperor Longqing (after King Yu ascended the throne, he changed his name to Longqing and became Emperor Longqing) and the biological mother of Emperor Wanli.

According to historical and unofficial records, Queen Li's real name was Li Caifeng, a Han nationality. Li Caifeng's father, named Li Wei, was a mason in the local village, and his family was not wealthy. Especially after the local area suffered from insect drought, the Li family could not survive. In order to survive, Li's father took Li Caifeng and other family members to leave their hometown and fled to the capital. However, after arriving in the capital, the Li family, who had no property and no job, faced many difficulties in life.

When the house leaks, it rains continuously all night, and the late boat tends to take the lead.

It was already difficult enough in the capital, but Li Caifeng's mother fell ill from overwork and became seriously ill again. Li's father disposed of all his belongings and exchanged two pieces of money for Li Caifeng's mother's medicine. To put it bluntly, it’s just a drop in the bucket. In desperation, Li's father heard the news that Prince Yu's Mansion was recruiting a servant. In desperation, Father Li had no choice but to sell Li Caifeng to Prince Yu's Mansion and become a servant girl.

I have to say that selling Li Caifeng to Prince Yu's Mansion was the most correct thing Li Wei, the mason, did in his life.

This move not only ensured his future glory and wealth, but also made him a generation of queens and a generation of emperors.

After Li Caifeng entered Prince Yu's Mansion, she quickly rose to prominence. First she became Princess Yu's servant girl, and then she was quickly upgraded to a personal maid. Then she was taken into the house by the lustful Prince Yu. In the third year, she gave birth to Wanli. Emperor Zhu Yijun was promoted from a palace maid to a concubine. In the fifth year, he gave birth to King Lu, and he was soon promoted from a talent to a concubine. After King Yu ascended the throne, Li Caifeng was named a noble concubine, with a status second only to Queen Chen.

Emperor Longqing left Hexi six years after he ascended the throne. Li Caifeng was only 28 years old at the time, the most glorious grade. She supported her ten-year-old son Zhu Yijun to ascend the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. She promoted Feng Bao to the position of internal minister in the inner court. Then Zhang Juzheng was promoted to the chief minister of the cabinet, and the "Wanli New Deal" that promoted the resurgence of the Ming Dynasty was launched, which revitalized the already moribund Ming Dynasty and became one of the famous queens in history. Of course, what is more recorded in unofficial history is the short story between Li Caifeng, Queen Li and Zhang Juzheng...

Calculate the time

Li Caifeng entered Prince Yu's Mansion at the age of fifteen, which is this year. It seems that the maid named Li Caifeng must be the Empress Li in history. Haha, I didn’t expect that Queen Li, who had just entered Prince Yu’s Mansion, would be bumped into by me.

What's more, she didn't expect that Queen Li would encounter such a catastrophic crisis when she first entered Prince Yu's Mansion.

Steal the silk cloth!

This kind of crime is too heavy for a maid in Prince Yu's palace to bear.

The icing on the cake is not as good as providing help when it is timely.

This is truly a God-send opportunity.


It seems that I have to help Manager Li solve the case.

Zhu Pingan suppressed the excitement in his heart, took several deep breaths, calmed the huge waves in his heart, and made it as calm as water again. Then he tried hard to control the expression on his face and returned to his usual nonchalant look.

turn around

Smiling, he walked towards Manager Liu.

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