Rise From the Humble

Chapter 984 Zhu Pingan in the eyes of the future Queen Mother

Prince Yu's Mansion, Chaixin Courtyard.

The firewood courtyard is relatively remote, more than ten meters away from the kitchen. It is the yard where firewood is specially stored in Prince Yu's Mansion.

At this moment, there are two girls chopping firewood in the courtyard, a chubby little girl and a long and charming little girl. It is normal for the chubby little girl to chop firewood, and the wood under her feet is also chopped very neatly; but the charming little girl is much more ferocious when it comes to chopping firewood, as if the logs on the pile are her enemies, chopping with thunder and clanging. The firewood was chopped and all the limbs were broken.

From a distance, one could feel that her whole body seemed to be burning with raging flames of life and rage.

"Humph, what kind of bullshit, sir? You are stupid because of reading. I think even a pig is smarter than you. Hehe, since you all say that this piece of silk cloth is yours, then that's good, split it in two, you two Half and half pieces of silk cloth, that's all right, okay, you big-headed ghost, are you a pig?!!!

"You big stupid pig, take my aunt's axe."

When the charming little girl was ferociously chopping firewood, her little mouth that could be used to tie a donkey never stopped. She gnashed her teeth and cursed at the log. After cursing, she raised the ax in her hand high and then chopped it with all her strength. Go down, as if the log is someone.

"Sister Feng'er, just calm down."

The chubby little girl didn't dare to chop firewood and hid far away, fearing that the little friend next to her would accidentally let go of the ax and injure herself.

Yes, the charming little girl is Li Caifeng.

They were assigned jobs as soon as they entered the West Courtyard. Li Caifeng and the chubby little girl Zhu Meini were assigned to chop firewood in the Chaiyuan. Zhang Xiyue and another little girl were assigned to wash clothes in the Huanyiyuan. The other girls also had their own jobs. Carrying water, sweeping the yard, wiping tables and chairs, etc. are all tasks they usually do after entering the house, so no one thinks there is any mystery in the allocation of work this time.

"Sister Fat Ya, how do you want me to calm down? That's my silk cloth. As a result, the stupid official judged the case randomly and gave half of my silk cloth to others. I originally wanted to take the silk cloth home to my mother. It’s time to change the dressing.”

"I'm so mad at you, so mad at me, stupid official, stupid official, stupid official."

Li Caifeng was slandering and DuangDuangDuang, thinking that the log was some stupid official, well, it was Zhu Pingan, and he chopped it up.

"Sister Fat Ya, how could there be such a stupid official in the world? His brain is so stupid when he reads, and he is stupider than the pigs my family raised before. Hum, if I can be an official, let him see, I will use Even my butt can solve the case better than him."

After getting tired, Li Caifeng gasped for air while holding her waist and continued to slander Zhu Pingan. It must be said that at this time, Li Caifeng could no longer despise Zhu Pingan, and she couldn't be more resentful.

"Sister Ke Ke Ke Feng'er, how can you use your butt to solve the case? And let him see Ke Ke Ke. Wouldn't that be an advantage for him?"

When Fat Ya heard that Li Caifeng said that she solved the case with her butt, she couldn't help it. She covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

"Bah, bah, bah, who let him see it? Sister Fatty!! I was using an analogy at that time. It was an analogy."

Li Caifeng jumped up on the spot like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, her face flushed with anger and embarrassment.

"Giggle, okay, I get it." Fat Ya kept laughing.

"Huh, I'm not the same. My current enemy is that stupid pig. There is no one more stupid than him in the world. Hey, if you can't solve the problem, just solve the person who asked the question. Who do you think this person is? Why is he? He can be so bad, even worse than the white-faced Cao Cao that the storyteller talked about. He is stupid and bad, and he thinks he is so smart. If someone like him can be an official, isn't that a disaster for the common people!!!"

Li Caifeng puffed up her cheeks and once again criticized Zhu Pingan, in her eyes, Zhu Pingan was synonymous with stupidity and badness.

"Feng'er, I was joking," Fat Ya reminded.

"He is just a joke!" Li Caifeng answered angrily, "Look at how he solved the case, indiscriminately, who was the thief and who was the owner. He divided the family into two and half. He thinks he is smart and fair. It is a big joke that a stupid and bad pig like him can become an official!"

After finishing speaking, Li Caifeng leaned over and placed a log on the pier, raised the ax high with both hands, and dropped it heavily. When it fell, she pouted her little mouth and added an accompaniment, "Hey, stupid official eats it." I'll give you an axe."

Fat Ya saw this and hid far away.


The log was split into two, and the ax continued to penetrate deeply into the pier.

I used too much force just now and the ax went in too deep.

Li Caifeng tried her best to step on the ridge with her feet, but she couldn't pull the ax out of the ridge even though she tried hard to lift the ax.

At this moment, I heard footsteps coming from outside, and then several little girls trotted in.

"Feng'er, Feng'er"

"The thief was caught"

"Sister Feng'er, congratulations. You have cleared up all suspicion. Zhang Xiyue is a thief and has been controlled."

After the little girls entered the yard, they talked all over Li Caifeng.


what happened?

The thief was caught. Zhang Xiyue is the thief. What is going on?

Li Caifeng, who was stepping on a pillar to pull out an axe, was confused when she heard this and looked at her friends in confusion.

"It was all Mr. Xiao Zhu's clever plan that made Zhang Xiyue reveal her true form in no time."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao Zhu, Zhuge Liang is really alive. He is so powerful. I used to hear people say how smart Zhuge Liang is and how great he is in solving cases, and how resourceful and resourceful Mr. Bao is in solving cases. It's still a pity in my heart. Now it's not a pity at all. Yes, I have witnessed and experienced a divine severance with my own eyes."

"Master Xiao Zhu is really amazing. How does his brain grow? Why is he so smart? He is indeed the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty. If I were as smart as Master Xiao Zhu with one little finger, I would be able to laugh at night when I sleep. Wake up."

The little girls replied in a flurry that everyone could not do without Zhu Pingan both in words and in words, and praised Zhu Pingan to the sky.

Zhu Pingan?

A brilliant plan?

Zhuge Liang alive? Are you still comparing yourself to Mr. Bao? If you were as smart as him, would you wake up laughing even when you sleep?

After listening to the chattering of her friends, Li Caifeng couldn't believe her ears. Her face was so frightened that she changed her appearance. Her mouth opened into an O shape, and she could fit an egg into it. She felt like a Japanese in her heart. It's like a dead dog, and I can't calm down for a long time.

Just that stupid pig? ! ! ! Can he also be called a scheming strategist? ! Zhuge is still alive, God is dead? !

He is worthy of being the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty. I think he is more or less the stupidest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty.

Aren't you stupid because of his infection?

Or is it that he has given you some great benefit, yet you praise him like this against your will? !

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