Rise From the Humble

Chapter 985 Thank you from the future Queen Mother

His eyebrows drooped and he rolled his eyes...

Li Caifeng's dislike and suspicion of Zhu Pingan were all written on her face, and it was difficult for her friends not to see it.

"Feng'er, you shameless stinky girl, why do you show such an expression when you mention Mr. Xiao Zhu? If it weren't for Mr. Xiao Zhu..."

"That's right. It's all thanks to Mr. Xiao Zhu this time. In short, Feng'er, you have to thank Mr. Xiao Zhu properly."

Friends, your words to each other, Balabala's education inspired Li Caifeng.

However, the more friends behave like this, the more Li Caifeng's rebellious psychology rebounds, and the more standard the disgust on her face becomes.

"Thank him, and still want to be nice?!"

When Li Caifeng heard this, the disgust on her face almost reached the sky. She licked her lips and shouted, imitating Zhu Ping'an in a sinister manner, "Hey, since you all said that this silk cloth is yours, I think this is good." , split it in two, each of you two will have half of the silk cloth, so that's all right... That big stupid pig decided the case like this, and you still want me to thank him properly? Are you still not my good sisters?"

"Oh, Feng'er, I think you are a stupid pig." Cui'er, the older girl among the friends, couldn't help but stepped forward and tapped Li Caifeng's forehead with her finger, saying angrily and laughing.

"Sister Cui'er, how can you call me a stupid pig for an outsider..." Li Caifeng pouted her lips in grievance.

"What outsider? That's your benefactor." Cui'er rolled her eyes at Li Caifeng and corrected her seriously.

"That stupid pig is my benefactor? Ha."

When Li Caifeng heard this, she let out a disgusted sound, and her back molars were almost exposed.

"You stupid girl, do you think Master Xiao Zhu solves the case like that?" Cui'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes again.

"Sister Cui'er, do you have a fever?"

Li Caifeng stretched out her little hand and touched Cui'er's forehead, then shook her head, "Hey, I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense? Didn't we all see that he solved the case like that?! He took me on the spot The silk cloth was split into two. Is there anything to doubt about this?!"

"You stupid girl, Master Xiao Zhu did that on purpose." Cui'er knocked off Li Caifeng's chubby hand and said angrily.


Li Caifeng blinked, confused and suspicious.

"Look at Feng'er's silly look, giggle...it's exactly the same as when we heard it, yes. If we can all guess how Mr. Xiao Zhu solves the case, then wouldn't the number one pick be too worthless?"

The little girls on the side couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling when they saw Li Caifeng's expression.


Li Caifeng's confused face is more vivid and can be used as an emoticon.

"Okay, my silly sister, you don't know that Mr. Xiao Zhu did that on purpose. After we left, Mr. Xiao Zhu asked Manager Liu to separate you and Zhang Xiyue and arrange for you to work in different places. , and then people secretly observed that the sad and angry one is the owner of the silk cloth, and the happy one is the thief... Come to think of it, the owner will definitely be unhappy if he loses half a piece of silk cloth for nothing, but the thief is much more upright. If you bought half a piece of silk cloth, you would definitely be happy. You made a fire in the woodshed and almost set it on fire. Don’t you know that Zhang Xiyue was humming while washing clothes, so she was happy... So, Manager Liu controlled Zhang Xiyue, and upon interrogation, he found out that she had stolen the silk cloth." Cui'er told Li Caifeng the whole story.


When Li Caifeng heard this, she was stunned. Her little mouth opened as round and as big as an eggplant. She never expected that Mr. Xiao Zhu, who looked innocent and honest, could come up with such a genius method to judge the case!

Stolen goods, witnesses, nothing.

My family is really short of money.

No matter how you look at it, you feel that the owner is more like a thief. At that time, you thought that you would be labeled a thief. At that time, my most optimistic outcome was that it would turn into a deadlock case, but I was afraid that even so, everyone would view me like a thief.

With a thief's hat on, how can he still hang out in Prince Yu's Mansion in the future?

It was hard for his father to send him to the palace. If he was kicked out, what would happen to his mother's illness, and his younger brother was still so young... I couldn't even imagine it.


I never expected Mr. Xiao Zhu to come up with such a genius idea to solve the case and clear his name.

Think about it

I just kept calling Mr. Xiao Zhu a stupid pig, and wanted to chop Mr. Xiao Zhu into firewood. It turns out that I am the biggest stupid pig in the world. Not only is he stupid, he also knows how to not repay kindness, repay kindness with hatred, be ungrateful, repay kindness with evil, and relieve hardship. Killing donkeys, raising rats to bite cloth bags...


Blame yourself.

Li Caifeng's face was so red that she was almost bleeding. At this moment, she even felt like pleading guilty.

If you want to promote, suppress first, and the effect will be doubled.

Li Caifeng complained about Zhu Pingan before, but now she is ten thousand times grateful to Zhu Pingan.

How stupid Zhu Pingan was in Li Caifeng's eyes before, now Zhu Pingan is ten thousand times smarter in her eyes.

Before, I fell into a deep valley.

At this moment, Zhu Pingan's image is extremely high.

After hiding his merits and fame at the gate of the west courtyard, Zhu Ping'an returned to his office room to concentrate on his work. Although Prince Yu's Mansion is small, it is like a small kingdom. There are many kinds of things, which can train people. Zhu Ping'an During Ping An's time in Prince Yu's Mansion, his ability to handle political affairs improved a lot.

dong dong

Zhu Ping'an, who was handling official duties, heard a knock on the door and said "please come in" without raising his head.


The door opened, and there was a smell of meat buns.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but move his nose. He raised his head and saw the future Queen Mother Li appearing in front of him. Her cheeks were flushed and her head was lowered. She stood there looking at a loss, holding two oil paper bags in her little hands. He opened his small mouth twice but didn't know what to say, and his red lips opened and closed like a goldfish caught ashore.

"S-Sir...here, this is for you."

Li Caifeng plucked up the courage to speak, but she stumbled. Her ears turned red just after she called an adult. Finally, she simply closed her mouth and stuffed the meat buns in Zhu Ping'an's hands.

"Sir, thank you for clearing my name."

After delivering the meat buns, Li Caifeng turned around and ran away. She seemed not nervous at all and spoke much more fluently.


If you didn't hit the door while running.

Looking at the steaming meat buns in his hand, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. This gift from the future Queen Li is really unique...

However, it smells pretty good.

All right.

I accepted this thank you gift.

These should be the two most valuable buns in the world.

Zhu Ping'an picked up a meat bun and took a bite. Well, the texture is soft, fresh and not greasy. This meat bun is well made.

What to say

If it weren't for me, Zhu Pingan, then the person eating this meat bun today would be Zhang Juzheng.

Think about it too.

Today, after the Zhai Jiao Festival, Gao Gong returned to Prince Yu's Mansion from Xiyuan. He passed by the square on the way, and he and I angrily wrote Qing Jiao Qing Ci. After passing the square, he chatted with himself about the scriptures and meanings along the way. He walked and chatted at a much slower pace.

And if it weren't for me, Zhu Ping'an, there would be no one to chat with Gao Gong and Ang Qing Zhai, and Gao Gong would have spent at least ten minutes less on the road.

Then Gao Gong will arrive at Prince Yu's Mansion in advance.

Zhang Juzheng will still come to Prince Yu's Mansion at that time, and he will still encounter the scene of the maids arguing about the silk cloth, but he will not meet Gao Gong.

Then Gao Gong would not drag Zhang Juzheng to talk about ancient books.

Then Zhang Juzheng would intervene in this dispute over the maid's dispute over the silk cloth. With Zhang Juzheng's intelligence, although the method he thought of might be different from his own, he would definitely be able to find the real thief and clear Li Caifeng's name.

Zhang Juzheng is so handsome, and he helped Li Caifeng solve such a big crisis in his life.

Li Caifeng must have a different feeling for Zhang Juzheng.

Well, the so-called rumors in history that Zhang Juzheng slept on the dragon bed and had an affair with Empress Li may be true.


From today on, all this changes.

At this critical historical node, the protagonist became me, Zhu Pingan.

Of course, Zhu Pingan is also self-aware. With his appearance, Queen Li will naturally not have any other feelings for him, only gratitude. Haha, he knows that Zhu Pingan still has this, so this is the best. .

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