Rise From the Humble

Chapter 989 Big Pig Hoof

After Zhu Pingan wrote a poem to celebrate his birthday, Zhang Siwei, Wang Shizhen and others also came forward to write poems to wish his wife a birthday. Although their poems were not as well received as Zhu Pingan's birthday poem, they still won a lot of applause.

After congratulating his birthday with poems, Xu Jie and his wife toasted to all the disciples to express their gratitude, and then Mrs. Xu went back to the backyard to entertain the female guests. Today is Mrs. Xu’s birthday, and the female relatives and friends are the majority. Naturally, Mrs. Xu, the mistress, wants to entertain her.

Xu Jie went around the table at the birthday banquet to greet all the disciples, care about their current situation, and give a few words of encouragement from time to time.

At the birthday banquet, they drank and drank happily.

Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen knew that Zhu Pingan had a poor drinking capacity, so they took good care of Zhu Pingan and helped Zhu Pingan to stop drinking a lot of wine.

But even so, Zhu Ping'an soon became overwhelmed with alcohol and felt a little dizzy.

Zhu Pingan was self-aware. After he felt that he was too drunk and his head was dizzy, when he met other people to propose a toast, Zhu Pingan stood up and apologized to the visitor. He told the truth that he was too drunk and expressed his gratitude with tea instead of wine.

"I didn't expect you to drink tea instead of wine." The visitor shook his head.


Zhu Ping'an's head was dizzy, but his ears still caught the word "ye", and then his eyes couldn't help but light up. Could it be that there was someone else at the banquet today whose drinking capacity was as bad as his own? I was really not alone.

"Yes, Zhongfang was like this just now." The visitor nodded.


He was talking about Senior Brother Yang Jisheng. Zhu Ping'an was stunned when he heard the words and looked at the person who came with doubts. No, you are mistaken. Senior Brother Yang Jisheng is famous for his drinking capacity. Not getting drunk after a thousand cups is not considered, but Three kilograms of liquor is no problem.

"Zhongfang not only replaces wine with tea, but also only eats vegetarian food. He is very selective and does not eat vegetarian dishes with onions and ginger. You think it's strange or not, he is a meat-loving person."

The visitor kept talking incessantly, and he never stopped complaining about Yang Jisheng until he left his mouth.

Senior brother, he must be fasting.

Zhu Ping'an shook his head, well, for senior brother, today may be some special day, for example, it is the day of sacrifice for senior brother's family, etc. Senior brother may be fasting like this today.

"Senior Brother Yang really doesn't drink alcohol or eat meat. We asked about it and he said that he has something big to do the day after tomorrow and has to fast for three days." Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen came back from a toast and said something to Zhu Ping'an. .

The important affairs of the country are sacrifice and military affairs.

Well, the big thing that the senior brother mentioned was probably the sacrifice, Zhu Ping'an, who was feeling dizzy, thought.

The birthday banquet ended before the curfew. Zhu Ping'an left with Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen half drunk, half awake and groggy. When the three of them arrived at the gate of Linhuai Marquis Mansion, they found Liu Dadao waiting at the gate with a carriage.

"Haha, Dadao, we were still thinking about how to send Zihou back. I didn't expect that your carriage is ready." Zhang Siwei said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not me. This was prepared by Master Xu." Liu Dadao scratched his head and replied with a smile.

"Hey, Boss Xu is interested. I will thank him another day." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"Dadao, you didn't drink too much, did you?" Wang Shizhen asked.

"No way, I only ate meat today and didn't drink a drop of wine. The young lady has told me not to drink alcohol when I go out with the young master." Liu Dadao shook his head vigorously and said firmly.

"We'll feel relieved if we leave the Zihou to you." Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei smiled and nodded.

"Thanks to you for helping me stop drinking today, otherwise I would have fallen down today. I will thank you another day." Zhu Pingan stepped onto the carriage with light steps, and thanked Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen with cupped hands.

"Why are you so polite to us? Go back and rest quickly. We will leave Zihou to you, Dadao. Slow down on the road." Zhang Siwei and Wang Shizhen smiled and pushed Zhu Ping'an into the carriage, and then said to Liu Dadao said.

"Don't worry. Then we'll leave first." Liu Dadao hugged the two of them, and then drove the carriage towards the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

Da da da.

In the night, the sound of horse hooves echoed on the bluestone road, as if playing a lullaby; the carriage swayed left and right, like a childhood cradle, and Zhu Pingan, who was sitting in the carriage, fell asleep unknowingly.

Zhu Ping'an didn't wake up until he arrived at the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

After Li Shu got the news, she came out with Hua'er and the others. When she saw Zhu Ping'an sleeping soundly against the carriage, she couldn't help but get nervous. She ordered Hua'er and the others to get ready, "Hua'er, go to the bathroom and take a look." The hot water is ready. Qin'er, go to the kitchen and ask them to quickly prepare a bowl of hangover soup. Zhu'er, go and ask Mother Liu to carry the sedan over."

"Ah, are we here?"

Zhu Ping'an was awakened by the sound outside. He opened his eyes and saw Li Shu, who was very nervous. He shook his head, forced a smile, and comforted Li Shu, "It's okay, I just squinted for a while. I didn't drink much today." , Ziwei and Wensheng helped me stop drinking."

With that said, in order to prove that he was not drunk, Zhu Pingan stood up and walked under the carriage while holding on to the shaft.

However, Zhu Ping'an overestimated himself. He was so tipsy that he staggered when he stepped out of the carriage.

“Still trying to show off”

Li Shu was so angry that she stepped forward to support Zhu Ping'an.


Zhu Pingan's old face turned red.


When Hua'er and Qin'er saw this, they covered their little mouths and giggled.

Zhu Ping'an put his hand on Li Shu's shoulder and returned to Jingxiang Garden like this. He smelled the orchid body fragrance coming from Li Shu's body along the way. He couldn't help but feel distracted, and his little hands became dishonest. The ancients said that drinking alcohol means having sex. Honesty does not deceive.

"If you touch again, I'll cut off your big pig's hooves." Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with charming eyes, and said with shame and annoyance.

"Ahem, I drank too much, and my hands no longer work." Zhu Pingan laughed and reluctantly retracted his paws.

It would be strange to believe you.

Li Shu's face was flushed, and she rolled her eyes. The two strands of hair on her cheeks were gently blowing in the wind, adding a bit of seductive charm.

"Like a pig, it's smelly and heavy. I'm not honest and I smell of alcohol. No, I have to take another shower later. Qin'er, come and rub my shoulders, they're so sore."

After arriving at Jingxiang Garden, Li Shu helped Zhu Ping'an into the bathroom, pouted her cherry lips and complained, calling Qin'er to rub her shoulders. However, Li Shu complained, but it didn't sound like she was complaining at all. It was more like being coquettish.

"Miss, you have to take a shower anyway, why not take a shower with your uncle?" Qin'er suggested in a low voice while rubbing Li Shu's shoulders.

"Yes, miss." The other little girls also followed suit.

"Together. Bah, who wants to wash with him? Zaihun said, be careful with your skin."

After hearing this, Li Shu paused for a second and seemed to be thinking, but soon she turned to Qin'er and the others with her pretty face flushed, showing her little fangs.

Qin'er and the others giggled and begged for mercy, and there was a burst of laughter in the room.

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