Rise From the Humble

Chapter 990 Oh, man

"Miss, my uncle said he washes himself and doesn't need anyone to serve him."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, had a flushed face and walked out of the bathroom carrying a small basket. She lowered her head like a little quail and reported back to Li Shu.

"Good intentions are like donkey's liver and lungs. If there is a beautiful woman to serve me and bathe, I don't want him. Hmph, he doesn't know what is good and what is good. Then we will ignore him. Later, you and Qin'er will serve me and bathe together, and let him regret it alone."

Li Shu rolled her eyes in the direction of the bathroom with her dark eyes, snorted, and said something sweet, but her little mouth was smiling, and then she turned to Hua'er and said softly.

"The young lady is the beauty, and I am just an ugly girl." Two red clouds appeared on Hua'er's face, the little maid of Baozi.


Before the little maid Baozi finished speaking, she heard Zhu Ping'an's regretful "ah" coming from the direction of the bathroom.

The word "ah" lasted for several seconds, and the sound resounded through the sky, like killing a pig, full of regret.

Li Shu, Hua'er, Qin'er and others were startled by Zhu Pingan's sudden voice.

"My uncle regretted it so quickly?"

When the little maid Baozi heard Zhu Ping'an's remorseful voice, her ears suddenly popped up like a rabbit's, and her little face suddenly turned red. She immediately turned her head to look in the direction of the bathroom and whispered to herself.

Qin'er on the side heard Baozi's maid's murmur and rolled her eyes speechlessly. Then she pushed Hua'er gently and asked in an uncertain voice, "Did you make the bath water too hot? My uncle. He was scalded as soon as he hit the water."

"No, I tried it after mixing the bath water. The water temperature is just right and not hot." The little maid Baozi shook her head repeatedly.

So what's going on? Why is there such a sudden voice? Is it because there is water on the bathroom floor and I accidentally fell? Or did you drink too much, lose control of your balance, fall into the bath and choke on the water?

"Come with me and see what's going on?"

While Hua'er and Qin'er were talking in low voices, Li Shu had already stood up in a hurry. While moving quickly towards the bathroom, she anxiously asked Qin'er, Hua'er and other girls to follow her to the bathroom. If Brother Zhu really slipped or choked on the water, he might not be strong enough on his own.

"Oh, yes, yes."

Only then did Hua'er and Qin'er react and quickly caught up with Li Shu.

The group of people walked a few steps and saw Zhu Pingan in the direction of the bathroom. Zhu Pingan was wrapped in a bathrobe, his hair was wet, and his bare feet were stepping hard on the wooden floor. His steps were still slightly drunk, and he was swaying. Like a gust of wind, he ran straight towards them.

Li Shu, Hua'er, Qin'er and others were shocked again.

Judging by the way he was running wildly, he knew that Zhu Pingan was in a hurry.

It can also be seen from Zhu Pingan's clothes. The bathrobe on Zhu Pingan's body is not wrapped well at all, like a cassock. He probably doesn't wear anything underneath. The key parts are covered, but half of his arms are exposed. , most of the chest is exposed, the left leg is covered, and half of the right leg is exposed. The black leg hair dances happily with the wind, like a seaweed seaweed, seaweed seaweed, swaying with the waves.

While running wildly, Zhu Pingan's face was full of regret, as if he had missed a golden mountain or done something huge wrong.

"Huh? Do you really regret it?"

Qin'er couldn't believe her eyes, her surprised little mouth opened into a small circle, and she murmured with some uncertainty and suspicion.

However, my uncle is not like that.

How many times has the young lady asked Hua'er, a stupid girl, to serve her uncle when he was taking a bath? Every time Hua'er was refused by the uncle, and last time when she heard that Miss Yuxuan was menstruating, she still asked Hua'er to come. After warming my uncle's bed, my uncle discovered that the person on the bed was not a young lady, so he turned around and went to sleep in the side room next to him... There have been too many examples like this, and my uncle refused every time.

But, how to explain it now? !

My uncle ran out barefoot and shouted so regretfully, as if he had missed a golden mountain or done something huge wrong...

Could it be that my uncle drank too much and had sex after drinking? Or does it mean that your true nature comes out when you drink too much?

At this moment, Qin'er's psychological activities were extremely rich.

Next to Qin'er, Baozi's little maid Hua'er was like a nervous and confused rabbit, her heartbeat was beating hard, her little hands were sweating nervously, her meaty paws were subconsciously twisting the corners of her clothes, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do? I'm so anxious. What should I do if my uncle asks me to take a shower...

Li Shu, who was walking at the front, opened her mouth in surprise after seeing Zhu Ping'an's regretful and anxious behavior. This was the first time she showed a surprised expression today. Her pretty face, which was originally nervous, was now full of surprise. It started to darken, and anger was brewing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Once it breaks out, it will be a bloody storm.

"Huh, man?"

Li Shu glanced at Zhu Ping'an and let out a sigh. There were dark clouds all around him, and a storm was coming.


Li Shu was stunned after finishing speaking.

The little maid Hua'er, who was as nervous as a rabbit, was also stunned.

Qin'er, who was extremely mentally active, was also stunned, as were all the other girls in the room.

Because Zhu Ping'an was like a gust of wind, rushing past them and all of them, screaming remorsefully, just like this, wrapped in a bathrobe diagonally, with leg hair covered with seaweed, he ran straight out of the gate.


what's going on?

Not looking for paintings?

So what's going on? Could it be that the wine drunk at the banquet had a strong aftertaste, and it’s just now that I got drunk?

Hua'er, Qin'er and others were all stunned, their minds went blank and they didn't react for a moment.

"Hey, brother Zhu, what are you going to do?"

Li Shu didn't care about the man at this moment. She anxiously held up her skirt and chased after him, chasing after Zhu Pingan's back and asking anxiously.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Pingan rushed out of the door and came to the yard.

"Oh, don't drink alcohol or eat meat. This is fasting. I'm so stupid. I didn't think about it when I was eating." Zhu Pingan said to himself regretfully as he ran outside.

"Brother Zhu, what are you talking about? What didn't you expect? Why are you wearing this?" Li Shu asked anxiously and worriedly. She had never seen Zhu Ping'an lose his composure like this before.

"I'm going to find Senior Brother Yang."

Zhu Pingan turned around and replied, running faster and faster, as if his butt was on fire, and he was about to run out of the Jingxiang Garden.

"Are you going out dressed like this? Also, there's a curfew outside. Where are you going to find Senior Brother Yang?"

Li Shu caught up with Zhu Pingan from behind, stamped Xiaoman's foot angrily, and shouted loudly at Zhu Pingan.


Li Shu's sound was like tapping an acupuncture point. Zhu Ping'an, who was running wildly, stopped in response, and then an even more regretful sound resounded through the sky.

The dogs in the Marquis of Linhuai's Mansion and the Duke of Wei's Mansion next door were all frightened and barked.

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