Rise From the Humble

Chapter 991 Night Affairs

The silvery white moonlight shines into the screen window, the noisy and shrill chirping of the cicadas outside the window has also stopped, and everything in the surrounding fields is quiet. The moonlight and silence intertwined into a huge dream net, and everything in the world was included in the net, falling into a deep sleep.

But there are exceptions.

On the big bed in the master bedroom of Jingxiang Garden, Zhu Pingan turned over, then turned over again after a while, and then turned around again. After a short while, Zhu Pingan turned over and over no less than ten times.

Tossing and turning, having trouble falling asleep.

From time to time, I glance out the window and see that the night is getting darker, so I turn around again. Why is the night so long?

"Brother Zhu, take a nap, take a nap. Just get up early tomorrow."

After Zhu Pingan turned over again, Li Shu, who was pretending to be asleep, couldn't bear it anymore. She stretched out Rouyi to hug Zhu Pingan, pressed Zhu Pingan's head into her arms, and let him rest on her chest. Sleep softly.

It's soft, and it must be more comfortable than a pillow for Brother Zhu to rest on, so that Brother Zhu can sleep.

"I'm disturbing you."

Zhu Pingan apologized softly, preparing to get up from Li Shu's chest, lie down on the side honestly, stop tossing and turning, and let Li Shu sleep well.

"You didn't bother me, you hurt me." Li Shu hugged Zhu Ping'an and said softly in a hoarse voice.

"But I feel sorry for you."

Zhu Ping'an was anxious to raise his head, thinking that his head was resting on Li Shu's soft pillow, which caused pain to Li Shu's pillow.

"It's because you don't sleep and don't take care of your body that it makes me feel bad." Li Shu shook her head, hugged Zhu Ping'an's head tighter, and pressed it tightly, "If you don't believe me, just listen to my heartbeat."

Boom, boom, boom.

The heartbeat is slow, like playing a lullaby.

"Go to sleep, brother Zhu..." Li Shu hugged Zhu Ping'an, her voice was like spring water, and her taste was as sweet as soaked honey.


Zhu Ping'an nodded lightly, hugged Li Shu with his backhand, and curled up in Li Shu's arms like a little pig. He found a more comfortable position, rubbed it a few times, and listened to Li Shu's sleeping heartbeat, quietly. Closed his eyes.

"Giggle. Your breath is so itchy."

After a few seconds, Li Shu couldn't help but giggled.

"Then I'll get up."


The night is dark and dreamlike.

"Bang bang bang"

A watchman on night watch passed by outside the mansion, and the bang bang bang sounded the Yin Shi watch hour, faintly transmitted into the Linhuai Marquis Mansion.

In ancient times, every time the night came, the watchman would hit the clapper to tell the time. The watchman now reports Yin time, which is around three o'clock.

After faintly hearing the sound of Yin Shi's clapper, Zhu Ping'an opened his eyes, got up from the bed gently, and carefully covered Li Shu with the quilt after getting out of bed, and then kissed Li Shu's forehead gently.

Then, he grabbed his clothes and walked out of the bedroom gently.

After leaving the yard, Zhu Pingan went straight to the stables in the front yard.

Zhu Ping'an originally thought that Liu Dadao would not be up at this point. He was thinking about taking the horse and telling the nurse on duty in the front yard to ask him to wait until Liu Dadao got up and tell Liu Dadao that he did not need to send him off today. . However, what surprised Zhu Pingan was that Zhu Pingan saw Liu Dadao just as he walked to the stables.

"Brother Dadao, why did you get up so early?" Zhu Pingan asked in surprise.

"Haha, good morning, young master. The young lady sent a message to me yesterday evening, asking me to get up early and wait for the young master this morning."

Liu Dadao chuckled and scratched his head.


All right.

Li Shu, this girl, Zhu Ping'an heard the words, raised his head and looked in the direction of Jingxiang Garden, feeling warm in his heart.

Because Zhu Pingan got up too early and the curfew time had not ended yet, Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao took their horses and waited in front of the gate of Linhuai Marquis Mansion for a while before the gong to lift the curfew slowly sounded. The moment he heard the gong sounding to lift the curfew, Zhu Ping'an got on his horse and rode quickly towards Yang Jisheng's mansion.

Liu Dadao rode his horse and followed closely.

Halfway through, Zhu Pingan suddenly remembered that he had not asked for leave from Prince Yu's Mansion. The two places were not on the same road, so Zhu Pingan asked Liu Dadao to change his route to Prince Yu's Mansion, and said to Wu Wanfu, the gatekeeper of Prince Yu's Mansion. I had something to do this morning, so I asked Wu Wanfu to help me ask for leave from King Yu.

"Okay, young master, I'll talk to General Wu and then go wait for the young master outside Mr. Yang's mansion." Liu Dadao turned his horse's head and galloped towards Prince Yu's mansion.

Zhu Ping'an continued to ride his horse to Yang Jisheng's mansion. Fortunately, it was early and there were almost no pedestrians on the road, so the journey was smooth. In addition, the dark horse was extremely powerful today and flew quickly. Zhu Ping'an only needed a few seconds. They arrived at Yang Jisheng's residence in twenty minutes.

Yang Jisheng's mansion is located in a back alley. The environment of this alley is not good, and there is a musty smell after entering. The courtyards in this alley are all for rent. The courtyard that Yang Jisheng rents is the smallest in this alley and the one with the worst location. It is just a small courtyard with a single family house. There is only a main house, a side room, and A kitchen and a toilet are similar to a rural courtyard. It couldn't be simpler.

It is really unimaginable for a dignified military official, a fifth-rank official, and a deputy bureau-level cadre, to rent such a courtyard.

Some of the walls of the courtyard are peeling off, but the outside of the courtyard is very clean.

A simple plaque was hung on the courtyard, which read "Yang Mansion". Judging from the handwriting, it was written by Yang Jisheng himself. Looking at it, one could feel an iron-clad and awe-inspiring righteousness flowing out of the plaque.

Through the crack in the door, I could vaguely see an oil lamp lighting up inside the room.

It seems that Senior Brother Yang has not gone out yet.

Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he finally didn't miss it.

"Knock knock knock..."

Zhu Ping'an dismounted, stepped forward, held the door knocker, and gently knocked on the door of Yang Mansion.

There seemed to be movement in the courtyard, but no one came to open the door.

So, Zhu Pingan gently knocked on the door a few more times.

A few moments

There was a sound of footsteps.


An older man's voice came from behind the door.

"Old man, I am Zhu Ping'an, a junior fellow student of Mr. Yang Jisheng in your mansion. I have something to do and come here to pay a visit to Senior Brother Yang."

Zhu Pingan answered outside the door with his hands raised. The face of an old servant in his fifties could be vaguely seen through the crack in the door.

"My master's junior brother? Why did you come to visit so early? Then you wait." The old man behind the door was more wary. After hearing Zhu Pingan's self-report, he did not open the door. He just asked Zhu Pingan to wait outside while he went to the main room. Communication.

"Thank you, old man." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

Then, I heard the sound of footsteps going away, and then I heard the faint voice of the old man.

Another moment passed.

Hearing a burst of fast footsteps approaching from far away, and then a creak, the door opened, and Yang Jisheng walked out quickly with a smile.

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