Rise From the Humble

Chapter 992 Persuasion

"Good morning, senior brother. Ping An was so abrupt and uninvited. I hope you can forgive me for coming here uninvited." Zhu Pingan smiled and greeted Yang Jisheng.

"Haha, Zihou and I are so polite. Why are you doing this? It's rare for someone who doesn't dislike the simplicity of this humble house to come in." Yang Jisheng returned the favor with a smile, patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder gently, and invited Zhu Pingan to come in.

After entering the courtyard, the two exchanged brief greetings, and then Yang Jisheng invited Zhu Ping'an into the main room.

The hall is very simple, with only tables and chairs. Yang Jisheng must have been having breakfast just now. The breakfast on the table has not been removed yet. There is a bowl of gruel, a plate of pickled radish, a nest of coarse grain steamed buns, and nothing else, nothing more.

It’s hard to believe that this is the breakfast meal of a fifth-rank official. The breakfast meals of ordinary people in the capital are much richer than this. Zhu Pingan knew that this was because Yang Jisheng sent all his meager salary back to the college he founded when he was demoted to Didao to subsidize meals for local students.

In addition to the spare bowls and chopsticks, there are two sets of used tableware on the table. One set is used by Yang Jisheng, and the other set should belong to Mrs. Yang. Mrs. Yang probably heard someone visiting just now, so she avoided suspicion and went to the bedroom. Bar.

This is the etiquette system of feudal society.

When male guests arrive, women should avoid suspicion.

Zhu Ping'an has long been accustomed to and adapted to the code of conduct of feudal society, and he is accustomed to it.

"Zihou, you came so early, you haven't had breakfast yet, right? If you don't mind, why not have breakfast together?" Yang Jisheng invited, "It's just that the breakfast here is a bit simple, I'm afraid Zihou is not used to it. "

"Haha, senior brother really said it right. Ping An has indeed not had breakfast yet. Senior brother is so kind, so Ping An is not polite." Zhu Pingan laughed, and did not show any politeness at all, and just sat down. When he got down, he took the spare bowl and filled himself a bowl of porridge, and said, "What is simple but not simple? Ping An comes from the countryside. When I was a child, my family had a bad harvest and I couldn't even fill my stomach. I couldn't eat anything. accustomed."

Zhu Ping'an was very natural and not artificial at all, and the smile on Yang Jisheng's face was more real and natural.

"Well, this radish is delicious. It goes best with porridge. It's a match made in heaven. Senior brother, it's really delicious." Zhu Ping'an picked up a chopstick and put the pickled radish into his mouth. It was crisp and refreshing, and he chewed like "ji staggering and jumping". The sound is sour and sweet, sweet and fragrant, and you can eat it with relish. Taking another sip of the porridge is really a pleasure. Zhu Pingan was full of praise.

Zhu Ping'an's words are really not a compliment. They are really delicious. They taste different from the radish pickled by his grandmother, but they are both delicious.

"Haha, your sister-in-law pickled this radish herself. It goes best with porridge. I can't live without it every day. I'll ask your sister-in-law to put a jar for you later." Yang Jisheng said with a smile, promising to install a jar for Zhu Ping and take it away.

"Thank you, senior brother." Zhu Pingan thanked him profusely.

"It's just pickled radish, it's not worth a lot of money, why are you so polite? Oh, by the way, I wonder what's the matter with asking Brother Yu so early?" Yang Jisheng shook his head with a smile, and then brought the topic to the main topic.

"Senior brother, I don't need to ask, but I have to talk about Ping An." Zhu Pingan put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and replied with a serious face.

"Oh, Zihou, what do you have to say? Brother Yu is all ears." Seeing this, Yang Jisheng also put down his bowl and chopsticks.

"Senior brother, are you going to impeach Mr. Yan Song?" Zhu Ping'an looked up at Yang Jisheng and asked softly in a positive tone.

Zhu Ping'an's voice was very soft and inaudible, but to Yang Jisheng's ears, it was like a thunder.

"Zihou, who did you listen to?" Yang Jisheng's expression changed instantly.

Could it be that the news has leaked? !

It shouldn't be.

I have done a good job of keeping my confidentiality confidential.

The news that he wanted to impeach Yan Song had only been told to Zhang Juzheng and other three trustworthy people. Although Uncle Shu and the others did not participate in the signature, based on their character and their understanding of them, they would never tell anyone else the news. Otherwise, I would not tell them the news.

How did Zihou know that? !

If the news leaked out, it would be a big problem. I originally wanted to catch Yan Song off guard. If Zihou could get the news, wouldn't it be more likely that Yan Song would already get the news at this time? Then how can you catch him off guard?

It was such a big deal that Yang Jisheng couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Ping'an was not sure at first, but now he is sure." Zhu Ping'an sighed softly, "Brother, don't be nervous. No one told Ping'an, Ping'an guessed it himself. Yesterday's Master's mother's birthday party, senior brother fasted and did not eat meat or wine, and later he After listening to their senior brother mocking their uncle for protecting his own safety, Vincent and Ziwei said that their senior brother had something important to do the day after tomorrow so he was fasting. He drank too much wine at the Ping An birthday banquet and his head was dizzy. Thinking of what senior brother did at the birthday banquet, I suddenly broke into a cold sweat in surprise. If it weren't for the curfew, Ping An would have come to visit senior brother last night. Ping An knew that senior brother had no sacrifices or big gifts at home recently. Thinking of senior brother's impeachment last year In front of Luan, he also fasted for three days in order to impeach with the intention of death. Before, when the senior brother impeached other officials, he had never been so prepared. Only when impeaching a powerful person like Qiu Luan, could he fast and express his intention with death. . Since then, the scope has been reduced a lot. In addition, Ping An knows his senior brother. He has always been unhappy with Yan Song's actions, so Ping An has made such speculations. In fact, Ping An was just guessing before his senior brother spoke. . But now it’s confirmed.”

"You are worthy of Zihou for knowing something from the smallest detail."

So that's it. Yang Jisheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and admired Zhu Pingan's keen sense of smell.

"Senior brother, this is why Ping An came here today." Zhu Ping An looked up at Yang Jisheng with a serious look on his face.

"I wonder what Zihou has to say? Sheng, I'm all ears." Yang Jisheng stood up from the table and raised his hands.

Just guessing that he might impeach Yan Song, Zhu Ping'an made a special trip to his house as soon as the curfew ended. Yang Jisheng was deeply moved by his good intentions.

Comparing it with what Zhang Juzheng and others did to protect themselves, pretend to be confused, and draw clear boundaries, Yang Jisheng felt even more emotional.

"Ping An, please think twice before acting, senior brother. I hope you will pay more attention, senior brother. Your immortal deeds will ultimately be done by deacons."

Zhu Pingan stood up, bowed, and spoke sincerely.

Zhu Ping'an knew very well that Yang Jisheng's impeachment would mean three years in prison, inhuman torture, separation between heaven and man forever, and no return.

I recall that when I first came to the capital to take the exam and had no way to stay at any inn, Yang Jisheng's heart-warming words on the ancient road, "Hey, that young man on horseback, if you don't mind, you can live with me" are still vaguely echoing in my ears.

Such a courageous person who was loyal to his country, prayed for his people, and was full of courage should not end in such a tragedy.

That's why Zhu Ping'an advised Yang Jisheng to think twice before acting, and he would like to pay more attention to the fact that immortal deeds should be done by deacons. That is to say: I hope that senior brother will think twice and increase his willingness to stay. After all, immortal achievements still need to be done by taking power. I hope Yang Jisheng can change his mind and remain useful to serve his family and country.

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