Rise From the Humble

Chapter 993: Falling back and settling for the next best thing

"Haha, Sheng, your qualifications are mediocre, and you are not a man of world knowledge or ability to govern the country. You can only do what you can; do it as a deacon. It is an immortal career. It is better for you, Zihou, to do such important things."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's persuasion, Yang Jisheng smiled and said cheerfully, the morning light had not yet shown, but his face was full of sunshine.

"Why do you say this, senior brother? During the period when senior brother was demoted to Didao, he established schools, dredged rivers, developed coal mines, and asked his wife to teach textile technology. He changed the style of the barbarians in Didao who were backward and ignorant of poetry and calligraphy. As a result, he was deeply supported by the local people of all ethnic groups and respectfully called his senior brother "Father Yang". When his senior brother left office, more than a thousand people from all the tribes in Didao were sent hundreds of miles away. The talent of his senior brother in governing the country can be seen at a glance. . If senior brother's qualifications are mediocre, then Ping An is just a piece of rotten wood. I hope senior brother will think twice."

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but persuade him again. He cited Yang Jisheng's achievements during his demotion to Didao as an example, and persuaded Yang Jisheng to think twice.

"Zi Hou, I am self-aware. What Dido did is not worth mentioning. Moreover, in the small area where Dido was, Sheng was already struggling and struggling, let alone governing the country and benefiting the world." Yang Jisheng shook his head with a smile. His eyes were firm and unmoved.

Even though Yang Jisheng was so determined and his heart was as solid as a rock, Zhu Pingan did not give up.

Zhu Ping'an knew very well what would happen to Yang Jisheng after his impeachment, and he could not just watch such a direct minister go to tragedy.

"Senior brother, Yan Song is the chief minister of the current dynasty, one person is less than ten thousand people, he has a prominent position, huge power, and many party members, all over the government and the public, they are the horns of each other, and he is deeply trusted by the emperor. This is the current trend, so we should not poke his edge. Senior brother, the general trend of the world is vast and powerful. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. I hope senior brother will think twice."

Zhu Pingan persuaded again, this time using Mr. Sun Yat-sen's famous saying, hoping to persuade Yang Jisheng.

"Okay, what a great world. The general trend of the world is great. Those who follow it will prosper and those who go against it will perish. You are worthy of Zihou. Such knowledge is the only talent that can navigate the world and govern the country. I am ashamed to be inferior. The Ming Dynasty has Zihou, you are here. , Sheng feels more at ease."

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's statement about the general trend of the world, Yang Jisheng couldn't help but praise the case.

Zihou, with young people like you who are knowledgeable and capable, Ming Dynasty has hope and a future.

As a result, Yang Jisheng's eyes became firmer.

When Zhu Pingan saw this, he couldn't help being stunned.

its not right!

Senior brother, you have grasped the wrong point!

At this moment, Zhu Pingan was really simple.

"Senior brother." After Zhu Pingan was stunned for a second, he took a deep breath and prepared to persuade again.

However, before Zhu Pingan's words of persuasion could be spoken, Yang Jisheng smiled and interrupted Zhu Pingan's words, speaking impassionedly, "Haha, Zihou, I know what you are going to say. However, how could Yan Song be so virtuous? He represents the general trend of the world. I think he is more or less a pseudo-powerful person in the world. From the perspective of prosperity, being honest and serving the public, bringing order to the world, and bringing order to the world will be the general trend of the world. Only by punishing the treacherous minister Yan Song will the general trend of the world be achieved."


Zhu Ping'an looked at Yang Jisheng. Yang Jisheng was majestic and majestic, like a big mountain, standing tall and unmoved by wind and rain.

Do it knowing you can't do it, be brave and fearless!

At this moment, Zhu Ping'an had to accept the fact: the sea can dry up, the rocks can break, the sky can collapse, and the earth can split. Yang Jisheng's determination to impeach Yan Song will never change. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, whether he was eloquent or eloquent, he could not change Yang Jisheng's determination to impeach Yan Song.


If Yang Jisheng could be convinced by him, would he still be the same Yang Jisheng who hates evil and has a strong nature? In Yang Jisheng's world, everything in the world can be measured by right and wrong. Integrity and integrity are right, corruption is wrong; it is right to appoint talents and be considerate of people's sentiments, and it is wrong and right to harm the loyal and bully the people. Whatever is good is bad, and what is bad must be corrected. If you don't correct it, then I will help you correct it, no matter who you are. Obviously, in Yang Jisheng's eyes, what Yan Song did was wrong by taking bribes, killing loyal people, neglecting his duties, and sitting back and watching the Tatars make trouble in Beijing. Then he must correct it. If you don't correct it, then I will help you correct it! Know what you can’t do but do it!


Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

"Zi Hou, a dignified seven-foot-tall man, how can he be like a little girl? Sheng Fei worked hard at night to prepare for the impeachment of a serious thief for two years. With this performance, he must strive to restore peace to our Ming Dynasty." Yang Jisheng had a bright face and encouraged Zhu Pingan impassionedly.

In response, Zhu Pingan squeezed out a smile on his face and sighed silently in his heart.

Senior brother, if I were not from modern times hundreds of years later, and if I didn’t know history, I would still be as sunny and impassioned as you.

"Haha, please relax, Zihou. No matter how thick the clouds are or how dark the sky is, the sun will still rise as usual." Seeing this, Yang Jisheng couldn't help but smile, patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder, and said in a comforting voice.

Dark clouds are only temporary, even if it rains for several months, they will eventually dissipate and the sun will still rise as usual.

Yang Jisheng firmly believes in this.


The dark clouds will eventually clear!

Zhu Ping'an was touched by Yang Jisheng's spirit and cheered up. Since Yang Jisheng cannot be persuaded to give up impeachment, then change his thinking. Since he cannot change the fate of impeachment, then change the trajectory of impeachment.

Historically, Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Yan Song was actually very effective. It is said that Yan Song was greatly frightened when he received the memorial of Yang Jisheng's death impeachment. When he heard the words "Maybe ask the two kings", under the reminder of his son Yan Shifan, Yan Song suddenly became enlightened and laughed up to the sky. The cold sweat on his body suddenly disappeared and he was completely relieved. Then, Yan Song rushed to Xiyuan without stopping to plead guilty. In name, he was asking for forgiveness, but in fact, he was framed and attacked Yang Jisheng based on the six words "The emperor may ask the two kings".

Emperor Jiajing was originally very angry about the sentence "The emperor may ask the two kings" in Yang Jisheng's memorial. This violated two taboos of Jiajing. The first taboo is "two dragons do not meet." I am a dragon, and so is my son. Dragon, two dragons must be injured when they meet. You, Yang Jisheng, asked me to ask my son what your intentions are; the second taboo is "the officials are not allowed to get too close to the vassal king." The great ancestor system stipulates that the vassal king will not With the permission of the emperor, you are not allowed to interfere in politics, and all ministers are strictly prevented from contacting the vassal king. Now you, Yang Jisheng, said, "The emperor may ask the two kings" and asked my son to testify for you. What do you mean? This is not an obvious statement that you and I are in private. Is my son exposed to ventilation? How can I bear it?

Coupled with Yan Song's false accusations and accusations, Emperor Jiajing became even more furious and ordered Yang Jisheng to be imprisoned and eventually abandoned the market.

In other words, the direct reason for the failure of Yang Jisheng's impeachment was the words "maybe ask the two kings"!

Since Yang Jisheng cannot be persuaded to give up impeachment, then help Yang Jisheng improve the memorial and remove the hidden danger of "maybe asking the two kings".

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