Rise From the Humble

Chapter 994 Please punish the traitor and ministers

"Sheng, I wrote an eight-legged article a few days ago. If Zihou has time, he might as well help Sheng correct it."

Halfway through breakfast, when Zhu Pingan was still thinking about how to mention the memorial, Yang Jisheng took out a folded piece of rice paper from his arms, claiming that it was an eight-part essay written by him, and asked Zhu Pingan to help him correct it.

Eight-part essay?

Zhu Ping'an was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his heart skipped a beat. This so-called "eight-legged essay" should be Senior Brother Yang's memorial.


When Zhu Pingan took the "eight-legged" piece from Yang Jisheng, he opened it and saw that it was exactly what he thought.

"Please punish the traitors and ministers"

The five large characters with iron paintings and silver hooks at the beginning of the cover are like a backbone of iron bones, rushing toward your face.

After reading, Zhu Pingan looked up at Yang Jisheng. Yang Jisheng smiled slightly and motioned Zhu Pingan to continue looking down.

So, Zhu Pingan flipped through the text and continued reading:

"Yang Jisheng, the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, would like to report: In order to express my gratitude to God and sacrifice his life to repay the favor, I pray for the Holy Judgment to kill the traitors, cunning and treacherous officials, and to use the power of the Qing Dynasty to prevent border troubles. I am the former charioteer of the Ministry of War. A minister, Wailang, remonstrated with the horse market, but his words were not timely and his words were missing. He should be imprisoned. Ni Luan, a powerful subordinate, questioned the officials. He broke his fingers and pinched his tibia. He was bound to die. He was blessed by His Majesty's grace. , was punished with a small punishment and was demoted. Within two years, he was promoted to his current position. I am extremely lucky that I am a lonely and sinful minister, and I am not dead in the hands of Ni Luan. And the transfer is so fast, the emperor will be reborn in the years that have passed from now on. The body; all the officials who have passed since now are the positions bestowed by the emperor. I have received this great favor, and everything will be beneficial to the country. I can repay him in case of death. Although I have no regard for death, I will only be afraid of sacrificing my life day and night. There is no way to retaliate, and there is no rush to ask the traitor ministers to be killed. Kuang Chen is an official in the army, and his duty is to punish thieves. However, thieves are not specialized in foreign troubles. Anyone who is harmful to the people of the country is called a thief..."

This is the first time that Zhu Pingan has seen Yang Jisheng's original version of "Please punish the traitors and ministers". Zhu Pingan has not read the original text of Yang Jisheng's memorial in modern times, but only knows the general idea of ​​the memorial and some key points.

Zhu Ping'an read it very carefully, carefully considering every word and sentence, and studied whether there were any other taboos in the memorial besides the taboo of "maybe asking the two kings".

This first paragraph explains the background and there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhu Ping'an continued to read the second paragraph: "I think Yan Song, a great scholar, steals power and misleads the country and the people. He is the greatest thief in the world! Nowadays, thieves outside are only worried about the border, and thieves inside But Yan Song is the most powerful. Thieves are bandits on the border, and they are also the cause of scabies; thieves of Song are bandits in the door and courtyard, and they are harmful to the intimate. There are internal and external thieves, and the attack should be sequential. If there are no internal thieves, the thieves can be eliminated. Therefore, I request that the thief Song be punished before the thief and bandits are eliminated. Moreover, Song's crimes are so widespread that gods and men are indignant. Xu Xueshi, Shen Lian, Wang Zongmao, etc. often impeach him, but they all say that Song is a small amount of corruption. But he is not guilty of plagiarism."

In the second paragraph, Yang Jisheng got to the point and criticized Yan Song's crimes. He said that Xu Xueshi, Shen Lian, Wang Zongmao and others only impeached Yan Song for minor crimes such as corruption, but did not impeach Yan Song for the serious crime of transgression.

Although this paragraph contains Senior Brother Yang's personal emotions, overall, there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhu Ping'an continued to look down, and then he got to the point.

Yang Jisheng painstakingly and courageously wrote more than 3,000 words to expose the ten major crimes and five major traitors of Yan Song's dictatorship and treason.

Zhu Ping'an summarized it while reading. Yang Jisheng exposed Yan Song's ten major crimes in the memorial as follows:

A major crime: Emperor Taizu of our dynasty saw the dangers of the prime minister's autocratic power, so he dismissed the prime minister and appointed cabinet ministers and advisers. However, the traitor Yan Song took the emperor's power and invaded the affairs of Baisi. He always regarded himself as the prime minister, although he did not have the name of the prime minister. However, he has the reality of being a prime minister and has great power. Every time an official is promoted, before thanking the emperor for his kindness, he must first thank him. Because they know that the power comes from him, they only fear to flatter him. This is how bad ancestors came to be.

The second major crime: Yan Song, the thief of the Holy Emperor. Whenever the Holy One appoints a person, Thievesong will go around and say that this person is recommended in my draft book; every time His Majesty removes someone, Thief Song will say that this person is not diligent in accompanying me, so I removed him in the draft book; Every time the Holy One showed leniency to someone, Thief Song would say that he had saved him in his draft book; every time His Majesty punished someone, Thief Song would go around and tell people that this person had offended him, so he took revenge in the draft book. Song, the thief, always relied on the joy and anger of the Holy Emperor to exert unbridled power and blessing, so the officials felt more grateful for Song's benefits than the Emperor's favor, and feared Song's power more than they feared the Emperor's punishment. Since the power of giving up rewards and punishments belongs to Song, and all ministers and workers, big and small, are attached to Song, will Song's heart become bolder and more wanton? Stealing the power from the king.

Three major sins: Whenever His Majesty has good governance, the thieves will say that it was his suggestion, and that he is robbing and destroying the merits of the Holy One.

The four major crimes: the thief Song Zongzi usurped the imperial power and entrusted heavy power to his son Yan Shifan, so there was a rumor in the capital that "the great prime minister and the small prime minister".

Five major crimes: stealing Song's public weapons for personal use, wantonly promoting officials and nobles to relatives and private parties, and impersonating the military merits of the imperial court.

Six deadly sins: Thief Song accepted bribes wantonly and cited traitorous ministers such as Zhao Daying and Gao Botai, causing harm to the world.

Seven Deadly Sins: Foreign invaders invade, thieves are afraid of fighting, and miss the country's military aircraft.

The Eight Deadly Sins: The thief Song controls the power of the government. Those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish.

Nine Deadly Sins: Civil and military officials are promoted, but regardless of the amount of bribes, corruption and exploitation are prevalent in the world and have greatly lost the hearts of the world.

Ten major sins: Since the time when Thieves Song became the leader, bribery has become a common practice in both government and the public, and the official style is not upright. Officials rely on opportunism to get things done, corrupting customs, and creating a chaotic atmosphere.

After Zhu Pingan studied the ten deadly sins word by word, he found that the sixth crime among the ten major sins was Zhao Daying, Gao Botai and others whom he had impeached as examples of Yan Song's acceptance of bribes.

This is probably one of the influences caused by the flapping of my own butterfly wings.

Although these ten crimes are slightly exaggerated, they are all facts. Yang Jisheng tore off all the fig leaves and pointed directly at Yan Song's deep sins, especially the first three crimes. It is no wonder that in history, Yan Song saw Yang Jisheng's memorial. Finally, I broke out in a cold sweat.

However, after studying the Ten Deadly Sins, Zhu Ping'an still had a vague feeling that Senior Brother Yang's impeachment of Yan Song's Ten Deadly Sins seemed to involve the emperor.

In Senior Brother Yang's memorial, Yan Song seemed to have become a powerful traitor, a bit like Cao Cao who held the emperor hostage to order the princes.

Since ancient times, treacherous ministers have appeared from faint kings.

Even more powerful.

Only a cowardly and foolish king can be powerful and traitorous.

If he was a wise king, how could he be so deceived by his ministers? How could such a powerful monarch be overtaken by his ministers?

However, it is also possible that I am overthinking, or it is my own misunderstanding, because I know that Yang Jisheng in history incurred the wrath of the Holy Spirit because of this memorial, so if I look at this memorial with this preconceived understanding, I may There is this illusion.

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